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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => EVE Fiction + Fiction discussion => Topic started by: Lord Wamphyri on 30 Jul 2011, 04:39

Title: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 30 Jul 2011, 04:39
Hi guys..

Okay, so as the thread title goes, I'm thinking of delving into the world of PF having been inspired by recent RP events that have renewed my creative juices.

I have some ideas, and the past couple of days I've been fleshing out the story in my head and I'm ready to storyboard it, but I thought I would come here first as I'd value some input and opinions.

At the risk of getting flamed, the first story involves that bane of all scifi - Time travel. And here's where I need advice.

Primarily I know that TT isn't really part of the EVE universe so I guess I'm generally trying to gauge what people would think if this was used.

Now I don't want this becoming a typical Star Trek/Stargate/(insert scifi involving timetravel here) episode, the TT in my idea is simply a device to move a future self to the present armed with a key piece of information. I'm not having 'future technology saves the day' or anything so overused.  The focus of the story will be on character interaction.

So my main question I guess is - can I get away with it?  :lol:

Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Casiella on 30 Jul 2011, 09:47
First, only what CCP writes or approves is canonical Prime Fiction (PF). The rest of our scribblings just qualify as regular old fan fiction / fanon. Just a friendly note. :)

Also, time travel is interesting because we already have FTL communications and travel, destroying causality. OTOH, I think you may run into a lot of folks feeling that it doesn't fit the flavor of EVE unless you explicitly wrap it around that part of the background - and I'm not sure how you could go about that.
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 30 Jul 2011, 09:56
Firstly, thanks for clearing up that PF means Prime Fiction.. there was me thinking it meant Player Fiction, doh..  :oops:

As I said before, the story doesn't revolve around Time Travel, more that the method is discovered purely by accident in the future, and is a one time deal. It's simply a method to get one person from 'then' to 'now'; and the result of travelling backwards will mean it won't be possible to do it again.  That's something I want to nip in the bud pretty quickly, as TT can get messy at the best of times.. (no pun intended)
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lyn Farel on 31 Jul 2011, 04:34

Current hypothesises for possible time travel (to the future, not to the past) in quantum physics. Wormholes are also a central part of PF. So it might be very related. Through beware, as it does not really fits with the eve atmosphere, it is probably going to upset people. I think it could be better to suggest it, or create/make emerge theories about it in your story instead of stating it as a proved truth/fact.
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Logan Fyreite on 15 Aug 2011, 14:36
How does this key piece of information effect your character?

My key concern with time travel is that in order for it to "work" in a timeline sense, the time traveller can't impart significant knowledge or change significant events because it would then leave them not in a place to do the same in the future so they never would have gone back in time to change the past and boom, paradox.

Now if you are going to use TT, instead of sending yourself back, the better route would be to have someone else sent back. This way it can be postulated that you might not have been involved at all at the time of being sent back, avoiding the paradox complication a bit, but not completely.

Is there any other plot device that you could use instead of Time Travel, it just seems, to me, to be too big of a crutch and easily abused/overused as it is.
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 15 Aug 2011, 15:04
Okay.. the information is secondary to the characters primary motivation for travelling backwards in time. Although he has a mission to accomplish he's ready to push that aside to save somebody important to him, it just happens that completing the mission will be one way of ensuring the survival of that person.

As for the paradox, I'm taking the alternate timeline/many worlds theory method, where travelling back and changing things will create a new branch in the timeline, allowing the 'fixed' version of events to continue without creating a paradox.  My guy will be the only one capable of travelling this way as I'm also using the Ansible effect to provide a fixed point for him to aim for; because he'll never have suffered clone death he'll be in the exact same body at both points in time.

I don't want to give too much away at this stage but it will be explained tidily (I hope, lol).
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 15 Aug 2011, 15:06
Ultimately, it boils down to me having this story inside that I want to tell.. I'm sure it's not going to go down well with a lot of the EVE community but I'm hoping that, if I can do a good enough job writing it, I'll be forgiven at least in part for this small indulgence..  :D
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Logan Fyreite on 16 Aug 2011, 14:58
Ultimately, it boils down to me having this story inside that I want to tell.. I'm sure it's not going to go down well with a lot of the EVE community but I'm hoping that, if I can do a good enough job writing it, I'll be forgiven at least in part for this small indulgence..  :D
Good luck to you then!
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 16 Aug 2011, 15:57
Thanks.. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.. lol
Title: Re: Thinking of writing my first piece of PF
Post by: Lord Wamphyri on 21 Oct 2011, 05:26

Okay, so the story is going quite slow, I've had a few RL issues as well as writers block that's caused a significant delay in getting anything written, however these are starting to resolve themselves so I'm now able to devote a bit more time to the story.

On that note I've had an idea.  I'm thinking of using a spare character slot on one of my accounts to actually create the future version of the character and roleplay some of the events to tie in with events in the story.

It sounds like a good idea in my head, my only reservation would be that I wouldn't want to be accused of 'lazy writing' in that I'm trying to get others to help write the story.  I still have the basic plotline planned out (although the ultimate ending is still up in the air)..

I'd appreciate some other thoughts and comments though, and I'd really be grateful for suggestions of ways of getting the ball rolling with the roleplay event.. I've never orchestrated something like this before and it's kinda overwhelming..!