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Author Topic: Getting into the Pod  (Read 5739 times)

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #45 on: 10 Apr 2013, 12:56 »

Also Khanid being the magnificent bastard he is, is not likely to let tradition of ANY sort stand in the way of what he wants.

Ritual Suicide? LOL no thanks losers. *steals region*

No cloning? LOl no thanks losers. *facelifts for everyone!*

I can totally see that. Be an interesting basis for some Khanid RP...


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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #46 on: 10 Apr 2013, 14:23 »

The Capsuleer issue in Dogma...

..well...stay tuned. All I can say right now.  :twisted:

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Samira Kernher

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #47 on: 10 Apr 2013, 17:36 »

From a sheerly political point of view, considering all the benefit the Amarr Empire get out of loyal capsuleers, I'd imagine they have come to terms with some way to make it okay. At the very least, "And God show mercy to our brother Graelyn, who has taken upon himself the mantle of sin to safeguard the faithful..."

Depends on who you're talking to. The Death article on EVElopedia states that there is a growing belief that the soul transfers to the new body. So, many Amarr capsuleers have probably begun to follow that belief.

Samira is traditional though, and believes that her original soul died with her original body. She thinks that if her new body does have a soul, it's a manmade soul and thus unworthy of heaven.

As for the pod, I view it as it was described in The Jovian Wetgrave. You get hooked up to cables, get the skullcap put on, then get into the pod and have it fill with goo. In Wetgrave this all required aids, though I imagine it's automated with machinery in modern capsules. Once inside the pod, you can activate the neural link to your ship. Though that's one thing I like to play with... the idea that the neural link is not automatically active and you have to manually "turn it on". This is shown in Wetgrave, where the Caldari officer describes getting claustrophobic in the pod after he's locked inside of it all hooked up and surrounded by goo, but without any systems active.

[spoiler]But he could still breath through his nose. He couldn't see and he couldn't hear. All he felt was this cold, sticky fluid all around him. He was inside the capsule! Pirkotan slowly ran his hands over the inner surface of the capsule. It was very smooth and Pirkotan found no seams or cracks, or any controls or buttons for that matter. The capsule was tightly closed and no discernible way to open it from the inside. Pirkotan was not normally claustrophobic, but now he felt panic rise within him and he wanted to scream and run. But he could do neither; the thick fluid hindered all fast movements and when Pirkotan opened his mouth it was instantly filled with the strange-tasting bluish liquid. Pirkotan was forced to swallow it so he could breath again. Pirkotan tried to calm himself down, but when nothing happened for what seemed like eternity he once again despaired. He had read about people being accidentally buried alive in olden times and now he felt like they must have; this capsule, this thing, felt like a wet grave, burying him. 'Is this the end?' Pirkotan thought. 'Maybe the machine has malfunctioned, maybe they can't get me out!'[/spoiler]

Samira actually prefers this "state" over being fully connected to the ship as being all cooped up in a tiny shell makes her feel safe, and regularly sits in her pod while docked with connections only to very basic things (like GalNet and so on).

Also, another thing I do is RP that the pod has a tiny cargo hold. Not big enough for anything special, but enough to fit a set of clothes and maybe a few other small items like some basic rations. Since if you dock at a station you've never been at, it'd be kind of awkward having to wait for clothes and such to be delivered to you from your ship.

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #48 on: 10 Apr 2013, 17:44 »

I've always assumed the "little cargo hold", too. Maybe just something as simple as a place in the pod to strap down a goo-proof suitcase.

Ché Biko

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #49 on: 10 Apr 2013, 21:36 »

Oxygen use is also decreased by having the pod provide some of the energy required for essential processes (like brain functions), further decreasing oxygen requirements.
Actually, energy as used by body is in the form of a substance called ATP, adenosine triphosphate. It is synthethised in the muscles by "burning" sugar. The easiest way, thus, is to inject sugar, oxygen and nutrients intravenously. Possibly scrub carbon dioxide from the bloodstream to reduce the need to actually breathe. Canonically, the pod fluid is supposed to take care of infections, nutrients and oxygen, and assumably comes thru the digestive system as mostly itself. A Jove did it.
Could it not be possible for the pod to provide the ATP?


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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #50 on: 11 Apr 2013, 00:31 »

Oxygen use is also decreased by having the pod provide some of the energy required for essential processes (like brain functions), further decreasing oxygen requirements.
Actually, energy as used by body is in the form of a substance called ATP, adenosine triphosphate. It is synthethised in the muscles by "burning" sugar. The easiest way, thus, is to inject sugar, oxygen and nutrients intravenously. Possibly scrub carbon dioxide from the bloodstream to reduce the need to actually breathe. Canonically, the pod fluid is supposed to take care of infections, nutrients and oxygen, and assumably comes thru the digestive system as mostly itself. A Jove did it.
Could it not be possible for the pod to provide the ATP?
It would be quite impractical, considering there is already a mechanism to deal with carbohydrates etc. After a quick search, it appears that terminal cancer patients may be fed with ATP (there are some experiments). It appears that only 64% of the patients are side effect free. (Which means that 36% suffer side effects.)

