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a lone miner was detained and executed on 29.11YC105 for "suspicious curiosity" after asking passing Imperial Fleet ships "where they were going with all those guns".

Author Topic: [Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores  (Read 3148 times)


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[Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores
« on: 18 May 2010, 18:10 »

Σερϝιξε Ρεξορδ Φεδεραλ Ξομβινεδ Αρμεδ Φορξεσ

Released to the publics under the Armed Forces Transparency Act YC113
Το τη πυβλιξ ρελεασεδ υνδερ Αρμεδ Φορσης Τρανσπαρενσυ Ακτ YC113

Siyu Shan "Seriphyn" Inhonores

Nickname(s): Seriphyn, Centurion of Covryn
Born: 17th May YC84 (age 30), Unelvoivat Free State, Caldari Prime
Service/branch: Gallente Federation Marine Corps (100-109), Gallente Federation Navy (109-115), Gallente Federation Defence Union (110-114)
Years of service: 100-115
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current status: Medically discharged

Physical Profile: Standard male. Primarily mesomorphic build with active musculature and average height (179cm/80kg). Mixed ethnicity. Dark short-to-medium length hair. Brown eyes. Intermediate skin complexion. Clean shaven.

Main distinguishing feature is a collection of non-coloured Minmatar-style tattoos on the upper arms and shoulders, acquired during time in the Gallente Federation Marine Corps. Torso scars (including plasma burns and bullet wounds) are faded. Such markings are always transferred in clone animation and reanimation, through personal choice and the use of organic-grade biomass.
- AI Lieutenant Second Class MEDHEA 53624, Gallente Federation Navy Biomedical Corps

Personal History: Siyu Shan “Seriphyn” Inhonores was born in May 84 to Master Sergeant Augustus Inhonores of the Gallente Federation Army (now retired) and Commander Xiuying Inhonores GFN, amongst a subsistence community in rural Unelvoivat on Caldari Prime. He lived with his paternal family in Unelvoivat until his eleventh birthday, where he subsequently moved to the city of Hueromont on Gallente Prime. Inhonores lived with his uncle "Wong" in the old town/district of Easthaven.
During his adolescent years, Inhonores got involved with an Old Hueromont youth gang, which acted as a proxy on occasion for a Jin-Mei triad. In 99, he was arrested by the authorities and tried for various status and violent crimes. Under Federation Executive Order 14751 (see below), however, he was drafted into the Gallente Federation Marine Corps the following year as a judicial conscript in place of juvenile incarceration.
Marine Inhonores served approximately nine years in the GFMC, ultimately reaching the rank of Corporal. He saw tours in many theaters, including the outer Gallentean regions, Stain, and Lirsautton. His career was a mixed bag, being decorated and reprimanded almost in equal measure. In 109, he was transferred to the Gallente Federation Naval Academy as Ensign GFN after being successfully screened for hydrostatic capsule compliance. The screening took place on the request of Commodore Xiuying Inhonores GFN.
The outbreak of war with the Caldari State in June 110 saw Ensign Inhonores relinquish active service to be registered as an independent capsuleer, in order to be commissioned into the Federal Defence Union. He officially graduated from the Academy and was transferred to ready reserve status, being promoted to Sub-Lieutenant GFNR. Spending a year between private contracts with various corporations and the militia, Inhonores eventually became commanding officer of an FDU unit in September 111, in the wake of the major Federation defeats that had dominated prior months. From December that year way into 112, Inhonores' leadership and participation was crucial in the liberation of systems from Caldari State occupation.

Following these achievements, Inhonores rose in stature significantly, positively amongst several publics, and controversially within the capsuleer community. He achieved the FDU rank of Luminaire General in March 112. During the Sansha Resurgence in May that year, Inhonores received a personal stake in the conflict after an incursion in the Vevelonel star system, losing his fiancee and infant son to invading forces. They are believed to live on as True Creations commander, Slave Heavenbound02. These events increased Inhonores's fame and notoriety further.

