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Author Topic: Looking for Beta Readers  (Read 1122 times)

Saede Riordan

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Looking for Beta Readers
« on: 11 Jul 2010, 21:34 »

I've started a fairly ambitious writing project, it is thus, an episodic story about a crew in Eve. The series is called Idlewild, and it will, when its finished, be published, one episode a week on fridays. The first season will be 24 episodes long. Depending on how it preforms, as well as my motivations, I may be extending it for a second season, or I may write a "big damn movie" to finish it up with and clean up the hanging plot threads.

Now then, a brief overview of the story:
Idlewild is the story of the down and out crew of the Hurricane class battlecruiser, Shadow Aspect, it minorly stretches PF in that there are only eleven crew, but I'll be attempting to explain that in the story, it will definitely be a plot element, and the rest of the story will be honoring PF.

Its atmosphere is a lot of firefly, mixed in with eve, some star wars, some mass effect, and with my own person writing style very predominant. It should have a unique feel, and hopefully, it will feel like something that fits into the eve universe.

Here is a sample section of the story, the first section of the first episode:

I don't look for violence, unfortunately, it has of late had a bad habit of looking for me. I 'spose it comes with the territory of captaining a starship. Violence in the form of lasers, missiles, and bullets.

Speakin' of bullets, a large number of them were currently doing there very damnedest to chew through the thick metal table I was hiding behind and deliver the gift of lead poisoning to my poor abused brainpan.

 I popped my arm out to take a couple potshots at the trio of Caldari brand Rent-a-Thugs across the room. Unfortunately before I could pull the trigger, a stream of rounds started across the table towards my hand, which I quickly withdrew, not really wanting to go without it.

At that point there was a shout to my right as Crowmine's heavy armor piercing APRK rounds went straight through the table he was behind, continued their journey through the skull of the head goon, and out through the bulkhead wall.

The heavy thuds of weaponry smacking metal stopped as the goons shifted fire to deal with Crow, I took the opportunity, and stood up and fired. Now let me tell you somethin, a railgun is a nasty weapon, the shell it fires ends up going a good number of times the speed of sound, outrunning the noise of its passage. So the second goon didn't even hear the sound of the shot that killed him before the bullet exited his skull, sending blood and brains splattering across the bar in a lovely starburst of gore.

Goon number three started to turn towards me at which point his head simple evaporated from another of Crowmine's heavy rounds. I brushed the thug goo off my clothes the best I could and started for the door, noddin' to Crow, who took up a defensive position. It was then that the alarms began to sound. Loud, annoying, and heralding the arrival of yet more people trying to kill us. And it wasn't even lunch yet.

What I'm looking for:
At least two, good, longterm beta readers. I want to be able to:
1. Trust them to not reveal secrets about the coming episodes before they air
2. Provide honest critiques of my writing, telling me where I can improve, where I can expand, what I should change.
3. Proofreading
4. Bouncing back and forth plot ideas to help me flesh out episodes.
5. Help me with creative decision making, and plot arrangement.

I can't give my helpers anything for doing so, so this will be volunteer work, they will however have their names in the episode credits.

Thanks in advance for anyone wanting to help with this.
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