EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > The Summit (IG Channel Discussion)

I'm getting tired of this:

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Sakura Nihil:
Frankly, both Summits are shitholes that only occasionally have some fun and interesting discussions.  Give me a choice betwern dealing with the never-ending cycle of decrying the latest BS being propagated by Funk/Kim/Nauplius/etc and doing something else, the latter almost always wins.

Frankly, I'm -this- close to making a new invite-only RP channel, one that would improve the signal to noise ratio and actually allow for some discussions to be held without it devolving into Kim-level diatribe.

Shun Makoto:
Going to either Summit is never appealing to me, which makes me sad because I want to Roleplay more. It always just feels so...shallow.

Utari Onzo:
"General" style chatrooms will always devolve into low brow content. It's the nature of any space for everyday conversations.

You can limit the crowd, but all you end up doing is tightening the pool of voices. I don't think we need ever more channels, given several I'm in barely get used because of aforementioned constraints.

You can deal with trouble makers, but handpicking who gets to be in the cool club and who's quality enough just serves to make more divided echo chambers of particular RP thinking (style, not faction.) Far better be it that people stop whining about so and so person and out compete them for content, or start up a different conversation in the channels to pull attention to where you want it.

But its your time energy and effort so if you want to make a seperate channel go for it. I just think we have far too many people wanting to consume content then to bother with producing it.

I'm going to make my own RP channel called "Intragalactic Summit" where everyone but me is banned.

More seriously, the quality in both summits tends toward poor, as general chatrooms tend to. OOC ones do that too, they're guided by whatever happens to be on the minds of people that are paying attention, and when there are 20-35 people in said channel, that can lead to some incredibly disjointed conversations and/or weird flirting. Smaller channels can be better for that, but they also have the problem of low activity, and the other things that people have already mentioned.

I'm in both, and they're pretty much the only place I RP at this point(aka, I don't RP much at the moment), and I think the summit is slightly better.

There are lots of RP opportunities.  Much of which in niche channels now, do to the prevailing 'you are not doing it right' attitude of some.  But I have made a resolution to try the general population channels more, they have value and we should try harder to make them more attractive places to RP.


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