I had a thought, but it was a bit wooly.
Anyway. What I was thinking, was about the emergence of a sort of internet totalitarianism, and how it is similar in effect to the secret police of some historical regimes.
The things with the various "hactivist" groups and their goings on, a lot of people seem to think this is great, and yay democracy and stuff.
but I'm not so sure.
There's several things that combine. There's a bit of that "
Just World" thing, the thing where people on the other side of an internet are dehumanised, and some other things too. Maybe the mean world syndrome. Also, the whole idea of the internet, meaning that extremely rapid distribution of opinion happens, which possibly leads to homogenousness.
So you have a group of people, and an idea sparks, and a thing becomes a target for their "hacktivism" and so on. Things come to light, and injustices are revealed, and people go "hooray".
But the other side of the coin, is the so called "cyber-bullying", where an individual becomes a target, and their life is destroyed. Such things as posting nude pictures, nuisance calls to places of employment, and so on.
People advocating and perpetrating these acts, are of the opinion the target "deserves it". The "just world" and/or "mean world" apply here. The "Deal with it" meme appears here as well, I think.
There's not much that can be done. People dissenting at the treatment, may receive similar.
It becomes Conform, Do Not Question, Or Else.
This creates, in effect, a Secret Police. They are not answerable to anyone, and in some cases, openly deride the idea of laws applying to them.
No diversity of opinion, and a climate of fear and suspicion, is a bit One-Party-State, isn't it ? Or maybe Bandit Country.
What are your thoughts ?