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Kaalakiota, or KK, is the largest of the Caldari megacorporations, and was run by Tibus Heth.

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Author Topic: CSM XI  (Read 11134 times)

Utari Onzo

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« on: 13 Jan 2016, 10:50 »

Hi guys. I'll be to the point, I'm peddling for votes for CSM XI

Official Campaign Thread

I've considered running for CSM for a last few months quiet seriously, mostly on a FacWar and Lore/RP ticket. Since moving to PTB, an excellent corp that supports its members whatever they want to do, that drive to try as a candidate has only grown. So, here's to giving it a shot.

As stated on the thread, I mainly aim to focus on issues regarding Fac War, logistics and capitals, 'little things' that might help NRDS/NPSI (like increasing the cap on contacts for mainting KOS lists) and live events, with some other bits sprinkled in. Any questions please feel free to post in that thread. Criticisms, as well as supportive messages, are also completely welcome.

Thanks for reading :)


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« Reply #1 on: 13 Jan 2016, 10:59 »

Good luck!  :D :yar:

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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« Reply #2 on: 13 Jan 2016, 11:22 »


Good luck!

Alain Colcer

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« Reply #3 on: 13 Jan 2016, 14:54 »

You have my vote.

I'm struggling to find worthy candidates that do not belong to major powerblocs, so your effort is much appreciated.

Nicoletta Mithra

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« Reply #4 on: 13 Jan 2016, 16:59 »


Deitra Vess

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« Reply #5 on: 13 Jan 2016, 18:51 »

Got my vote,

Good luck!

Alain Colcer

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« Reply #6 on: 14 Jan 2016, 07:56 »


can you take a look at LP stores?? i would love a candidate that makes CCP revisit the feature.

Ria Nieyli

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« Reply #7 on: 14 Jan 2016, 07:59 »

I'll vote for you if you promise snorkels and diving suits for capsuleers.

Utari Onzo

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« Reply #8 on: 14 Jan 2016, 10:10 »


can you take a look at LP stores?? i would love a candidate that makes CCP revisit the feature.

Could you provide details of exactly what you're thinking for this?

I'll vote for you if you promise snorkels and diving suits for capsuleers.

I'll file it along side my request for hats.

Deitra Vess

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« Reply #9 on: 14 Jan 2016, 17:27 »

Any thoughts/opinions on expanding the fw? Removing the alliance's or adding pirate factions?

What ideas do you have in mind for faction lore ect?

Don't know if your really at a point to lay out specifics but any vague ideas?

Utari Onzo

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« Reply #10 on: 14 Jan 2016, 18:20 »

edit: This might read a bit more scattery then I like, apologies, wrote this up while being up waaay later then I really should be. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to type up more coherant replies.

I have quite a few ideas I'd love to present to CCP. However, realistically speaking, the CSM isn't an "idea generator". It's a focus group and consultancy, and I think players expectations have bloated out what Candidates aim for, or promise to try to achieve/look at.

That said, yes I do have ideas. In terms of FacWar, most of mine right now are mechanics in nature. Namely, novice plexes and pirate frigates. Pirate frigates are just far too powerfull to exist in the same space as t1 hulls, as by their nature they bend rules of the game (such as web range/strength, nos, speed for hull size) While t1 hulls can and do beat them, the advantage is certainly with the pirate frigate, and to continue to name what is also arguably the most contested and important plex to hold as "novice" is bad design. I think theres' only two viable solutions. Either create a new plexed named Novice, with a mid range timer (say same timer as a medium), and only t1 hulls allowed, with the current novice plex rebranded. Unfortunatly, as the rest of the plexes are size classed "tiny" isn't appropriate, but something akin to high intensity would nail what it is.

In terms of the alliances, I don't think 4 way is needed. The biggest issue for fac war isn't other militias coming to the warzone you're in so much as the complete lopsided nature of Cal/Gal vs Amarr/Mil. Amarr/Mil, due to the ewar effects of rats (for missions) and possibly the relative value of LP items, is vastly more suited to farming, which dilutes the entire effort made by people who are there for the competition. It's not even about loyalty as much as your activities as a PVP pilot doesn't really matter if the farmer swing is against you. Before we introduce new factions, or change the alliance dynamic, I think a full review of the system is in order, coupled with introducing gradual changes and a proper review system of what's affecting what.

