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Author Topic: 100 word character introductions  (Read 12887 times)


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100 word character introductions
« on: 09 Apr 2012, 16:00 »

Sometimes, our characters can get so complicated and convoluted over months of RP, that it becomes easy to lose a sense of perspective and grounding. I propose a self-indulgent "100 word character introductions" in an attempt to bring our characters 'back-to-basics' and perhaps remind ourselves of our character's core beliefs, without oversimplifying their being. Think of it as if EVE was a video game from the late 1990s; you whip out the novella-sized manual, and flip to the character appendix. In it, there's a list of the main characters with their portraits, and a short paragraph introducing each of them before the main story begins.

So, the conditions...

- 100 words MAX
- Intro must have at least ONE negative point about your character

The goal for keeping things to 100 words is to focus your character's essence into something concise and digestible, while leaving enough scope for exploration with other parties and players. No exceptions! I'll start with mine.

Seriphyn Inhonores is a Federation officer who passionately believes in the right to self-determination and the principle that the strong should protect the weak. The conscious awareness of his actions as a capsuleer has made him popular amongst Gallente citizens and soldiers alike. However, the high moral standard that Seriphyn sets for himself and his subordinates, as well as his refusal to accept any means-to-an-end moralities, has made him inflexible and even impulsive in the past. Instead, Seriphyn defers concerns for the long-term to politicians, doing what he considers the right thing in the here-and-now.

Anette Inhonores is a Gallentean preteen superstar with a talent for anything from acting to sports. While criticized as being too precocious for her own good, Anette aims to set a standard for girls and boys her age no matter what their social standing. She believes that every human being is the same deep down, and that all have dreams that shouldn't be extinguished by the reality of modern life. Anette will go to any length to show the universe that nothing needs to hold you back, even if she might very well break herself in doing so.


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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #1 on: 09 Apr 2012, 16:51 »

Verin Hakatain is an Ishukone loyalist who is increasingly becoming part of the ultra-Liberal fringe of Caldari society. Verin believes that the Caldari and Minmatar are natural allies with many shared social values, and he hopes to build bridges with the Tribes. Deep down, however, he feels isolated from the culture he served fervently for most of his life, and that he is not a "good Caldari". As a result, he struggles with occasional bouts of depression. He is also prone to a choleric temper, especially towards Federation loyalists, though he is generally good-humoured, and friendly towards people he likes.

Sinikka Hakatain: Unlike her twin Meera, Verin's younger sister Sinikka never fit comfortably into Caldari society for one simple reason: she is asexual, neither romantically inclined toward either gender nor interested in sex. While this is not so taboo in Caldari society as homosexuality, it has still been a source of social alienation for her. Like Verin, she does not feel like a "good Caldari", but is more sanguine about that fact than he is. Having spent years cultivating a thick skin, she can be arrogant to the point of callousness and often refuses to explain herself.

Ando Mevoran - Ando was a playboy and fop even before becoming a capsuleer. His near-unlimited reserves of wealth have only served to fuel his expensive lifestyle and tastes.  Ando will do the minimum necessary work to keep himself living the life of luxury, between temporary "retirements". He is a hedonist and purely selfish in his motives, finding things like politics utterly tedious. Nevertheless, as an Intaki Reborn and follower of the Ida, he can be capable of remarkable insight and wisdom... on the rare occasion that such conversation doesn't bore him.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2012, 04:05 by Stitcher »

Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #2 on: 09 Apr 2012, 17:07 »

Hmmm, interseting. I'll play!

Aldrith Shutaq was once court musician, poet and author for the Etranhi Holder family on the Ni-Kunni homeworld of Mishi IV. This idyllic life amongst gentle nobility was cut short after being tested for capsule compatibility, and since then his naïve idealism has led him through a great many trying events. The vast differences between his principles and the realities of capsuleer life have rapidly changed him from a well-spoken intellectual gentleman to a bitter holy warrior fighting for a chivalrous, yet likely dead cause. Even so, his wife and newborn son keep him clinging to hope.

