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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => CCP Public Library => Topic started by: Seriphyn on 14 Jul 2012, 10:02

Title: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 14 Jul 2012, 10:02
Remembered this from Templar One. Quite liked it...

To protect the right of civilizations to grow and prosper;
To preserve the surviving sovereignties of the Dark Ages;
To serve justice to those immortals who abuse the privilege of everlasting life;
To safeguard the mortals of worlds from dangers which originate in space;
To prevent empyrean technology from causing the destruction of humanity.

There's a bit of an 'echo chamber' effect IC that bleeds OOC, marking CONCORD as corrupt and what have you, though it is suggested they are the opposite ( No doubt there's instances of corruption and enemy faction infiltration given how large they are, but the fact they don't answer to any one empire and earn their revenue by customs, anti-smuggling etc. means they won't be bound to dubious "special interests" either. It seems suggested that, rather than being bogged down by corruption, CONCORD's primary danger is becoming too obsessed with its primary mission and its own power.

I like to see the primary argument against CONCORD as limiting capsuleer power and denying humanity the chance to 'ascend' into godhood, beyond the empires and flags etc. In counter, the primary argument for CONCORD would be (as per the mandate) this empyrean technology could very much come at the cost of great human life.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Katrina Oniseki on 14 Jul 2012, 10:25
I like this view of CONCORD better. Corrupt police entities are too often used, to the point that they are boring. I'd rather play with the concept of a police entity that's so incorruptible and perfect that it becomes overzealous and obsessive.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Horatius Caul on 14 Jul 2012, 10:35
I agree that the pure paladinesque CONCORD is probably more interesting than a corrupt one.

However, with the constant hints that the Jovian Empire is on the way out, aren't CONCORD failing their second mandate?
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 14 Jul 2012, 10:50
For great justice! And damn you. Now I have to hurry through the rest of TEA so I can get to Templar One...(Bought a Kindle to get me through a rough patch while my computer was in for repairs, proceeded to buy way too many books.)

At any rate, my view is more that CONCORD's greatest potential for failure is actually in becoming too gunshy. I think the ramifications of the Elder attack still have the higher echelons of the organization jumping at shadows, too scared of the unknown unknowns to exercise their influence on behalf of humanity. It's also entirely possible that their command structure's gone all decentralized on us--why else wouldn't they have rebuilt their HQ yet?--to the point where there may be internal power struggles we don't know about pulling the organization's resources in too many different directions to act effectively.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Kohiko Sun on 14 Jul 2012, 11:32
Quote from: Z.Sinrali
why else wouldn't they have rebuilt their HQ yet?
They must be using the same contractors Ishukone's hired.

Quote from: Seriphyn
No doubt there's instances of corruption and enemy faction infiltration given how large they are
One of the live actors played a Nation sleeper agent posing as a CONCORD officer during the Incursions. She got bloweded up by some players who were suspicious of her.

Natalcya's unbending letter-of-the-law-instead-of-spirit-of-the-law attitude was always interesting when she was a CONCORD loyalist. (Even if it made Ko want to pull her hair out more than once. :p)
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Lyn Farel on 14 Jul 2012, 12:16
Thanks for sharing this, will definitly prove useful in the future. I was bored of that fashion always blaming CONCORD for everything and pointing at a so called corruption everywhere, and having a hard time to offer counter arguments.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Morwen Lagann on 14 Jul 2012, 13:28
If this mandate had been more public knowledge earlier on, I think some of the prevalent attitudes might have been different. :p
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Ghost Hunter on 14 Jul 2012, 13:57
If this mandate had been more public knowledge earlier on, I think some of the prevalent attitudes might have been different. :p

The Corrupt Police is the perfect archetype for CONCORD, however. I don't see where the The Law Above All Else Cops comes in play for CONCORD, because they would step on the toes of the Big Four's own police affairs. 'That is the intention', could be said, but CONCORD is fundamentally composed of members from the Big Four. There is a subset that is apart of CONCORD's unique disposition, but they are a small minority.

Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 14 Jul 2012, 14:29
Natalcya's unbending letter-of-the-law-instead-of-spirit-of-the-law attitude was always interesting when she was a CONCORD loyalist. (Even if it made Ko want to pull her hair out more than once. :p)

I remember when I first started playing and saw references to the Astropolitan Front, thinking "Hey cool!" Then I discovered she was Sansha now//then and sadfaec'd.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 14 Jul 2012, 14:32
The Corrupt Police is the perfect archetype for CONCORD, however. I don't see where the The Law Above All Else Cops comes in play for CONCORD, because they would step on the toes of the Big Four's own police affairs. 'That is the intention', could be said, but CONCORD is fundamentally composed of members from the Big Four. There is a subset that is apart of CONCORD's unique disposition, but they are a small minority.

This is what I mean. In the chronicle I linked, it says that the DED (at least) are 'incorruptible'. This FP entry ( says CONCORD "is doing its job very well and there have been no major cases of abused power" with a "fear that this may change one day".

The "corrupt CONCORD" seems to be a player construct more than anything, probably for the sake of RP convienience. Uncompromising paladins is how they've consistently come across so far, and certainly the Inner Circle characters in TEA/T1 weren't all Dr Evil supervillains planning to advance their own schemes.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Lyn Farel on 14 Jul 2012, 14:36
Mostly a player construct that can easily be explained by the fact that CONCORD basically embodies the authority above all the capsuleer. The entity that controls everything, etc etc. The corrupt thing is the perfect strawman. And since a bit of it at least must be true... It is really easy to see it used and abused everywhere, turning it into crass hyperboles.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Ghost Hunter on 14 Jul 2012, 15:34
The Corrupt Police is the perfect archetype for CONCORD, however. I don't see where the The Law Above All Else Cops comes in play for CONCORD, because they would step on the toes of the Big Four's own police affairs. 'That is the intention', could be said, but CONCORD is fundamentally composed of members from the Big Four. There is a subset that is apart of CONCORD's unique disposition, but they are a small minority.

This is what I mean. In the chronicle I linked, it says that the DED (at least) are 'incorruptible'. This FP entry ( says CONCORD "is doing its job very well and there have been no major cases of abused power" with a "fear that this may change one day".

The "corrupt CONCORD" seems to be a player construct more than anything, probably for the sake of RP convienience. Uncompromising paladins is how they've consistently come across so far, and certainly the Inner Circle characters in TEA/T1 weren't all Dr Evil supervillains planning to advance their own schemes.

Ultimately it comes down to choosing player perspective(s) and artist perspectives. Corrupt CONCORD fits better thematically in my mind because it leaves room for 'good cops' of the different factions in the Big Four to make their spotlight. If CONCORD is the unassailable banner of virtue, there's no point in making a good Amarr cop that might punish illegal slavery while protecting legal slavery. A good Caldari Cop might stop other Caldari from violating a contract that might hurt their contractor, regardless of nationality/race (gallenteans for example).

CONCORD is ... some mixing pot that dilutes the flavorfulness of the other factions. They're generic, in essence.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 14 Jul 2012, 16:43
CONCORD aren't just cops though. They're the United Nations of EVE, and seem to oversee multinational peacekeeping operations via the DED in places like Stain and so forth. It sounds like the empires still sacrifice elements of their armed forces to the DED to work alongside each other despite the state of war, or so the ISHAEKA reports suggest.

Even if they are just cops, CONCORD likely concern themselves with only the "interstellar" pirate factions listed in-game. There's hundreds and thousands of smaller threats that the empire's national law enforcements would deal with, even just 'generic pirates'.

In addition, the DED takes care of all kinds of security issues regarding meetings and conferences between the empires, they lend ships for operations by the other branches of the CONCORD, and they often support local law enforcement in dealing with large-scale criminal activity or similar matters. DED ships are equipped with the latest surveillance technology and are considered a great support for customs patrols. The DED’s jurisdiction is limited to space but in recent years they have been authorized to operate in stations and on planets.

From that, CONCORD's law enforcement and military authority is not all-encompassing, so the suggested dichotomy of "bad CONCORD" versus "good local cop" is not always necessary, since CONCORD won't be messing with local policing.

