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the Battle of Tears, between Minmatar and Ammatar forces in YC102, was one of the highest casualty battles ever fought in New Eden.

Author Topic: [ Development]New Mixed Coalition Corp No Amarr  (Read 1921 times)


  • Clonejack
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Im developing a corp that would involve having mostly Caldari leadership that would be establishing a corp in the Gulf area. The RP is centered around the idea that there are Caldari out there who would prefer not to be allied with the Amarr and actually find more incommon with the Minmatar and are only enemies of course because of the alliance of convienence that they share with the Amarr. This small band is backed up by a anonymous investor from Expert Housing. Thier goal would be to set up a well known and well accepted Caldari backed corp that has shown that the Caldari are not the enemies of the Republic. That there are those in the State that sympathize with thier cause.

Proposed ways of congering up this support would be:

Anti slavery operations via PvP against Amarr targets - PVE with minmatar agents

Support of friendly Anti Slaver Anti Pirate Corps and pilots via    ISK investments - Military assets and pilot support

Other Support - political support via RP channels Forums
                          Minmatar aid funds
                          and other such RP ways as they come

What I need help with is a name
how to get pilots involved via RP and those who will lite RP for the sake of not RP breakign for the rest of us in corp


Arkady Sadik

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Re: [ Development]New Mixed Coalition Corp No Amarr
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2011, 06:01 »

It's good to see more variety in corporations and cultures!

Can't help you with a corp name I'm afraid, but once you're around, feel free to contact EM for mutual blue or even +10 so you can join our fleets etc. :-)

The following are some musings I, personally, find important for a corp. You can obviously ignore any or all of it.

A new RP corp basically has to figure out both "what" they are RPing (you describe that in your post) and "how" they are RPing. This is important - it defines your "corporate culture", the thing that keeps your corp together. When recruiting, you want to recruit people who fit your corporate culture and are happy with it. If they don't, it will create unhappiness and drama in the long run. It can feel "mean", but it's usually best to simply be upfront about your corporate culture and turn down applicants when they don't fit.

For the "what", you need to figure out what is still acceptable and what is not. This is mostly an IC question. If you are anti-slavers, recruiting someone who roleplays someone who keeps slaves is likely inacceptable - even if they "roleplay that just for fun" (I've seen this argument before). Or maybe you do not really care what your members roleplay, as long as it does not affect the corp? Something to think about: Where is the line :-)

As for the "how" you RP, typical questions here that set the baseline would be: Is your corp chat IC, OOC or a mix? If it's IC, do you have a separate OOC channel? If it's OOC, do you have a separate IC channel? Do you have a public channel? Is the public channel IC, OOC or a mix? If IC or OOC, do you have a second public channel for OOC/IC respectively? And, in a slightly different angle, do you accept "I wasn't doing that IC" as a reason to "avoid" RP consequences?

One of the most difficult things for a new corp is also recruiting. You want to get a good number of people very fast - less than 10 people in corp means that even in your prime time, you will often have only 1 in corp chat. Starting from about 10 active people, that improves. On the other hand, you do not want to just recruit anyone - that, and too fast growing, is what kills corps. Finding a balance between the two is probably your biggest challenge in the beginning.

Good luck! :-)

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [ Development]New Mixed Coalition Corp No Amarr
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2011, 07:09 »

Have just started a fresh corp myself, I can say that Arkady is pretty much spot on regarding some of the challenges and considerations.

The biggest thing I recommend is making sure you get to know the people before you recruit them. I personally have in-character interviews with everyone I consider recruiting and challenge their thoughts and convictions with questions and scenarios, it helps make sure the people you recruit are good fit for your RP ideals.

As far as names go? Not really sure I can help here. I tend to lean toward names of imagery, which is ironic since my own corporation has a very straightforward name. I would suggest basing the name on what you stand for.

For example, why are you fighting for the Matar? Is it because they have a merit system sort of like the Caldari? Do you just feel they deserve to be defended against their oppressors? Are they justified in fighting against slavery and that's why you join them?

If it's the merit reason, something like "Winds of Merit" (Wind is a reference to Caldari lore). Or maybe it's "Coalition of Liberty" if it's the slavery and oppression issue.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [ Development]New Mixed Coalition Corp No Amarr
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2011, 09:05 »

The thing I see already coming when you will eventually have to deal with opposed arguments and PR attacks, is how do you consider that alliance/friendship with the Minmatar when the State is actually at war with his worst enemy, alias the Gallente Federation, being currently the best friend of the Minmatar ?

You will have to think about what are you stances on the matter, not that they are impossible to find, at the contrary, but you will have to deal with getting away of the caldari streamline, eventually having to find a balance between the Minmatar and the Gallente.

Where you will have several options, including those :

- Having no grief against the Gallente. Pros : its easy to be friendly with the Minmatar. Cons : you will have to deal with a lot of Caldari sympathizers, especially patriots and pragmatics.
- Following the Caldari ideals against the Gallente. Pros : you will have not much issues with Caldari friends. Cons : You will have difficulties to get closer to Minmatars if you fight their allies.