Quote from: WebMD
Adenosine appears to be safe for most people when given by injection by qualified healthcare givers. It can cause breathing problems and chest pain, particularly when given at high doses. Headache, heart pounding, low blood pressure, nausea, sweating, flushing, lightheadedness, sleep problems, coughing, and anxiety can also occur.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of adenosine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Gout: ATP can raise the level of uric acid in the blood stream and in the urine, and this might trigger a case of gout. Gout causes red, hot, tender, swollen joints. The joint that is most often affected is at the base of the big toe.

Heart disease: ATP can cause reduced blood flow to the heart and chest pain. It might worsen symptoms in patients with heart diseases such as chest pain and heart attack.
Also, ATP molecule has rather weak bonds and will break up (which is why if administered, it must be taken intravenously - otherwise, it'll break up in the stomach).

Laria Raven

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #51 on: 11 Apr 2013, 09:00 »

So. Uh. I had a bit of a moment and wrote this, drawing heavily on bits that other people have said, and I liked.

Laria always showers before entering the pod, if there's time. It's become more than a habit, verging on a ritual. Hairband looped over her left wrist, her hands gather her hair into a high ponytail, baring the port at the base of her skull. Then boots, trousers, overshirt, t-shirt. Always that order, folding neatly into the canister that will be carried with her pod. Underwear last, laid on the top of the pile like a benediction.

She turns her back on her clothes, on her quarters, and steps through the shower, eyes closed, letting the spray take away the dirt of the station, the invisible grime of being a human being. A second step, through the dryer, and then out onto the balcony that opens out onto the docking bay. She doesn't look. Her gaze fixes onto the pod, as if breaking her focus and acknowledging her surroundings would invalidate the cleansing. At the entrance to the pod, two technicians wait. When had she stopped recognising them as people? Stopped being bothered by being naked in front of them? It must have been around the time that she had fully accepted that she was a capsuleer, and that set her apart.

She reaches the entrance and turns around, pausing for a heartbeat before taking a step backwards, a step of faith in a way, letting herself fall into the seat. The technicians crouch over her, impersonally connecting pipes, offering the mask to her face. There's a moment of amusement as she opens her mouth to allow the tubing a path to enter her. There's a jolt, a shock through her body that spasms her muscles momentarily as the connections mate to the ports implanted along her spine. Her vision goes black, the feel of the cool air on her skin disappears. A small green dot pulses in the corner of her vision. Perhaps some capsuleers have other visions piped to them in this waiting period, but Laria likes the darkness, likes the feeling of disconnection. With her senses rerouted to the pod, she doesn't feel the movement as it lifts away from the balcony, doesn't feel the fluid filling the space around her, doesn't notice her body being suspended as the seat falls away. The pod's systems tell her mind that her body is breathing, fake the sensation of an occasional swallow. Laria changes the options from time to time, fiddling to find the right level. Sufficient stimulus that her reptile brain doesn't panic, not quite enough to hide the truth from her conscious mind.

There's a few seconds where she worries. Worries that something has gone wrong. Deaf, blind, mute and paralysed, she is vulnerable. But she has found that the vulnerability magnifies what comes next.

There's no warning. No gradual arrival of light into the tunnel of darkness. Sensation, stimulus, and input hit her in an ecstatic instant. The ship is alive. She is the ship. Her senses are the ships sensors, her vision that of the external cameras, of the drone cameras, a thousand feeds to process. For a moment, she lets it wash over her, feeling the ship's armaments, systems, defenses waking from slumber like a lazy morning with a familiar lover. Then she's working, narrowing down her focus to a few key views, the most important metrics and indicators. At the same time, she opens a channel to the station traffic control. Does she actually speak? She has wondered. Maybe there are never any soundwaves to carry her words. Maybe they only exist electronically, a simulcra of speech. Maybe she thinks about this too much, sometimes. "Kinakka control, this is Hurricane-class Battlecruiser "A Little Girl Lost", pilot Laria Raven, requesting permission to undock, outbound to Onnamon."

Saede Riordan > Yeah and Leopold is the human pond scum. Laria's alright...ish.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #52 on: 11 Apr 2013, 18:23 »

I like that a lot, Laria.  :D
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Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Getting into the Pod
« Reply #53 on: 11 Apr 2013, 19:40 »

Very nice indeed!
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.
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