Since then, Inhonores has continued serving the Federation military in various capacities. Most recently in midyear 114, he resigned his position from the Federal Defence Union, citing irreconcilable personal and moral differences with the activities of the capsuleer militia. He would serve as a Lieutenant Commander GFNR, carrying out operations in the humanitarian and local security spheres. In early 115, Inhonores would be dismissed from military service on medical grounds.
- Asl Ivalier, Federal Defence Department

Citizen Assessment: Lieutenant Commander Siyu Shan "Seriphyn" Inhonores is a widely considered a "common man's officer" by publics on multiple worlds, particularly communities that are registered on the Federal Poverty Index. He remains heavily integrated with the Gallentean publics, unlike the majority of capsuleers, though active public relations endeavours have minimalized in favour of his duties and obligations. Inhonores previously associated with the military-industrial complex during the 112 victories, but he has since distanced himself from mainstream political forces. Instead, he has aligned with anti-administration blocs, called a "military traditionalist" by various circles. Inhonores no longer appears amongst military recruitment material, but his notability has remained unchanged.

Inhonores is a single father, his daughter being popular preteen superstar Anette Inhonores. This is considered an additional facet of his reputation, on top of his well-publicized bereavement. He is seen as an icon of endurance, persistence, and parental values against the various threats weathered. His permanent residence is within the Orvolle star system.

Inhonores is an active sportsman in various ball games, such as kendu kanarma. He is in possession of civilian dropship and ground vehicle licenses.
- Senior Chief Petty Officer Tianne Frisisco, Gallente Federation Navy Information Corps

Psychological Evaluation: Lieutenant Commander Siyu Shan "Seriphyn" Inhonores has had a problematic upbringing and tumultuous career. While passing no judgement on the moral character of either mother Rear Admiral Xiuying Inhonores or father Augustus Inhonores, it is clear that the absence of parents and a stable family life during most of his childhood and adolescence has had a detrimental effect on his psychological maturation. It is understood that long-time childhood friend and late fiancee Rhea Heavenbound was the primary source of emotional and mental support for many years, until her untimely death in May YC112. However, upon assuming full parental responsibility of Anette Inhonores in that year, the Commander has exhibited relatively stronger degrees of emotional stability.
Outside of these private concerns, Commander Inhonores puts up a stable and highly professional front. His time as a capsuleer has seen his score on the Federation Cognitive scale rise dramatically from 49/2 (Poor) to 113/86 (Well Above Average), due to a combination of both neural adaptation to intelligence implants and a general development of academic ability overall. He can be considered loyal to his responsibilities and uniform first, though he maintains his long-established disdain for authority, especially political. Resentment of the self has nurtured the creation of a "hero complex", where Inhonores will impulsively risk his life or otherwise act altruistically for anyone from civilians to enemy combatants. This brashness is coupled with a morally inflexible nature.  Inhonores refuses to accept any means-to-an-end moralities, and is more concerned with doing what he considers immediate good instead of considering long-term consequences. Nonetheless, this self-imposed high moral standard coupled with a conscious awareness of his actions as a capsuleer has made him popular amongst citizens and soldiers alike, whom he appears to lead by charisma and example.
Commander Inhonores possesses the near-universal traits of exhibiting separate behavioural patterns via artificial communication mediums (such as FTL or GalNet) than in person. It can be assumed that hostile behaviour to other pilots via FTL/GalNet is due to an exhibited resentment of capsuleers overall. In instances of interacting in person, he is a friendly and confident individual who is polite and courteous, even to enemies. However, he is prone to physical aggression when either his person or moral code is antagonized. Only rarely is he capable of more restrained and non-violent responses to personal antagonism.
- Doctor Jax Jallana, Dultiver Health Service
Medical Records: Fit and healthy. No physical ailments known. Pre-natal gene therapy undertaken by parents to produce desirable aesthetic qualities. Small amount of cybernetic augmentations in addition to standard capsuleer suite, including muscle actuators, haemostasis accelerators and ocular enhancements. Minimal bioelectric consumption. Other augmentations remain undisclosed.
Commander Inhonores has refused diagnosis of depression and/or other psychological disorders on multiple occasions. However, he has voluntarily submitted himself for joint Federation/CONCORD monitoring of his capsuleer implants, due to an assumed neurological connection with Slave Heavenbound02, and a corresponding threat of mindlock.
- AI Lieutenant Second Class MEDHEA 53624, Gallente Federation Navy Biomedical Corps

