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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => EVE OOC Summit => Topic started by: Logan Fyreite on 05 Oct 2012, 11:47

Title: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Logan Fyreite on 05 Oct 2012, 11:47
Pastebin of my local logs are here ->
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Silas Vitalia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:09
I'm sure that was lovely except for all the local trolling idiots...

I can haz ccp cyno jammer for live events?

Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Logan Fyreite on 05 Oct 2012, 12:14
I'm sure that was lovely except for all the local trolling idiots...

I can haz ccp cyno jammer for live events?
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Tiberious Thessalonia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:31
So, what have we learned?

Well, Drake was orbiting the Dev actors and the NPC's they spawned in did not target him.

CCP now has the ability to set NPC's to selectively target.

This means that next time there is a Sansha event, TS-F can do more than act like howler monkeys in local.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Silas Vitalia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:38
Is this extending beyond Guristas and Angels? Or can we assume they'll get 'all' the piwates involved?

Also, glad you got to be there TSF :P

I did like the 'arms length' comment though hee hee
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Tiberious Thessalonia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:39
They changed their stance p. quickly once Drake started owning faces.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Silas Vitalia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:44
In all serious though they need to employ cyno jammers for the 'small scale' live events or it will be TEST alliance ASCI penises in permanent local  for each and every event
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Tiberious Thessalonia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:49
Yeah, that's not a horrible idea, though the locals will complain.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Silas Vitalia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:53
The hell with the locals?

They can bring a conventional fleet and dedicate some time to the event like everyone else.

If you are going to troll you should at least have to spend some time to do it.

Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Nmaro Makari on 05 Oct 2012, 12:54
Not keen on a cynojammer idea.

First of all, I can just see how the WH low and null player populations will absolutely hate our guts for it (because, we all know, live event = large RP crowd playing along) not to mention the repercussions that CCP would have to pay for it.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Tiberious Thessalonia on 05 Oct 2012, 12:57
Well, once low-sec Cynojammers are a thing, theres really no reason why the live event actors couldn't shove one up.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Akrasjel Lanate on 05 Oct 2012, 13:17
I'm sure that was lovely except for all the local trolling idiots...

I can haz ccp cyno jammer for live events?
That's exactly what I was thinking.

But this system was really populated with Evokes to?
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Lithium Flower on 05 Oct 2012, 13:18
Incursions are cynojammed, so this is nothing new.
By this analogy, other pirates might want to jam system before declaring about their attack intentions, since this will definitely bring attention of 'cyno-capable' alliances.

For residents, it will be in their own interests to join defenders side, to deal with pirates faster and remove cyno jammer.

And only one system should be jammed, so other systems can be used to jump carriers in with subcaps inside.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Lyn Farel on 05 Oct 2012, 13:21
Incursions are cynojammed, so this is nothing new.
By this analogy, other pirates might want to jam system before declaring about their attack intentions, since this will definitely bring attention of 'cyno-capable' alliances.

For residents, it will be in their own interests to join defenders side, to deal with pirates faster and remove cyno jammer.

And only one system should be jammed, so other systems can be used to jump carriers in with subcaps inside.


I don't see why an event that will last maybe one hour in a single system or constellation, with a cynojammer, will annoy people. People just love to complain, and you can make that statement x100 with nullsec whinners. They are so used to see CCP answering their slighest whims that they behave like spoiled brats.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Silas Vitalia on 05 Oct 2012, 15:18
So how's the post-op?

Any resolution with the planetside Guristas?

Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Aldrith Shutaq on 05 Oct 2012, 20:19
Is it just me, or is the poor punctuation of these lines driving you up the wall?
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Saede Riordan on 05 Oct 2012, 20:21
So, what have we learned?

Well, Drake was orbiting the Dev actors and the NPC's they spawned in did not target him.

CCP now has the ability to set NPC's to selectively target.

This means that next time there is a Sansha event, TS-F can do more than act like howler monkeys in local.

Confirming CCP can tell the NPCs not to shoot you. I had was never even aggroed once during the entire course of both the angel events.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: orange on 05 Oct 2012, 22:12
Could this be DUST tied events?
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Saede Riordan on 05 Oct 2012, 23:37
I'm rating that as fairly likely tbh.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Leopold Caine on 06 Oct 2012, 02:35
So, what have we learned?

Well, Drake was orbiting the Dev actors and the NPC's they spawned in did not target him.

CCP now has the ability to set NPC's to selectively target.

This means that next time there is a Sansha event, TS-F can do more than act like howler monkeys in local.

Confirming CCP can tell the NPCs not to shoot you. I had was never even aggroed once during the entire course of both the angel events.

Seeing as the actors themselves weren't shot by the NPCs since sansha live events started a year or so ago, and the actors were players in game mechanics sense, they had to have that thingie to stop sansha rats from aggressing those Revneants.

As for the cyno jammer, I guess it's not worth the hassle for CCP. Actors don't have crazy faction loot, so they're not drawing PLesque attention, and cynojamming systems would prevent some people from coming and witnessing the live event DUST advertising (all the events so far included orbit to ground actions, so it's fairly obvious), thus it would be counterproductive.
Title: Re: Gurista Event in Ohkunen
Post by: Verone on 07 Oct 2012, 08:47