Well, well. It's looking like the next few decades of space exploration are going to be corporate.
Yay further signs of an incipient cyberpunk reality?
Considering the rather pathetic showing the governments of our various nations have put on so far (space stations and mars rover? Sure, awesome, but that's it?!?) over the last fifty years or so, I'm inclined to take progress where I can get it. We were supposed to have colonies on Mars by now...and we could have had them, too, if we had really tried. Instead we got...other stuff.
So if we end up with MacroRoid Mining Supplies farming the belts and Halliburton constructing habitats on Mars, while Comcast installs transmissions relays on the moon and Phobos, I won't complain. If we're lucky, private companies getting into space will spur the governments of our various nations to also head out there. If we aren't, well, maybe we end up with the RL version of the Caldari State or something. But that will still be better than all of humanity's eggs being in the earth basket.
I don't really hold to much, but I'd like the human experiment to go on, with all its violence, hatreds, and competition. However we make it to the stars, simply being there will prove our right to them.