Welcome! > Reception



Hello people.

I have joined up with this fine society too.

I am looking forward to see how it develops.


Welcome :)

Ashar Kor-Azor:
Hej, Myyona. Make yourself at home.

Oh, quick replies. I forgot to add something about my RP interests:

I like RP'ing through actions more than words and dabble in synth booster production as a pharmaceutical corporation. No so much for the ISK but for the challenge.

I like RP topics that are not centered around warmongering (science, exploration, trade, etc.) which, by the nature of EVE, makes the number of topics on the IGS I participate in rather limited. I do realize that EVE is very much designed around people being hostile to each other (as indicated by the ratio between ships meant for combat and those designed for more civilian activities) but am looking forward to Tyrannis, and further on Incarna, where hopefully mechanics for more non-destructive activities will be added to the game.

Lots of potential for destructive intervention in said activities too!  :yar:

Welcome Myonna. o/


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