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That the Intaki Assembly responded directly to Julianus Soter's and other's request for information regarding Ishukone and Mordus Legion around Intaki Prime? For more, read here

Author Topic: Jita precinct  (Read 967 times)

Avio Yaken

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Jita precinct
« on: 29 May 2016, 00:57 »

The office was like any other; one door, one floor, one roof, four walls and a window peering out into space behind a extravagantly made wooden desk. In view of the window is the icy world of Jita VII, in glass is also a reflection of a Gallentean male, young, clean cut, sharply dressed in a uniform and sitting perfectly vertical. While the office did seem standard, the details and personal effects is what gave it personality. The  wall to the west bears the insignia of the DED, Directive Enforcement Division of CONCORD. Under it is small bookshelf that is filled with various knick knacks rather than actual books. Most notable item on the shelf is a picture of a equally sharply dressed man with hair that is as black as the void of space. His eyes would suggest hes Intaki but he has a chin that only a Civire would ever have. on the wall to the east is a dart board with several portraits pinned to it. The desk had its own flavor to it as well, beside the mess of papers spread out, most of which had the DED's symbol printed onto it. The only somewhat neat spot on the desk would have to be the right corner of it which had a quality made cigar box. Next to it is a heavily used ashtray and a bobble head of Federation's current president, Jacus Roden. A wooden nameplate with a gold plate sits crookedly on the front of the desk, carved into the plate in bold letters is the name "Auvie Gallot" and under it is the title "Commissioner"

A new reflection appears in the window behind the Gallentean as the sound of a door sliding open is heard. The reflection is a man that appears to be in early 60s withe soft eyes but a bold chin. The Gallentean quickly  recognize this man to be the commissioner himself, Auvia Gallot. The young Gallentean quickly gets to his feet to respectfully greets the commissioner with a firm handshake. "Mr.Binox, pleasure to finally meet you." Auvie says with a welcoming smile. "Binox" how has a confused look about him after the Commisioner finishes his sentence, "Its..Darolevre..Aurme Darolevre, sir." Aurme says, hoping he was not speaking out of line to correct the name mixup. The Commisioner squints at Aurme for a few moments before the thought finally hits "Oh! Right sorry..You are the transfer from the.." He snaps his fingers a few times as if to help him remember what fills in the blank "Outuni system, right?". Aurme nods and gives him a solid "Yes sir" response. "Excellent, Excellent..Please have a seat, make yourself comfortable" Auvie says as he gestures over to the chair Aurme has been glued to for the past 30 minutes now. The Commissioner finds his way to his chair and makes himself comfortable, his facial structure is similar to that of the younger picture of him, but his hair is replaced with a hair curtain that is pure silver. "Alright then Mr.Darolevre, before we start i want to get to know you..So tell me about yourself" Aurme chuckles slightly before speaking "Well, i don't think i can tell you anything my file doesn't tell you sir." Auvie then leans in on his desk "Well truth is i only glanced at your file..Theses profiles the DED write up can be inaccurate at times or miss certain facts...You don't have to tell me your entire life story." Aurme pondered for a moment to prepare a short enough story "' Well sir, i grew up in Caille..My Father worked on a mining barge and my mother stayed home to raise me..Joined up with the DED 6 years ago to make them proud that I'm out helping with maintaining the peace of Empire space rather than doing the opposite. Started out as a crew member of a frigate and worked my way up to here, heh." Auvie listens to the short tale with his fullest attention and nods at the end of it "Alright, i can respect that." The commissioner then sits back again before speaking again "So, now thats out of the way, i got a few more questions for you..First question, who the hell did you piss off to get transferred here?"