For faction lore, I want to see an end to single faction dominance at any given time. Focus is great for a release, or build up, but especially with the recent drifter release, it was a bit long for us to be saturated with just Amarr focus. More attention for other factions, even on minor details, reactions, or unrelated events, alongside the main arcs would be appreciated. I think these snap shot injections from stuff like Frostline and the Crimson Harvest are a good platform to work on as a breather during heavy plot line events.

I also want to see a bit more outsourcing of live events to players, with the use of vetted ISD volunteers, or similar, able to pick up the slack where CCP might want to do something cool but don't have the manpower. One suggestion on Slack from a player was an idea of a submission system, where CCP can apply what they want to do with a submitted idea, and doll it out to those interested volunteers to cover it.

As for more on pirate factions, I have a few ideas I'm still ironing out, mostly related to missions/rewards, and the potential for the roaming NPC AI. It involves not only expanding/refining PVE content, but also ties in to making New Eden feel more like a living, breathing place, where you can have more chocies in regards to loyalty through your PVE. Watch this space.
« Last Edit: 14 Jan 2016, 18:45 by Utari Onzo »

Utari Onzo

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« Reply #11 on: 15 Jan 2016, 01:35 »

Forgot to mention the other option for novice plexes is to atraight up ban faction frigates from them, and put them in the same area as assault frigates and dessies


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« Reply #12 on: 15 Jan 2016, 05:39 »

Would you push corps or alliances to be able to tax LP because that is like one of my highest concerns in FW, it is very hard to run alliance pve fleets when nothing gets to go back to the corp or alliance since unless we put down MTUs, and go for all clears in the missions. If we could tax LP (and had an NPC LP tax to get farmers to either be deccable or lose 11% of their LP) then alliance wide srp programs and pushes to plex systems by corps and alliances rather than farmers get much more incentive

Deitra Vess

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« Reply #13 on: 15 Jan 2016, 08:09 »

What can I say, those are great ideas. Least my vote won't be wasted heh.

Utari Onzo

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« Reply #14 on: 15 Jan 2016, 11:12 »

Would you push corps or alliances to be able to tax LP because that is like one of my highest concerns in FW, it is very hard to run alliance pve fleets when nothing gets to go back to the corp or alliance since unless we put down MTUs, and go for all clears in the missions. If we could tax LP (and had an NPC LP tax to get farmers to either be deccable or lose 11% of their LP) then alliance wide srp programs and pushes to plex systems by corps and alliances rather than farmers get much more incentive

Right, home from work so I can sit down and reply to this properly.

I think this is a novel, and fairly simple, idea. Simple ideas tend to be the most effective so that's a bonus.

FacWar is indeed almost purely about the LP in terms of funding, so an LP tax would contribute well towards a vision of bottom up funding for organisations, as opposed to top down. Alliance taxation is an issue I believe CCP is working on, and if they aren't I'll be chasing it up for sure.

The main concerns I have in regards to this are firstly, the effect on other LP sources (npc null/highsec/non fw lowsec and incursions) Allowing LP taxation for FW is a viable income stream, since the LP all comes from one corporation. But if your members run for multiple other corporations, especially for hisec, you can end up with scatterings of LP from lots of corps, but not enough to really get any useful items reguarly from. The second concern is implementation, I don't know how feasible, coding wise, this is. The easier to implement something is on CCP's side, the more likely it is this'll work, but I can't give an answer on this until/unless I get the chance to sit down with a dev and present it.

The main thing to address the former issue is the idea that corps (and hopefully alliances) can set isk tax and lp tax rates seperately. Lvl4s and 5s might generate enough tax that CEOs deside it won't be worth accumilating scattered LP, while your own corporation might make isk tax free, but focus on taking a cut from the LP. This would give more choices in regards to how leaders can fund from a bottom up manner, without arbitrarily fixing LP tax to the isk tax rate, and thereby simply doubling the amount your members contribute.

The issue of forcing farmers out of NPC corps and into deccable one man bands is somewhat mitigated by the fact it's super easy to drop and create a new corporation. Wardec mechanics are, however, not something I'm overly confident with, so I'm going to be honest and say I don't have any ideas right now on how to address that issue.
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2016, 12:31 by Utari Onzo »
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