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Rimpon, an ovoid, golden coloured fruit with a tart taste, was invented by player Matariki Rain, and has since made an appearance in a number of player-created fictions?

Author Topic: [Character] Liam Antolliere  (Read 1537 times)


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[Character] Liam Antolliere
« on: 11 Nov 2014, 06:22 »

Name: Ouiliam Jeaneaux Antolliere (William John-o On-toll-e-ay)
Callsign: None at this time
Ethnicity: Gallente (Pure)
Age: 29
Political Affiliation: Gallente Federation, Dove Voter Bloc
Political Portfolio:
  • Supports removal of Jacus Roden from office in favor of internally focused president
  • Supports internal development of infrastructure
  • Supports investment of funds toward increasing awareness and inclusivity of minor ethnicities and worlds within Federation
  • Supports minimizing influence of lobbyists in political arena by increasing general voter education and political awareness
  • Supports funding to maintain military strength and preparedness
  • Opposes offensive military action
  • Opposes expansion of Federation borders
  • Opposes Intaki Secession Movement but seeks reconciliation and incentive to retain membership
  • Opposes Federal interference in Minmatar Republic but seeks increased cooperation and communication
  • Outspoken opponent of Mentas Blaque and the Black Eagles

**The above list is a work in progress and will be updated as the character polarizes on different issues


Ouiliam Jeaneaux was born to Pierre and Marjolaine Antolliere aboard an asteroid delta colony on the outskirts of the Placid Region (an area that would be just inside the high-security border when the CEWPA established war zones would be put into place).

Originally miners, Liam's parents had turned to political activism a few years before his birth; citing discontent with the treatment (or lack thereof) of outer region laborers. Throughout his youth, his parents were often involved in protests, rallies and political unrest which often left him as something of an outcast from other youth his age. This isolation left Liam with a great deal of spare time, which he often invested in learning about the political climate of the Federation, political hot-topics, interstellar culture and politics and other various topics in the hopes that he could relate to his parents more effectively.

However, his self-education had the opposite polarizing effect and he often found himself in quiet disagreement with his parents. This led him to quietly developing resentment for their actions, which he considered borne of a selfish desire for a handout from the government rather than educating themselves and investing time and resources to better their station.

At the age of seventeen, his parents shifted from political activism to outright dissension. As he was returning home from school (he had just graduated), an emergency bulletin broadcast warned citizens to clear the streets as a violent uprising had begun in the center of the colony involving hand weapons and home-made explosives. Fearing the worst, Liam raced home to find his parents not there and knew immediately they were involved in the uprising.

Disgusted with his parents, Liam packed what little he owned and stowed away on a passenger shuttle heading to the inner cities of the Federation. He arrived at Caille and immediately set about finding labor in whatever way he could. After a few days of searching without much success, he caught a break as a Crystal Boulevard store owner had just terminated an employee for reporting to work while under the influence of illegal substances. Liam approached the owner and offered his services as a temporary replacement in whatever capacity the owner needed. Seeing the young man's determination, the owner agreed to pay him if he worked out the day as a desk clerk. This turned into a long-term job offer as Liam quickly picked up the job's requirements and proved quite adept at it.

The next two years would see Liam shift between a few jobs, building a skilled resume which allowed him to progressively gain better employment until he was able to purchase entrance into the University of Caille, majoring in cultural studies and abstract mathematics.

Never considered a genius or particularly more intelligent than his peers, Liam had a thirst for knowledge and education that drove him to research and educate himself on a variety of topics, which permitted him to compete in an intellectual arena even with his superiors; a trait that earned him a begrudging respect or outright disdain from his peers. Still, he was able to accomplish much more than his humble beginnings may have suggested, earning a solid educational degree from a renowned university and establishing himself as a citizen of an alpha city; very few would have ever suspected that he was the wayward child of a disgruntled working-class couple living on the outskirts of the Federation.

After his graduation, Liam sought to put his anthropological studies into action and sought about earning a pilot's license for small craft. It was during the entrance examination for this course that Liam volunteered for testing capsule compatibility and returned positive.

An offer he couldn't refuse: the ability to travel the stars, put his education and his convictions to use and try to prove that if he could crawl from the depths of depravity to the ranks of the cosmopolitans to make it in this universe; anyone could.
« Last Edit: 11 Nov 2014, 14:22 by Valadeus »

Deitra Vess

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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #1 on: 11 Nov 2014, 10:31 »

So far, so good. I look forward to reading the background when its up.


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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #2 on: 11 Nov 2014, 14:21 »

Added background. Apologize for the length but any feedback/criticism would be welcomed.

I hope everyone has enjoyed interacting with him so far as I continue to watch him develop as a character and find a place in this world we call EVE.


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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #3 on: 13 Nov 2014, 05:20 »

Quite interesting to engage. Doing a good job of being intellectual, serious and engaging without dullness. Seem to be able to handle the insanity that occurs when Halcyon and others are bored with a certain degree of aplomb.

Alabath Schmidt

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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #4 on: 13 Nov 2014, 14:24 »

This is a fun character! In a sea of characters who don't take anything seriously, he's a breath of fresh air. Wish he was around more.


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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #5 on: 13 Nov 2014, 16:01 »

Halcy takes some things seriously, if she has no other option

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #6 on: 13 Nov 2014, 16:58 »

* Morwen Lagann apparently takes too many things too seriously. :(
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #7 on: 24 Mar 2015, 16:55 »

...and we're back!

Once I can afford to resub or manage to get enough ISK for a PLEX, anyway.

Until that time, I'm doing some revision on Liam's goals and touching up his background a bit.

Looking forward to seeing you all in-game again!

Rinai Vero

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Re: [Character] Liam Antolliere
« Reply #8 on: 30 Mar 2015, 21:49 »

I've enjoyed seeing Liam back on the IGS!