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That "Perfection ain't all it's cracked up to be" is an Angel Cartel saying? (Region Description)

Author Topic: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)  (Read 844 times)


  • Egger
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[Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« on: 25 Mar 2013, 06:49 »

So... I've reworded this to make it a little more clear...
It's still Heavily OOC, but enough people have gathered the basics so far.

Early warning... It's long.


Name: Unit XS365BT 'Yuni' Formerly Bethol Jan Kozer
Eyes: Occular implant
Hair: Black
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 Lbs

Character concept - Basics: Yuni and her sisters are human conciousness merged with a drone AI, created by an unknown drone hive, deep in the drone regions. This hive, once it had created Unit, sent them to a nearby large deadspace pocket, and left them there, each one linked to a basic drone construct. the drone AI within them noted that they were close to defenceless, and began upgrading from nearby wreckage and asteroid materials.

While their creation was likely for a purpose directly linked into the 'Mysterious plan' of the rogue drones, the true reasons for their creation were lost when the drone hive in question lost all contact with them, Unit has assumed that this hive has been destroyed by internal drone conflict or capsuleer intervention.

The human side of Unit members were originally members of Taskforce Leonidas, a part of the Code Aria incursions into the drone regions. Yuni herself was the Taskforce leader, one Bethol Jan Kozer, while other capsuleers from the taskforce make up the remaining members of the group.

With no further contact from the drone that had remade them as Unit, the only guiding influences left for the members of unit were their memories and the Directives that they had spent years upholding as officers in CONCORD. They soon came to the realisation that in their current forms they would not only be outmatched my the vast majority of capsuleers but would also be hunted by their former employers, as they were now for all intents, Rogue Drones.

Thus began a 3 year process of scavenging across the cluster. using small easily hidden observation drones, simillar in many respects to the probes used by capsuleer forces, they sought out abandoned battlefields and wreckage. It was during one of these searches that they located and gained access to a clonebay from a derelict titan.

During this time, their drone bodies had grown in size with the additional parts that had been scavenged and it was decided that a more secure location should be found. the search for such a place was concluded when the Seylin event occurred. Travelling into a nearby low class wormhole, Unit found a system untouched by human hands, and began construction of a small station in orbit of a nearby temperate planet. Dubbing the wormhole system 'Binary Haven' the members of Unit Commune had found a home.

Soon after their initial colonisation of the system Unit came into contact with Sleeper drones for the first time. at first there was no direct confrontation between the two forces, and Unit's observers were able to leave without being destroyed, however the initial data showed vastly improved technology upon the sleeper units compared to the drones Unit was capable of creating itself.

As initial construction of their station was underway, Unit SI217TA, the first designated resouce management officer of Unit Commune began searching for sources of minerals that were not defended, soon finding a small site within close proximity to the 4th planet of Haven. travelling to the site under escort from her own flights of combat drones, Unit SI217TA began to extract the required minerals from the asteroids. Within minutes, the Sleepers had arrived and attacked.

While Unit SI217TA did not survive the encounter, the arrival of reinforcements led by Unit XS365BT defeated the Sleeper drones and opened a new chapter in their existence. It was after this encounter that Unit Commune began to search both Anoikis and the new eden cluster for ancient technologies to examine, research and incorporate into both their own bodies and the drones they created to serve them.

Many pieces of sleeper and other various ancient race technologies have since been located, including advanced jovian cloaking devices used to cloak wreckage in the vicinity of the EvE gate. It was with this new technology that they were able to follow the news feeds from the new eden cluster without being found. It also allowed them to begin research into the formation of the wormholes that led from Haven to New eden and in the end, was what has, for the time being trapped them within Haven.

During attempts to study the wormhole leading to new eden, various energies were released in the vicinity of the wormhole, The end result of which was a partial collapse of the wormhole they were studying. While it stabilised prior to it's full collapse the maximum diameter of the wormhole was fixed at approximately 3 metres. This was far too small to allow the ever expanding physical forms of the Unit commune members to return to New Eden. The timing of the collapse proved to be detrimental to Unit's ability to uphold it's Directives.

Several months after the initial combat against the sleepers and partial collapse of the wormhole leading to their system, The station had been completed, a breathable atmosphere created within it and the clone bay onlined within, a successful transition to the new eden cluster was made by an observer drone. The news from the cluster was not good, Nation had been reborn, and with it had come a threat to the cluster that required Unit to act.