Legion of Valour
Silver Sword
Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal
Forces Long Service Medal
Emerald Heart
Order of the Chevalier
Distinguished Gallantry Medal
Other accoutrements
Forces Education Commendation
14 Deployment Diamonds
MTAC Operator Badge (G-Grade)
MTAC Maintenance Badge (B-Grade)
Intervention Forces Badge (B-Grade)
Peacekeeper Badge (G-Grade)
Marine Boarding Ops Badge (A-Grade)
Naval Academy Badge (G-Grade)
Capsule Pilot Badge (A-Grade)
Reservist Insignia

Promotion assignments
Private Second Class (GFMC) - 19 May 100
Private First Class - 17 May 102
Lance Corporal - 3 Oct 104
Corporal - 11 Jan 107
Cadet (GFN) - 1 Aug 109
Ensign - 1 Aug 109
Sub-Lieutenant (GFNR) - 23 Jun 110
Lieutenant - 2 Sep 111
Lieutenant Commander - 14 Mar 114

84.5.17 - Born in Unelvoivat Free State, Caldari Prime, to Master Sergeant Augustus Inhonores and Commander Xiuying Shan Inhonores GFN. Registered Federation citizen under the Caldari Prime International Citizenship Agreement YC17[1]
95.7.22 - Completed primary education 
95.9.04 - Recorded move to the city of Hueromont in the Republic of Hueromont, Gallente Prime. Commencement of secondary education
99.12.11 - Arrest by Old Hueromont police, charged as juvenile delinquent with various status offenses, violent crimes, and civil disobediences
100.2.28 - Drafted into Gallente Federation Marine Corps as judicial conscript, under Federation Executive Order 14751[2]. Charges dropped by the Republic of Hueromont
100.5.19 - Commencement of Universal Infantry Training at Fort Falsyth, Villore IV as Private Second Class
100.8.09 - Completion of Universal Infantry Training. Commencement of training for MTAC maintenance/operation accreditation and Basic Certificate of Vocational Education (BCVE) onboard the FNS Aidonis Elabon (Soltueur-class titan)[3]
101.4.20 - Accredited for MTAC maintenance/operation and first-class BCVE. Deployment to Federal Forces Pator on the Minmatar homeworld for extended joint training exercises with the Republic Infantry
102.5.17 - Eligible for combat operations. Immediate assignment as rapid reaction force in the FNS Clarion Call supercarrier group, deploying to various political and military hotspots across the cluster. Promotion to Private First Class
102.08.25 - Dependent status change: birth of Anette Inhonores to Rhea Heavenbound. No parental leave granted due to unmarried status[4]
104.10.03 - Commended for unit valour during the Canod Campaign. Promotion to Lance Corporal
104.12.21 - Redeployed to the Lirsautton solar system under the Federation Peace Mission to Lirsautton
105.7.13 - Court martial for unbecoming conduct with local population of Chandeille. Pay docked for six months. Enrolled in Cultural Sensitivity and Peacekeeper Training at Fort Idarisha, Intaki V
107.1.11 - Deployment to the city of Affour in Orumaraun district, ZH-KEV IX, under the Federation's DED occupational commitment to the Stain region. Promotion to Corporal and fireteam leader
108.11.19 - Completion of starship boarding training at GFN Aeter. Assigned to anti-piracy interdiction force with one of the Federation Navy's Mining Protection Squadrons, domestic duty
109.3.08 - Decorated for heroism during failed boarding action against local pirates in the Eugales solar system
109.8.01 - Successful hydrostatic capsule screening and subsequent enrollment into the Gallente Federation Naval Academy for pilot training. Automatic officer commission and promotion to Ensign GFN due to prior service
110.6.10 - Participation in Caldari Prime combat operations during mass State invasion[5]. Decorated for survival and long service
110.6.23 - Designated independent CONCORD-registered capsuleer following personal request. Immediate assignment and commission into Federal Defence Union. Transferred to Gallente Federation Navy Reserve as per legal necessity. Promotion to Sub-Lieutenant GFNR
110.8.05 - Commencement of special deployment