"Incorruptible" could be assumed to mean "very low corruption rate compared to the empires". Given their use of Jovian technology, anyone found to be corrupt could be weeded out extremely quickly. Again, if they're not answerable to anyone but themselves, then my imagination fails me as to why they would be corrupt in the first place. "Corruption" seems a very loosely defined term anyway. If we mean the major pirate factions penetrating CONCORD, that would be quite the feat, given the advanced technology and their monolithic, highly centralized nature (excl. Sansha). The empires themselves would be far more susceptible to corruption, especially decentralized factions like the Fed and Amarr.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 14 Jul 2012, 16:52
That seems like the sort of thing that depends greatly on a character's own IC views. In addition to the arguments against CONCORD that the OP outlines (which reflect Casi's views very closely), we have a lot of IC history about accusations from various parties - often Minmatar - about CONCORD falling too far under Amarrian influence.

Whether or not we know them to be true is irrelevant, because it's entirely plausible that a character could believe those accusations. So while some characters might see CONCORD as a force for good, or at least for noble intentions, that doesn't automatically mean that other characters might take the same information and reach a wholly different set of conclusions.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Esna Pitoojee on 14 Jul 2012, 20:11
Quote from: Seriphyn
No doubt there's instances of corruption and enemy faction infiltration given how large they are
One of the live actors played a Nation sleeper agent posing as a CONCORD officer during the Incursions. She got bloweded up by some players who were suspicious of her.

I'm assuming you're referring to Sutola Endoma here - if so, that was actually the result of an accident. Originally he had simply been a CONCORD official unwilling to admit Nation was beating CONCORD so badly. At that point, however, devs were using chat commands to spawn NPCs in the live events, and somehow a chat command didn't function correctly -  instead being posted in local. All the players - already IC suspicious of his actions - promptly seized on it and called him a traitor, and CCP chose to (or had to) roll with it.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: lallara zhuul on 15 Jul 2012, 02:39
CONCORD pays the supporters of pirate factions to shoot the Navies of the empires in 0.0?

If that is not a sign of corruption or unbridled megalomania then what is.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Louella Dougans on 16 Jul 2012, 11:40
CONCORD pays the supporters of pirate factions to shoot the Navies of the empires in 0.0?

If that is not a sign of corruption or unbridled megalomania then what is.

not as such. The empire navy npcs have tags instead of bounties. However, SCC will take a % of the sale, in the form of tax.

And there are a few anomalies, such as... in a DED blockade of one of the pirate factions unregistered stargates, there is a stasis tower. Which has a bounty. Resulting in CONCORD paying someone to shoot down their own stasis towers. Wut.

Minmatar getting bent out of shape about CONCORD existing and "protecting Amarr interests" is unsurprising, given the Minmatar/Elder bioweapon attack in the Empyrean Age. It is something that the Caldari State and the Gallente Federation should also have taken note of, and made the Minmatar a pariah state. Because free use of bioweapons against inhabited worlds is something that CONCORD was designed to prevent.

RL analogy. A surprise nuclear attack is launched from India against China. India says "nope, rogue elements". The UN says "careful now". China does not retaliate. Meanwhile, the USA and USSR act as if nothing out of the ordinary occurred whatsoever.

But no, the Gallente and Minmatar are still close friends. Yay writing.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 16 Jul 2012, 12:04
Yeah, the Fed basically lost Caldari Prime because of the Minmatar/Elder/Thukker/whoever/SKYMOTHER attacking CONCORD. It was never brought up...or maybe that's why Gallente/Minmatar relations are currently "strained" (no real explanation for that). Maybe the Minmatar in the Fed meant that they were reluctant to put a fist down on what happened.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Lyn Farel on 16 Jul 2012, 13:10
I also have wondered why so few, or even none, really paid attention to what the Elders did. I mean, they basically blew up the head of the space ONU (CONCORD), allowed as you say the Caldari to retake Caldari Prime, caused millions of deads, genocided Amarrian planets with Insorum, and got out with nobody even trying to go after them to make them pay. I mean, in comparison to what Sansha did the first time, it is without proportions. Everyone do as if nothing happened, lalalalala.

Would I be CONCORD, I would do everything I could to hunt them down and bring them back to justice. And I would start by confirming permanently the Thukkers as outlaws, and chasing them to get answers and clues.

Would I be the Amarr, I would fully support the initiative.

Would I be the Minmatar, I would ask for answers (except for the puppet shakorite movement).

Would I be Gallente, I would be pretty pissed too.