Ger’ante Otheiran is the Grand Master of the Order of the Weeping Sun, an independent cyberknighthood based on Kihtaled IV. He would have the look of a Khanid horseman straight from the ancient steppes of Athra, if only for the fact his body is so heavily modified he is twice the size of any natural man. His fierce look matches his character; though he is a 98-year-old teacher, he is a warrior first. Extremely judgmental and harsh to everyone around him, a constant stream of insults and scolding remarks spill from his mouth. Always with the intent to improve, of course.
« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2012, 17:28 by Aldrith Shutaq »

Lyn Farel

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #3 on: 09 Apr 2012, 17:43 »

Blarg. Touché. This is the main issue with Lyn.

Lynara Marya Farel was once a lonely heir of ammatar noble descent, destined to inherit of an insane crumbling traditionnalist House, leading her to a very secluded passion for books and knowledge. Her SoCT education partially drowned her kindness and ingenuousness into a wicked, visceral quest for knowledge and an extreme detachement to - almost - all things, a strenght as well as a weakness that is all but moderated by her capsuleer status. She believes that galactic stability is the price to evolution and ascension through science, turning her into an inflexible CONCORD vigilantist.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2012, 17:37 by Lyn Farel »

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #4 on: 09 Apr 2012, 21:40 »

Katrina “Kat” Oniseki is a State-born pure blood Deteis tube-child. She was born directly into a Hyasyoda breeding facility by a surrogate ‘mother’ and raised among other Tube-Children. Kat has never known a natural childhood. These days, so far removed from the familiarity and regimented lifestyle of the State, she's prone to paranoia and insecurity.  She is also fiercely independent, guilt ridden, kind hearted, and insufferably playful. Insatiably curious of other cultures and lifestyles, Kat truly believes and wishes that tolerance and understanding combined with the willingness to learn from different viewpoints could make mass-murdering Capsuleers like her obsolete.

[spoiler=My first attempt]Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat Kat.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2012, 21:58 by Katrina Oniseki »

Ember Vykos

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #5 on: 09 Apr 2012, 21:56 »

Simca Develon is a Mordu mercenary who is fiercely loyal to and protective of those she cares about. Simca's loyal and caring to those that know her, but she often projects a gruff or smartass demeanor in public. She's generally intolerant of weakness and those that won't stand up for themselves, but is more than willing to help anyone that shows a willingness to learn instead of wanting a hand to hold. Never one to back down from a fight, she's often the last person to leave the field and has no issues with sacrificing herself to save her friends

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

Kybernetes Moros

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2012, 05:54 »

I love this concept. +1 for you.


Kybernetes Moros, the son the Moros family really would rather not talk about, is a scientist gradually veering towards progressively more extreme transhumanist philosophies. Less interested in dealing with what he perceives as problems in the human condition and more in excising them, it was in part this mindset that lead him towards Sansha's Nation. While for the most part personable and open-minded with others, this is undermined by sudden shifts in his behaviour; he is nothing if not capricious. Taken alongside his disdain for the status quo, this can produce occasional, if typically self-destructive, moments of hubris and arrogance.

Meanwhile, Renaud Heturaki is for the most part vapid and empty-headed -- unless fashion or parties are involved. Immediately dismissive of politics, scientific pursuit, religion, and so on as "boring", becoming a capsuleer has freed Renaud rather nicely from the issue of making the money that supports his hedonistic tendencies. Although averse to many fringe capsuleer groups such as those representing Sansha's Nation or The Society of Conscious Thought, freely remarking that he finds them creeeeeepy, and evasive of the disregard in which many of his peers hold life, this new capsuleer finds himself wealthy, powerful, and almost entirely self-absorbed.


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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #7 on: 10 Apr 2012, 06:35 »

A former schoolteacher on Amarr Prime, Kazzzi was fired for using narcotics on campus and for having inappropriate relationships with students.  Unemployed with nowhere else to turn, Kazzzi joined the military. After distinguishing himself in the Amarrian Light Marines, Kazzzi was selected for capsuleer training.

Kazzzi has given many reasons for betraying the Empire, most of which have been proven to be outright fanciful lies.