111.3.03 - Completion of special deployment. Reassignment to various capsuleer roles
111.7.24 - Dependent status change: birth of Jaidon Heavenbound to Rhea Heavenbound
111.9.02 - Assumed command of newly-formed Eleutherian Guard organization within the Federal Defence Union. Commencement of militia warfare operations in the Viriette constellation, Placid. Promotion to Lieutenant GFNR
111.12.08 - Participated in the liberation of the Covryn solar system. Leading role in the wide-scale Federation counterattack against Caldari forces in the occupied territories for following months
112.2.23 - Domestic partnership status change: engagement to Rhea Heavenbound
112.3.02 - Achieved notoriety for key role in Federation militia operations. Decorated for leadership
112.5.14 - Dependent status change: death of Jaidon Heavenbound in Vevelonel solar system. Domestic partnership status change: death of Rhea Heavenbound in Vevelonel solar system[6]
112.5.18 - Temporarily stepped down as commanding officer of EL-G due to medical concerns. Transferred to capsuleer unit TAGMA
112.6.26 - Engaged in various independent capsuleer operations against resurgent Sansha incursions, culminating in the Battle of Yulai. Decorated for bravery
112.7.04 - Deployed to the Nisuwa solar system for offensive military operations into Okakuola constellation and wider Black Rise region
112.8.08 - Resumed position as commanding officer of EL-G
112.12.18 - Deployed to the Intaki solar system in response to increased Caldari militia operations in the greater Placid region
113.10.11 - Recorded move to city of Dultiver, Federation Navy Assembly Plant, Orvolle I
114.2.21 - Transferred out of the Placid region following successful counter-offensive and conclusion of long-term defensive operations
114.3.14 - Resigned as commanding officer of EL-G. Official assumption of various civil and public affairs duties[7]. Promotion to Lieutenant Commander GFNR
114.7.29 – Assumed command of Soltueur Company [SOL-C]
115.1.23 - Relinquished command of Soltueur Company. Seconded to Destiny Foundation [DES-F] for civil affairs and humanitarian operations
115.2.21 - Dismissed from the Federation Naval Reserve on medical grounds
[1] The Caldari Prime International Citizenship Agreement YC17 stipulates that the parents and/or legal guardians of any individual born on Caldari Prime with at least some ethnic Caldari descent may choose for their child to be registered as a citizen/expatriate of the Caldari State, instead of the Gallente Federation. This may be overturned at age eighteen if citizenship is held with the Federation, or age twelve if it is held with the Caldari State.
[2] Executive Order 14751 was invoked by the Federation President for the case of Siyu Shan Inhonores versus the city of Hueromont, as well as for various other cases. Though constitutionally questionable, the order instructed local court officers to drop legal proceedings against the accused, in order for them to be processed for immediate military service as a form of restorative justice.
[3] Pvt Siyu Shan Inhonores had not completed secondary education prior to his enlistment in the Marines. Training officers within the GFMC decided to commit time before the combat eligibility age for Inhonores to acquire basic adult education qualifications.
[4] A case for an appeal would have been very strong. However, no such appeal was undertaken.
[5] Ensign Siyu Shan Inhonores was believed to be caught up in the State invasion when visiting family on Caldari Prime.
[6] Both subjects theorized to maintain existence as the Slave Heavenbound02 lifeform.
[7] Notable tours including a brief stint on Jovainnon VI and serving as an supervising adult on a secondary school's space yacht.
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2013, 15:42 by Seriphyn »


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Re: [Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores
« Reply #1 on: 27 Aug 2012, 23:59 »

Updated. So, so, so updated.

