Backstage - OOC Forums
Welcome! => Reception => Topic started by: Varrent on 03 Jul 2011, 21:44
Hello there! I've been playing EVE Online for about a year now and have decided I finally have a good enough grasp of the game to stop woring 23/7 about what button i'm pushing, and can start investing myself into immersion and roleplay.
First of all, I would like to give a shout out to Ken, because he is awesome for the Iconocracy set, and that is actually what made me discover these forums. ( I use your Angel Cartel one in my signature! )
Secondly, I am a pirate, and if I were a pirate on a boat on earth, I would have a Lemur on my shoulder, I hate parrots, they talk too much.
I have finished reading EVE: The Empyerean Age, and am partway through EVE: The Burning Life, however I have not yet gotten around to reading any of the chronicles. So if there is one you know of that is a really good read, or just very important to the PF, please point it out to me in this thread, I would love to read it.
Most of my past Roleplay experience has been in a Fantasy setting ( D&D, WoW ) and not in the Sci-Fi genre, so I would also be thankful for any tips regarding major differences in the styles that may not be all that obvious.
My character is a Caldari Deteis Male Scientist, with ties to the Serpentis Corporation and the Guardian Angels. And that is pretty much all I have decided upon as far as my characters backstory goes, I would like a little more to flesh it out as to maybe how I became a pirate, so suggestions for interesting backgrounds would be apreciated too if you any off the top of your head.
Anyhow, this is getting too long for a hello post! So i'll leave it at that. Glad to be here and I hope to be getting into more real RP within the week!
- Varrent
P.S. Almost forgot to put this in my post, huge Portal fan!
Hallo pirat!
I would like to give a shout out to Ken, because he is awesome for the Iconocracy set, and that is actually what made me discover these forums. ( I use your Angel Cartel one in my signature! )
w00t w00t 8)
Welcome to Backstage! Here's your cup.
Howdy and welcome.
My character is a Caldari Deteis Male Scientist, with ties to the Serpentis Corporation and the Guardian Angels.
I know have this image of this Deteis guy holding a flask full of green liquid, with a patch over one eye and a lemur on his shoulder. Going "Yarrrr, yer nitrates or yer life!" :eek:
Welcome aboard! I see you already have coffee, though tea and beer are available for your drinking pleasure as well.