EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > The Summit (IG Channel Discussion)

I'm getting tired of this:

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Sakura Nihil:
General channels can be quite enjoyable when certain people aren't around to disrupt them, though.  Take the indivuals I mentioned above out of the equation, and population tends to rise in them, increasing participation and conversation...  Those nights tend to be quite rare and fun...

Ché Biko:
I'm with Onzo and Syagrius.
Also, I mostly like to visit both Summits to meet new faces.

Milo Caman:

--- Quote from: Ché Biko on 05 Apr 2017, 06:14 ---I'm with Onzo and Syagrius.
Also, I mostly like to visit both Summits to meet new faces.

--- End quote ---

Careful, you're implying there are new characters in either of these channels that are not alts.

John Revenent:
If the player is any good at RPing, the personality/traits/goals will be different then their other characters. So if we're staying IC these new faces are new faces.

A lot of good things have been said in this thread.  I hope we all put them into practice.


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