Directive One, The direct protection of the 5 signatory nations of the Yulai convention required that they act, Knowing that they could not transfer themselves physically to the new eden cluster a compromise was envisioned. Each of the suriving members of Unit Commune created a clone, based upon their original DNA (as members of taskforce Leonidas) and implanted a nano-tranciever into their minds. Several other forms on nanite based enhancements were added to their bodies, including a subdermal nanomesh, muscle and bone reinforcement and upgrades to the digestive tract to allow mild radioactive substances to be used as nanite fuel. The eyes of Unit Commune clone bodies were also replaced to allow a much broader range of visual abilites.

Now armed with a means to transition back to the new eden cluster and with a mission to stand against the rise of Nation and other threats to the cluster, Unit XS365BT was sent through the wormhole. A large quantity of compressed Arkonor was soon sent after, the ISK from the sale of the arkonor was then used to purchase an honourary graduation from the UoC.

The Commune project, as it has come to be known, consits of the 12 remaining members of Unit Commune, and the clones they have covertly implanted into the cluster. Standing originally in direct opposition to Nation, Unit members have been known to stand against percieved lawless behaviour and, in an almost ironic turn of events, repeatedly suggest that other capsuleers do not attempt to breach Directive Omega One Five.

Often dismissed as simply 'another demented capsuleer' Yuni and the other members of Unit commune work towards the day when they are able to return to active duty in CONCORD, alongside their hope that they can one day repair or defeat the damaged drone hive known as 'Alvus'.

Unit members continue to seek further technological improvements for themselves, their drone bodies and the drones they make, believing firmly in the fact that humanity is the key to the further evolution of dronekind.


So, opinions, feedback etc??


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:13 »

 :|..... :eek:...... 8)...... :eek: :eek:

These were the stages of my facial expression as I read.

Want moar. MOAR.


  • Egger
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:28 »

There is not MOAR... this is the pre-character creation history of Unit Commune.

Though i am not personally that good at writing longer sci-fi works that would expand upon this, should anyone wish to expand upon it, please contact either me on here, or Yuni in game... If we can agree on how it should be expanded upon then i'd be more than happy for someone to see if they can expand upon Unit's history from the Unit PoV



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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #3 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:31 »

The ONLY possible hang up is the ancient tech stuff. I can understand integrating sleeper components because they're so widely available. The only thing is that Jovian stuff. The normal rogue drones couldn't detect the cloaked eve gate wrecks, let alone the machine responsible for cloaking them. How would Unit Commune? Some people might say it's giving them a bit too much of an edge. You could say the Commune was INTERESTED in the rumors of such tech and would research further to determine its location and applications/etc. But so far, the Jove cloaking stuff is OOC info...I think.


  • Egger
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #4 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:35 »

it was after the events of TEA, where the amarr got close enough to decloak some stuff...

marcus jror said the jove had gone to great lengths to cloak 'this stuff' yet they hadn't done a thing to stop him now that he had decloaked a load of it.

no mention was made of him taking the cloakytech, just the terran weapon and 5 shots worth of ammo.

I decided to handwave the terran tech by considering that he took the only 'working' module ... don't want to go so far as to say that Unit had access to terran stuff... that stuff makes the jovians look like they have NERF guns.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #5 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:37 »

It still begs the question of what the cloaky modules were...I dunno. Maybe you can make it work if you don't make a lot of direct references IC en masse. Maybe a few people in a personal story arc. But meh.


  • Egger
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #6 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:41 »

The only IC reference used is that the tech has been repurposed for Unit's stealth drone model.. codenamed the Wraith drone.

That one confused Rek for a short time. :P

obviously it's RP fluff, as the capsuleer ships Yuni uses can't control the drones that are being made and used in Binary Haven.  (and there are no stealth variant in game drone assets... yet.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #7 on: 25 Mar 2013, 07:42 »

In that case it's probably fine. It's not giving Unit Commune some crazy advantage over everyone else so \o/

Midi A

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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (re-worded)
« Reply #8 on: 27 Mar 2013, 19:23 »

I liked this a lot.  Having spent a year in w-space and another in Cobalt Edge, it seems like you grew up right under my nose.
I always knew that rogue drone AI was a cut above...proven by the fact that of all the rats I've harvested, they were the only ones to defeat a speed tank by moving apart to minimize the angular velocity relative to some of their numbers.  Everybody else just clumped up and fired away.
I got a great pic of a Hive Mother if you're interested.  She's quite a piece of work.