Unknown to all but a few close confidants, Kazzzi doesn't give a damn about slaves, but will exploit the passions of freedom fighters to suit his own agendas.

Rogue Steel
Kazzzi's spoiled and rebellious daughter. Can often be found tanning, maxing out her dad's credit cards and creating new death cults.

Fattyfatty Dingdong
Real name, Tom Benko

Tom is Kazzzi's corporate attorney. His unorthadox litigation methods have proven to be very effective. Tom has recently enrolled in substance abuse counciling for cheeseburger addiction.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2012, 06:39 by Kazzzi »

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #8 on: 10 Apr 2012, 11:37 »

Tiberious Thessalonia was a boring, steadfast Amarrian liberal of the burgeoning middle class who decided to become a SpaceTheologian.  He worked really hard to try to find common ground with other cultures and peoples, and in the process lost his connection with his own.  He then shoved a slightly different version of his own infomorph into his head, combining himself with himself.  Shortly after, he decided that humanity needed to be forced to act rightly.  He's probably a bit crazy, now that I think about it.
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Silas Vitalia

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #9 on: 10 Apr 2012, 12:06 »

+ 1 to all of you. This is very, very nice to read and 'catch up' with some of you who'se plots I've lost lately.  Nicely done!



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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #10 on: 10 Apr 2012, 12:23 »

Some Federation records state that Vieve Tisserand was a child with severe perception and communication disorders who died in an accident on Mies III. One or more of the following hypotheses may explain all evidence that contradicts these records.
  • a) An elaborate ruse constructed by her grieving family
  • b) An artificial delusion introduced by an unknown entity to a subset of capsule pilots who were subjected to great stress in the run up to the Empyrean War
  • c) A "lunatic clone resultant (sic) from a failed FIO experiment"1
1Gerrard DuNord, YC111

When Sabette was last publicly alive, she was arguably the most normal of the Fauconnier-Tisserand sisters; sharing little in common with her hypothetical sibling except for what may be a casual relationship with death. She was centered, focused, and perhaps faithful to the point of martyrdom, a flaw that earned her the same SDII-directed execution as her now-not-so-deceased husband Zagamesh, even if there is very little anyone can point to which brands her a traitor. Those few who knew her may speak of her warm humorous personality that concealed a mind as analytical as her mother's.

A number of words beginning with the letter 'C' have been used to describe Celeste Fauconnier. 'Complicated' may be the most accurate: when she surfaces from concealment, this former Miesian debutante turned Senate science policy analyst turned capsuleer scientist/attorney moves in some curious collaborative circles. Cold or charming, cordial or calculating, the countenance Celeste wears during any conversation may seem dictated by the calculus of a ruthlessly capricious nature, or the callus forming around the not-wholly corrupted core of someone who comprehends all too well how little conscience is of consequence to the cluster.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2012, 19:22 by Vieve »


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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #11 on: 10 Apr 2012, 12:49 »

Alexander Kamyú Allisieer was a Intaki traditionalist and ardent Federation supporter who valued social liberty, equality, tradition, peace and order as epitomes of civilization. He believed the Federation to be the best, yet flawed, collective display of these virtues and the cluster's greatest hope. He grew to hate enemies of this goal, like pirate groups, The Sansha, anti-social religious cults and tendencies against social order. Loyalty was the most respected virtue, traitors were treated with contempt and revulsion. The Human condition, along with cultural diversity and freedom was sacred, thus he respected different opinions, even "enemy" beliefs and practices.

BloodBird was Alexander's Call-sign and upon his suicide he left a "caretaker" persona to reside over his previous existence, believing the loss of a Capsuleer's assets, ships and potential was wasteful. BloodBird was born a Tabula Rasa in the body of a deceased person, with no personality, memory or trait's shared with his predecessor. Suffering a condition termed "Radio noise", he occasionally experience feelings, sensations and memories that are provenly not his own. This cripples his capabilities for social interaction, chaining him to his sleeping corporation. He has developed idealistic, naive, inquisitive and helpful traits despite this negative situation.