PLEASE add your thoughts :D

The idea was something dry and bureaucratic(-ish), without giving some humanity to it. Even if you might think this has quite a lot of details, if one RPs with Seri, then one might know that this perspective is very different.


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Re: [Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores
« Reply #2 on: 28 Aug 2012, 06:17 »

Wow, this is actually really well done. Impressive layout, tone and information here buddy!
"A man's courage can be measured by what he does, his wisdom by what he chooses not to do and his character by the sum of both."


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Re: [Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2012, 06:35 »

Hey, he's even got a proper haircut and collared shirt now!  :lol:

The only thing I might add is that if you want to get in more detail, most decorations usually come with a citation detailing the reasons behind their awarding.

I've always been a bit 50/50 about military decorations in RP though because I never want to see my character as an African Dictator who tilts to one side with the weight of all their self-appointed decorations.

Seriphyn having been just another Federal grunt is a nice touch, I find capsuleers that come from semi-mundane backgrounds interesting to interact with. (I've always had this idea for an over the hill and overweight Hyasyoda ex-cop turned capsuleer vaguely appealing. Caldari anti-hero ftw.)


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Re: [Character] - Seriphyn Inhonores
« Reply #4 on: 28 Aug 2012, 11:25 »

Wow, this is actually really well done. Impressive layout, tone and information here buddy!

Thanks very much :)

Hey, he's even got a proper haircut and collared shirt now!  :lol:

Yeah, heh, stoic-faced and properly shaven unlike his in-game portrait.

The only thing I might add is that if you want to get in more detail, most decorations usually come with a citation detailing the reasons behind their awarding.

I've always been a bit 50/50 about military decorations in RP though because I never want to see my character as an African Dictator who tilts to one side with the weight of all their self-appointed decorations.

I might do that. WRT to amount medals, you are correct and I was conscious of this too. However, the family portrait has him with 6 ribbons, so I had to come up with some reasons. There's also some convenient plot license with these; the British military do not give decorations easily (I know a navy lieutenant of 10 years with just two decorations), while in contrast, the US will give you a ribbon for passing basic training. I figured the vain Gallente would be more like the US, giving out medals and awards much easily than more harsher cultures like the Caldari. In addition, Seriphyn was in the military during a time of personnel shortage, so they probably wanted to give out shinies as some sort of retention factor (that's rather an acute connection, but someone might make it).

The badges are basically like Boy Scout badges, heh. Again, same reasoning. Look good in uniform etc. Only 6-7 decorations after 14 years is probably seen as below average, or just average to the Gallente military.

Seriphyn having been just another Federal grunt is a nice touch, I find capsuleers that come from semi-mundane backgrounds interesting to interact with. (I've always had this idea for an over the hill and overweight Hyasyoda ex-cop turned capsuleer vaguely appealing. Caldari anti-hero ftw.)

Thanks. This has always been the case, and going from grunt-to-egger is actually the result of nepotism (as one can observe in the above), not anything to do with merit or skill. Heh, even getting an "A-Grade" capsule pilot badge wasn't hard, because I assumed that B-Grade and G-Grade wouldn't even exist (how can you have a G-Grade capsuleer? You're all awesome! etc). If he wasn't a capsuleer, he'd be some marginal jarhead with a forced marriage due to having a kid, living in some inner city off of government money. Anette would get sucked into youth delinquency, and so forth.