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Author Topic: Star Wars 1313  (Read 1228 times)

Lyn Farel

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Star Wars 1313
« on: 24 Sep 2012, 09:51 »

While we were speaking about The Last of Us, I totally randomly came accoss this new title with this vid. In the same vein of action/adventure games with incredible graphics and sceneries like if you were in a movie.

Usually I don't really care about StarWars titles since I have lost most of my faith in the license and the series of crap they have released past 2000, but that new title sure got me hooked. They speak about a gritty, grimdark StarWars set in the Coruscant underground and places we have never seen but always known they existed, with a mature setting and a focus on human like powers and bounty hunter gimmicks rather than supernatural Force power. At last.

Interesting to note that it's a PEGI 18 Star Wars. They better not disappoint >.>

lallara zhuul

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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2012, 11:38 »

The problem for me with Star Wars has not been Force or the inane storylines.

It has been the aesthetic.

It is a bit too... superfluous.
Practicality is nowhere to be found and by now just about everything made in the Star Wars 'style' just looks horrible to me.

If you have watched the Clone Wars series at all you will see it much stronger there.

The original trilogy really did not have it that much, but since then more and more of it has been added to the franchise.

Which is just meh.

Like the Force Unleashed stuff were pretty fun, the old Jedi stuff we're nice as well. the old comics, just about everything pre-2000 was bearable.

Now its just something done and over with.

From blaster sounds to the overall design of the droids, the walls with their stupid excess three line thingies, wookies bleating, useless armors and weapons that do not hit anything.

Well, at least for me.

A universe where it seems logical to create a clone army from the most incompetent bounty hunter that has ever lived kind of loses its luster after a few decades.

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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2012, 12:16 »

Well, I worte this all done and then noticed I had gone on a bit of a rant.  So, you have been warned, this is all IMHO, YMMV, and I doo not intend to offend anyone.  Oh, and MTFBWY.

Huh, I think I'm getting to the same conclusion from the other direction.  I don't think I'll like 1313 because its not Star Wars to me, its Call of Duty/Battlefield/insert random shooter here with blasters.  IMHO, Star Wars isn't supposed to be serious, at least I don't take it as such.  Its Buck Rodgers and Flash Gorden with a bit of 7 Samari thrown in.  Its supposed to be big and flashy with princesses to rescue and smugglers to cheat, and where no one but the heros shoot straight.  That's why I still like the Clone Wars series, even if I grip about some of the stories they have going (peaceful mandlorians?  Give me a break).  That's why I have no hate for Jar-Jar (yes hes annoying as all heck, but he fits, you know, he's the bumbling sidekick).  And that's why I refused to read any of the books after the New Jedi Order, which was bad enough in my opinion, it wasn't Star Wars, it was too techy, too political and too painful (after a certain jedi died instead of getting the girl, I was just going through the motions for the rest of the series). 

So yeah, I don't mind my Star Wars being a little adult (I loved the Republic Commando series, and the X-wing series, both of which are more 40s war sci-fi,  than 30s pop, but they still had fun parts) but from what little I've seen of 1313, I'm just not feeling it.  For me, I think The Old Republic will be the last Star Wars game for me, I just hope it lasts a while after it goes F2P.  Well, unless someone at Lucasarts gets up and continues the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jun 2013, 10:50 »



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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jun 2013, 11:59 »

Wow, a Star Wars game I could have gotten into and it gets canned.



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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jun 2013, 12:25 »

Apparently Disney new corporate policy is to be a crap company.

Well, at least I can boycott purchases of Disney products for my daughter.
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Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jun 2013, 12:30 »

Not sad we won't be getting Gears of Starwars.

What we -do- need is a more Privateer style smuggling game.  Blockade running! Get in debt to the Hutts! Dump your cargo at the first sign of Imperials!


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Re: Star Wars 1313
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jun 2013, 13:26 »

Not sad we won't be getting Gears of Starwars.

What we -do- need is a more Privateer style smuggling game.  Blockade running! Get in debt to the Hutts! Dump your cargo at the first sign of Imperials!

Throw in with the rebel scum! Get frozen in carbonite! Fall in love with the princess! Suspect the princess of having a thing for her own brother! (that she did not know about, but hey, semantics :D)