So I'm working on some character sheets and other stuff for my toons and general enjoyment. I've come to the point where I'd need some Intaki words and terms to finish my stuff. This seemed like an easy idea at first, I'd go to the ILF's web-page and look around, I did recall they were working on a language some years ago.
Turns out they finished a whole, comprehensible and functional piece of awesome that was supposedly available from their site, at least it was,
october 26, 2011.
It would appear this is no longer the case, or I'm missing something that is rather obvious.
If anyone, and I mean anyone, have this document available for DL or know who I might get in touch with regarding getting a copy, I'd be very happy to hear from you. I've been mostly away for the last two years and more and right now, regret is like a suffocating cloud that follows me wherever I go, that I just can't escape from. Should have seen and DL'ed this years ago damn it!