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Author Topic: The Missing Reporters (mission)  (Read 967 times)


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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The Missing Reporters (mission)
« on: 05 Apr 2013, 23:09 »

I usually don't do missiosn Vs Amarr/Caldari, but jsut like last time the flavor of this one cought my interest.

Caldari Smugglers (1 of 3)

This incident comes at a very bad time. Political relations between our governments are extremely volatile at the moment, and there are rumors of war floating around everywhere. So I have explicit orders to tell you to keep this quiet. With your record I know I can trust you, ((lol)) don't speak of this to anyone. Just find the missing reporters, destroy their captors, return them to me and keep your mouth shut.

The first group of Gallente civilians went missing in [system] reporting on a story involving a group of Caldari Smugglers, who were said to have been smuggling armed terrorists to our stations in [system], to cause mayhem no doubt. I'll give you the coordinates to their last known position. Find them and bring them back, dead or alive. Their families must be informed of their fate, or they will never be at peace. If you find any hostiles at the scene, feel free to use deadly force.

Bad Timing (2 of 3)

One of the remaining reporters went missing in [system]. He was investigating reports that one of the political movements opposed to the Gallente Federation government's policy on the Audesder incident has been collaborating with the Amarr Empire. We have reason to believe that this information was flawed, and in fact the politicians in question have ties to the Angel Cartel which they've been adamantly denying. They own a small settlement in [system], which coincidentally is where the reporter went missing.

I would like you to pay a visit to this settlement and look for the missing reporter. If you find him you are authorized to use force, if necessary, to bring him back. Good luck.

Slavers Beware (3 of 3)

News of your heroic deeds have spread throughout the region after the interplanetary media organization The Scope aired a detailed report on your exploits. ((Ha ha, really)) The family of the reporter you rescued offer their utmost gratitude, and the families of those that had been killed are thankful that you at least discovered their fate.

Extra Information
You notice on a local news bulletin reports of an unidentified craft destroying a peaceful Minmatar convoy carrying medical and food supplies. The government refuses to comment, other than stating that they will do everything in their power to apprehend those responsible.

((I usually like more intel with my intel. The last mission asks you to go kill a bunch of Amarr slavers doing their thing, but none of that is mentioned in the briefing at all. First mission I've ever done where the agent did not actually tell me what he/she needed done. Weird.))