Maybe the Caldari are the only ones not totally pissed by what happened, but still. Opinions might vary between individuals.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: orange on 16 Jul 2012, 13:26
why Gallente/Minmatar relations are currently "strained" (no real explanation for that).
You mean besides the crippling of the Republic's Federation-backed parliament and rise in Tribal government?
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 16 Jul 2012, 13:30
why Gallente/Minmatar relations are currently "strained" (no real explanation for that).
You mean besides the crippling of the Republic's Federation-backed parliament and rise in Tribal government?

Why would the Federation care that much? The Federation has a diverse range of political styles, as it is anyway, so long as they're all democratic. More likely they're pissed with the Minmatar for undermining CONCORD and "galactic peace" or whatever.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 16 Jul 2012, 13:39
Seri, perhaps you missed it, but in PF, the Minmatar explicitly said "the Gallente model has failed us". Tribal leadership isn't necessarily democratic. In theory, it resembles something like a benevolent oligarchy, as clan chiefs and tribal elders ascend through connections and seniority but (again in theory) do what's best for their families, clans, and tribes.

As for the reactions of the various nations: you might disagree with the realism of the various factional responses, but that's one of the few areas of political PF that CCP considered and openly documented, for better or worse.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Matariki Rain on 16 Jul 2012, 13:52
Quote from: News item: Shakor asked to return as Midular calls emergency election (
"The Gallente had a dream, and they called this dream democracy," said the Ambassador in his speech. "This dream was given to the Republic in its infancy and held to be the right and true way for a civilized society to govern. We now stand in the shattered remains of this dream with one unavoidable truth facing us: democracy has failed."
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Seriphyn on 16 Jul 2012, 14:09
Right, the Gallente had a dream about a hundred years ago. I don't think a pragmatist like Roden would care two bits about what the Republic govt is, so long as the Minmatar can be kept in the "anti-Amarr/Caldari camp". The way I read/see things, there is heavy suggestions the Federal government no longer engages in cultural imperialism because of its implications as politically unfashionable/incorrect (like the Jin-Mei description). Fed's been around for two hundred years, which is an extremely long time for "vibrant and progressive" democracy.

No doubt there's plenty of Minmatar/Gallente individuals who think the migration to tribalism from democracy is a bad idea, and they might influence their Senators at least. But not sure an industrialist/economist-led Roden executive would care that much. Ishukone found themselves in an awkward position because of CONCORD's undermining, and given the Federation also espouses free trade, they're likely peeved as well. But doesn't have to be either/or.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 16 Jul 2012, 14:47
Roden may not care, but surely you don't think that the entire Fed is that pragmatic - or that sub-factions within the Fed don't plan to use this for their own purposes.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Vieve on 16 Jul 2012, 15:13
It still surprises me that, particularly post-Yulai, Fed taxpayers haven't (and aren't) complaining about their tax dollars having gone to support foreign aid to the Republic (I do believe PF suggests that the Federation government aided the Republic directly, rather than support and aid coming from Federation-run NGOs/charities).

Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Lyn Farel on 16 Jul 2012, 15:16
It is very unclear/vague to me what is stated in PF regarding the new Tribal governement. They still speak about a Republic parliament that is still there, but not much else. I guess that tribal stuff gets important is at the level of tribe/subtribes/clans representatives and how they are nominated. And maybe also the composition of the parliament itself.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Ulphus on 16 Jul 2012, 16:37
I also have wondered why so few, or even none, really paid attention to what the Elders did.

I suspect a bunch of people hadn't read TEA, or were in denial about it. I know I'd like to pretend the Elders had never been invented, and once they'd officially decided to take their Starkmanir gene samples off to their secret utopias, I was pretty happy never to speak of them IC.

It is very unclear/vague to me what is stated in PF regarding the new Tribal governement. They still speak about a Republic parliament that is still there, but not much else. I guess that tribal stuff gets important is at the level of tribe/subtribes/clans representatives and how they are nominated. And maybe also the composition of the parliament itself.

I don't think there is currently very much stated in PF about the new tribal government. Last I recall, we were waiting for another parliament to be convened, and that this hasn't happened since Midular left.

Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Matariki Rain on 16 Jul 2012, 17:44
"Tribal Council", Ulf, and that's one of the things CCP Delegate Zero mentioned on the weekend as being maybe able to be unstuck Soon.

