While in Curse we used interceptor/dram or other fast thing to decloak and bump those things. Takes practice to do it but you can. Remote Sebos was the thing we fucked over cloaky transports in FORTRESS KINAKKA when we were really bored. Worked. Won't anymore as well I guess. With frigates for pirates unusable still on gates in lowsec, lowsec is gonna be pretty much a safe zone for any cloakers - unless you are in FW, those instalock-thrashers do nasty things to stealthbombers.
TE nerf, I can understand that. Actually been anticipating that. After all my AC Machariel will hurt you from 70km away, and I can kite you in a Cynabal at 40km.
Jumpfreighter issue...
It cots 8bil to get one, and I can tell life in nul and low would be hell of a lot more annoying if you didn't have one of those. Speaking from the perspective of a small nul/low entity. Jumpfreighters are expensive quality of life improvements that just retract from the amount of carrier jumps you have to do - or Rorqual jumps. I own one, moving one isn't exactly a picnic of fun times, it also stupidly easy to catch those unless you are careful with them as they have zero defenses. I could get the same effect with my three carriers but this is much more convenient even if more risky.
A lot of the factional warfare hotspots in lowsec that do have supplies in them for people, how do you think the supplies get there to begin with?