Hello everyone. Those of you who know me, know that I tend to get bored with what I'm doing in EVE every summer. Before I started RPing, it was typically the time of year when I was most likely to drop roles and join whatever corp/alliance seemed fresh and exciting at the time. However, this year, my current RP characters are staying put, they're in nice stable homes and I want to keep them there. So I'll be RPing with an older character of mine (40mil SP) while I search for something fun to do. I'm mostly looking to avoid highsec mining/missions as that's been the primary focus with my other characters for a long time. FW tends to burn me out. That said, if your idea is exciting enough, I'll do it!
Before I start searching through the Eve Corporate Recruitment forum I'd like to check for any shiny opportunities, I'd like to check with the RP community first.
Are you starting a new project?
Think your corp is fresh and exciting and you're looking for a recruit?
Are you looking for someone to help backup or flesh out your RP?
Please respond here or send me an evemail!