At the moment we're twiddling our thumbs, saying "Gosh, those late-joining tribes are taking forever to appoint their representatives to the Tribal Council", and carefully not talking about how the officially "defunct" Republic Parliament still has stations and agents in space, or how the Republic is running its finances.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 16 Jul 2012, 22:37
This drove a new manifesto (
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 17 Jul 2012, 02:19
Oh, and this is presumably the current mandate, since capsuleers weren't immortal as of CONCORD's origination. Makes me wonder if the original was different or just shorter.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Lyn Farel on 17 Jul 2012, 06:05
I also have wondered why so few, or even none, really paid attention to what the Elders did.

I suspect a bunch of people hadn't read TEA, or were in denial about it. I know I'd like to pretend the Elders had never been invented, and once they'd officially decided to take their Starkmanir gene samples off to their secret utopias, I was pretty happy never to speak of them IC.

Oh I would like to pretend they never existed as well. The same with Jamyl, raped Midular, the Broker, etc.

But they do exist and ignoring them makes little sense in my opinion. If they do not, how the hell to deal with all the people that cling to the Canon (and TEA is Canon) ? How to justify the war without rewriting almost everything on your side from scratch ?

And, I have never read TEA. But those events are so widespread, like the slave emancipation, Tibus Heth rise, the Elder attack (we even saw it on a trailer), it is hard to miss them as a roleplayer. I may even argue that they are one of the first things new RPers see in the lore now.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Gymir Asaadan on 17 Jul 2012, 09:45
I think my honest opinion of CONCORD is that they are corrupt, at least to some degree. It's not-so subtle when you think about some of the mechanics in game and I think it lends to the belief that CONCORD is at some level, corrupt.

1. a CONCORD agent was working for the Sansha during the live RP events leading up to the formation of incursions. I think it was Rote Kapelle amongst others who killed the CONCORD agent, a little fitting given their Anarchist status (they later fought on the same side as the Sansha to provoke fights). Her being a double agent, and also a long standing double agent lends to the credibility of "if there's one instance of corruption, there is likely more."

2. During the incursions run-up, despite the Sansha stating they were going after CONCORD's ability to prevent them from attacking systems, they (CONCORD) never showed up to attempt to stop them. The most help that was gotten from those early fleets was random live actors for one of the four major factions arriving too late to do anything really important.

3. CONCORD in general allows some pretty shady practices. Like for instance, war decs? Where you basically 'pay-off' CONCORD so you can shoot at another capsuleer run organization? Sounds corrupt to me. Sure some of the oddities are based around "game design" but doesn't make the actual items they support any less strange from a RP sense. CONCORD might not be as corrupt as any of the Empires, but at some level they are still corrupt. For instance,

Security status. Where 'Prison' to amend crimes past equates to going into low/null sec and blowing up pirate battleships for a sec status increase that scales with the ships you blow up. So basically a way to amend is to go kill enemies of the empires and CONCORD. There is no "Pay a fine" option, nor a true secondary option. Indeed pirates in pods can safely traverse all of highsec without incident if they know what they are doing. Hell, if a -10.0 pirate docks in a highsec station and undocks in a battleship, and can make it to warp before the faction police or CONCORD show up, they make it safely to their next jump. Think about how little it would take CONCORD to just be waiting outside of that station, making it impossible for these criminals to escape so easily.

To me, there is just too much evidence that CONCORD is at some level corrupt, perhaps it is because their very mandate is bad, but I find they way too far from being "Overzealous" to let that slide. In fact they aren't really overzealous about anything.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 17 Jul 2012, 11:39
Well, since everybody wants to talk about corruption...

What, precisely, do people think of when they say that CONCORD is corrupt? Normally, corruption is a person or group of persons abusing a position of power for personal gain. To say that an organization is corrupt, then, would be saying that its members are consistently corrupt. Infiltration by hostile elements isn't corruption, because if it were, well, then the Broker's singlehandedly made everyone corrupt.

I don't know of any PF suggesting this to be the case. Does one want to say that the wardec system costs money so that the Inner Circle can personally profit? That they siphon off bounty money to support their mansions and pleasure hubs? Because it sure doesn't seem that way.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Jev North on 17 Jul 2012, 12:29
1. a CONCORD agent was working for the Sansha during the live RP events..
Uncle Sansha has nanites! And far more subtle forms of mind control hinted at in TBL. That's not corruption so much as infiltration.

