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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => EVE Character Development => Topic started by: Jaret Victorian on 24 Feb 2015, 15:11

Title: [Character] Jaret Victorian
Post by: Jaret Victorian on 24 Feb 2015, 15:11
(Tried to compose something short and informative, considering that I actively take part in RP events and people will probably need to know who Jaret is. WIP, comments are welcome)

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet
Name: Jaret Victorian
Age: 27
Height: 191cm
Weight: 87kg
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Political Alignment: Liberal
Other Views: Agnostic, Transhumanist, Extropian.
Date of Birth: YC90
Employment History: School of Applied Knowledge, Crystalis Foundation, Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries
Education: School of Applied Knowledge
Ed.S. Practical Linguistics and Cross Cultural Communication
B.Sc. Information and Knowledge Systems
Status: Clear; Dissident

DED Threat Assessment: low,
Hired by Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries.

Recent involvement with Arek’Jaalan (

Recent involvement with Aurora Arcology (, charity.

Sabotaged Serpentis operations in Cloud Ring (Information provided by [CLASSIFIED], local vigilante)
- QA1-BT – Warehouse security breached, complex rigged for self-destruction. Structure destroyed, two docked prison transports destroyed. Death toll: 638.
- 8R-RTB – Local Data Center security breached, complex depressurized, all contents along with crew jettisoned into open space.
- U65-CN – Prison transport attacked and incapacitated. Prisoners extracted by [CLASSIFIED].

Recent involvement with SOE.

Personality: Jaret often tries to be as down-to-earth as possible. He can often be seen baselining in stations and spending time with his crew, granted he flies mostly covert-ops frigates. He doesn’t smoke and rarely drinks. Hates overabundance of formalities, but respects discipline, hence can be straightforward during a conversation. His political views shift often and he has strong opinions on each faction – he favors Caldari; feels compassion towards Minmatar; thinks that Gallente have very interesting culture, but they better stop harassing Caldari; detests Amarr for slavery and general snobbishness of Amarr people. Jaret is ultimately a dissident with "his own head on his shoulders". He tries to be as diplomatic as he can, especially with his friends, but finds it difficult to excercise diplomacy when his reasoning is met with stubborness. Since he joined IKAME he found himself at the right place, as he thinks - he follows his motivation to protect baseliners, or "innocents" as he says, and tries to collaborate with everyone who seeks knowledge.

Physical appearance: Usually wears his stylish coat (if not – casual clothes), armed (if rules/situation permit) with a pistol. Obsessed with his left prosthetic arm – has a mini-neocom interface installed on it, along with a miniature holo-projector and a bunch of “hacking tools” obtained in null and low security space.

The first thing you will probably find on GalNet about him is his public social page for his followers which contains some updates and reposts from journals he is interested in.

[ User Profile]

Jaret Victorian, Civire
Political views: Liberal
Personal priority: Personal development
Important in others: Kindness, Compassion, Knowledge
Views on slavery: Very negative

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3.2.15 - Expanded on Education
Title: Re: [Character] Jaret Victorian
Post by: Ché Biko on 25 Feb 2015, 10:33
Looks good to me.
Title: Re: [Character] Jaret Victorian
Post by: Jaret Victorian on 02 Mar 2015, 13:09
Thanks, Ché!

I just added a bit of information aout Jaret's education, looks like he is trying to work on his doctorate.