Arivana Faersto was born to a Gallente mining family and raised on a airless, barren, industrial mining world. While studying in the CAS she met Alexander Allisieer and befriended him. At her graduation months after her only friend she endeavored to assist him any way she could and have been at his side ever since, enjoying her work and his gratitude for her loyalty and constant dedication. She maintained a carefree, dedicated and happy personality despite practically enslaving herself to her friends at personal cost. Allisieer's death left her feeling betrayed, abandoned as thanks for her dedicated loyalty.

Jesmine Aerim Kyriel is a devout Amarrian Imperialist. She holds that forcing people to accept the Empire's religion at gun-point is a flawed tactic that wastes generations of human souls and seeks a volunteer-based system of spreading the faith. She hates the idea that faithless slaves and free-men alike reside in the Empire and wasted no chance to banish or execute proven transgressors. These ideals combined with lacking political experience saw her exiled from the Empire and she now administrates an enclave of faithful Amarr and Minmatar in Republic space. Despite this her Faith, and Imperial loyalty, remains strong.

Might add some of my NPC's here later. There are not many of them, and even fewer that yet live.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2012, 12:55 by BloodBird »

Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #12 on: 10 Apr 2012, 14:43 »

Repentence Tyrathlion is a Holder on Khanid Prime and former Angel Cartel employee.  Although she is known to have suffered from a severe form of disassociative identity disorder, she is generally regarded as a sane and forward-thinking member of Kingdom society, noted for her liberal (if anti-emancipationist) views towards slavery.  She currently operates Tyrathlion Interstellar, a semi-independent group primarily dedicated to combating Sansha's Nation.  Although she is a controversial individual on her homeworld, the rumours of heresy and continued links to criminals are generally considered to be fallacious.  She has an apparently stable relationship with TYRIN director Morwen Lagann.


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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #13 on: 10 Apr 2012, 16:18 »

Kalaratiri Saskia comes from an agricultural background, not what you'd expect from a capsuleer. Her early life was spent tending and fixing the farming machinery with her brothers and sisters. After her parents scraped together the money to send her to the local University, she promptly horrified them by instead applying to the Republic University capsuleer program. Shortly after graduating, she discovered the Gradient corporation, where she met Ava Starfire and Kikia Truzhari as well as many others, who she remains good friends with. After a little under a year  in Gradient, she, Ava, and Kiki formed the Teraa Matar corporation as a way of taking a more active role in the war against the Amarr. Kala started dating Kiki at around the same time. Eight months later, Kala and Kiki are no longer dating, and Ava and Kala have moved on to another self-created corp, Skadi's Call.

Will add more later, got interrupted halfway through this.

EDIT: As above :l

EDIT: I actually finished it!  :eek:
« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2012, 15:31 by kalaratiri »

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Ava Starfire

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Re: 100 word character introductions
« Reply #14 on: 10 Apr 2012, 18:56 »

Ava Starfire was born and raised in a traditional nomadic Clan in the remote Ko'mak region of Mikramurka, Matar. After joining the Republic Navy at 18 and a period as a POW in the Ammatar Mandate, Ava made a series of bad life choices and legal entanglements resulted. While receiving a routine checkup for her Vitoxin infection, she was determined to be capsule compatible. Ava has been in a few organizations since, and has become a very skilled frigate and AF pilot. She currently fights for the TLF alongside a few friends in Skadi's Call. Ava is curious about other people, but short-tempered, which often leads to misunderstanding.

Edit: The ALT!

Kyllsa Siikanen was born in Ko'mak, Mikramurka. When Kyllsa was a mere seven years old, her mother died from cancer, her father had disappeared several years before, and Kyllsa was "adopted" by the Clan shaman, Mati. When Kyllsa was 15, she and Mati were walking across a river in early spring when the ice gave way; both drowned, but Kyllsa was ressucitated shortly afterwards. Kyllsa immediately assumed the responsibilities as Clan shaman, and now, still a baseliner, works with Skadi's Call as a diplomat and counselor. Kyllsa is stoic, often distant, and introspective, leading others to see her as unfriendly.
« Last Edit: 11 Apr 2012, 06:30 by Ava Starfire »
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