3. CONCORD in general allows some pretty shady practices. Like for instance, war decs? Where you basically 'pay-off' CONCORD so you can shoot at another capsuleer run organization? Sounds corrupt to me.
Ah, but nowhere in CONCORD's mandate does it say anything about keeping free capsuleers safe and happy. In fact, read with a touch of paranoia, it's quite the opposite. Divided and warlike capsuleers are both manageable and aggressive and skilled enough to be useful tools of the Empires. Dependence on the ISK economy makes sure that we will be just that.

CONCORD isn't corrupt. It's just that no one realizes CONCORD are our true enemies.


(Request: tinfoil hat smiley.)
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 17 Jul 2012, 12:37
CONCORD isn't corrupt. It's just that no one realizes CONCORD are our true enemies.


(Request: tinfoil hat smiley.)

I think a few of us have characters that have made that leap lately...

And a tinfoil hat smiley would OWN.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 17 Jul 2012, 12:39
(Request: tinfoil hat smiley.)

Seriously. Now.

Also, yeah. CONCORD aren't necessarily corrupt. They are, in fact, working as intended: Keeping the capsuleers under control. We can't do much more than take a shit without CONCORD's approval and likely their oversight as well. They're holding us back from actually being the powerhouses we should be by limiting our access to the outside world.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Z.Sinraali on 17 Jul 2012, 13:14
Also, yeah. CONCORD aren't necessarily corrupt. They are, in fact, working as intended: Keeping the capsuleers under control. We can't do much more than take a shit without CONCORD's approval and likely their oversight as well. They're holding us back from actually being the powerhouses we should be by limiting our access to the outside world.

[ic]And thank god for that. [/ic]
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Publius Valerius on 17 Jul 2012, 13:18
CONCORD isn't corrupt. It's just that no one realizes CONCORD are our true enemies.


(Request: tinfoil hat smiley.)

I think a few of us have characters that have made that leap lately...

And a tinfoil hat smiley would OWN.

Yes there are. And I dont understand how people dont see it. It is everywhere, the even have somehow control over 0.0 and they -- or pod brothers -- have to pay tribute to own what is theirs.

Im the only one how sees this? :P... Maybe Im the only one which has his tinfoil hat in the right thickness :P
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Ulphus on 17 Jul 2012, 15:19
I also have wondered why so few, or even none, really paid attention to what the Elders did.

I suspect a bunch of people hadn't read TEA, or were in denial about it. I know I'd like to pretend the Elders had never been invented, and once they'd officially decided to take their Starkmanir gene samples off to their secret utopias, I was pretty happy never to speak of them IC.

Oh I would like to pretend they never existed as well. The same with Jamyl, raped Midular, the Broker, etc.

I'm not sure that the Broker is public knowledge, nor raped-Midular. Most of the egregious bits about Jamyl are also unknown, which is my justification for pretending they don't exist (or at least, that nobody knows about them, which is close enough). If you only look at the bits that are widely public, Jamyl actually looks pretty good.

Also, I find it helps if you imagine that the Broker's real name is "Istvaan Shogaatsu".  Fucking up things by finding a crazy person called Heth and giving him the Caldari State strikes me as totally in keeping with his reputation.

And, I have never read TEA. But those events are so widespread, like the slave emancipation, Tibus Heth rise, the Elder attack (we even saw it on a trailer), it is hard to miss them as a roleplayer. I may even argue that they are one of the first things new RPers see in the lore now.

I don't think the slave emancipation was in TEA. Tibus Heth and the Elders however, you have a point.

From my IC point of view, the Elders show up out of nowhere, cause a lot of trouble, and then go away again. Like Pandemic legion in Amamake. They're not something I can control, nor significantly influence, and if I am careful flying through Amamake the chances of them impacting me are pretty low. So I mostly ignore them. I don't think that's completetly unreasonable.
Title: Re: The CONCORD Mandate
Post by: Casiella on 17 Jul 2012, 15:24
Also, I find it helps if you imagine that the Broker's real name is "Istvaan Shogaatsu".  Fucking up things by finding a crazy person called Heth and giving him the Caldari State strikes me as totally in keeping with his reputation.

Not empty quoting.