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General Discussion => General Non-RP EVE Discussion => Topic started by: Katrina Oniseki on 23 Feb 2013, 14:57

Title: Where do we go for Art proposals?
Post by: Katrina Oniseki on 23 Feb 2013, 14:57
I feel like there is no place to go where you can submit small art proposals or changes. Little things that the art team would need to handle, things that don't affect gameplay. There's plenty of feature forums, but the art team, to my knowledge, doesn't really watch them. There are far too many important ideas for actual gameplay that I doubt those in CCP watching the forums pay attention to "change the color of Tech 2 lasers" over keeping track of the massive feature threads about more important things.

So where would we go to quietly give ideas and suggestions to the art team? Where do we go to communicate with the art team? It seems like they are the most elusive of all the departments sometimes.
Title: Re: Where do we go for Art proposals?
Post by: Morwen Lagann on 23 Feb 2013, 15:53
F&I is still the appropriate place to put these. The art team do look at that area.
Title: Re: Where do we go for Art proposals?
Post by: Saede Riordan on 24 Feb 2013, 07:03
F&I tends to be kind of a cesspool in my experience. Stuff that gets sent there tends to die without being seen. I think you'd be more likely filing either a bug report, or trying to get at one of the dev's directly via email or twitter.
Title: Re: Where do we go for Art proposals?
Post by: Morwen Lagann on 24 Feb 2013, 07:44
Using the bug report system for things that aren't bugs or defects is going to get your suggestions ignored - and can, iirc, cause you to lose access to the tool.

Use Twitter to draw devs' attention to the thread, sure, but F&I is still the place to be posting, cesspool or not.