The question catches Aurme off guard and looks at the Commissioner with a perplexed look. Auvie however is looking Aurme dead in the eyes waiting for for a answer  "...I..Don't know what you mean..sir" Aurme says a bit baffled by the strange turn this meeting turned. The Commisioner sighs "Look..Nobody requests to be transferred to Jita, if you get transferred to Jita, its 99% of the time because you pissed off someone at your former precinct. But hey, don't worry its not your fault. Hell, from what you told me about yourself and how you look i know exactly what happened with you.." Ausme blinks a few times at his "Superior", he looks down at the nameplate and over to the picture to the left before returning his gaze to Auvie. a chuckle breaks out as Aurme figures out whats going on "Come on, this is a joke right..? Some harmless banter?" Auvie however continues to give him a look that would suggest he is being serious, after a short moment he begins to speak "Allow me to explain. See, you are a young guy, a skilled one..Lot of potential, and you said you joined up 6 years ago? And you are already promoted to captain, and having your own frigate and crew? One of your superiors see that and is like "Oh shit, this guy is coming after my position". Because they are afraid of being replaced by some new upstart and don't want to take any risks.." Aurme listens to this conspiracy theory with a unusual amount of attention. Normally he would not care for such theories but its not like this is coming from some line grunt...but rather a high ranking official "So they think "Hmm..How do i get this guy off my ladder? Oh i know! Send him to a trade hub precinct !" And he could had sent you to any of the Trade hubs so you would get lost in the mob. But you must had done something else to make him send you to Jita.

"Forgive me sir but that just sounds...Ridiculous, besides if thats true and i am such a threat to the higher ups, are you worried about me taking your position?" Auvie breaks out in  hysteric laughter, as if he was just told the greatest joke in the entire cluster. He clams himself down enough to speak a sentence clearly "You have to huffing some pretty potent Mindflood to even consider wanting my position." Auvie then breaks back out into another fit of laughter, although much more tame. "This is not some backwater system where nothing ever happens, this is Jita! The pinnacle of Capsuleer stupidity" Aurme raises a eyebrow towards the aged commissioner with the same confused expression he has been wearing for the past twenty minutes  "The..Pinnacle of Capusleer stupidity sir?" Aurme says. Auvie reaches over to his cigar box to take out a finely wrapped cigar "Yeah..You would think with the universities they have to go though to get the implant, you think they would be geniuses.." he sits back down comfortably as he lights the end of the cigar and taking a drag from it "..But Jita shows that to be false..Capsuleers buying the most expensive modules they can, putting them on a ship..fitting it wrong, then undocking it and getting obliterated by several Tornados." Auvie continues "Or, they don't read the fine lines of a contract and lose their entire wallet in the click of a button." Continues "Or their corporation gets war decced and theres that guy who is like "Let me undock my frieghter!" and bitches about how he got scrapped by a single Loki." Aurme remains quiet, a bit unsure what to say "Theses fucking Capsuleers...They think they are some kind of hot shot because they can never be killed..That they are superior than us Mortals. But when they go against us in Empire space..They never stand a chance, then they flee to NULL sec and say that CONCORD is weak and irrelevant and how they should invade Empire space...Dumbasses don't even  realize we could just deny access to their Capital fleets and eviscerate their sub capitals." Auvie chuckles to himself as he takes another hit of his cigar. He moves in to ash it out in the tray but his aim was off and accidentally stabs the Roden bobblehead. He retracts the cigar and brushes the bobble head off with his pinkie before properly ashing the cigar out and leaving it in the tray . "...How about we say, no more questions for now and i just show you around the place?" Auvie looks towards Aurme who has a fish out of water look and just says "Yes sir" like usual, but a bit uncertainty in his tone. Auvie gets up to his feet and gestures for Aurme to follow him out of the office. Aurme slowly gets up and follows him out...but not before flicking the bobblehead just once.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Jita precinct
« Reply #1 on: 30 May 2016, 14:08 »

The two walk side by side as they begin a exploration of the facility. The station was off-limits to civilian and served as the DED's HQ in the system. "So whats their to know about Jita? Whats so bad about it?" Aurme asks, trying to understand the problem with this place. The commisioner glances at the rookie captain questionably before returning his focus to the path ahead "You are telling me you never heard anything about Jita before?" "Just stories, sir" Aurme responds, admitting his ignorance about the system. "Well if those stories involved alcohol or drugs then i can promise you it was a true story" Auvie says with a smirk, Aurme however just gives him a usnure look "So that story about a Amarrian church group starting a nude festival after someone sold them spiked punch was true?". Auvie just gives out a light chuckle before speaking in a slightly sarcastic, cheerful tone "The recordings still haunt me to this day!"

 They proceed further down the wide corridor that seems to be void of any kind of personality. The only thing that would catch anyone's eye is a long window to the left of them that peers back out into space much like Auvie's window did. But this time it was in view of not only Jita VIII, but also a large armada of CONCORD vessels  patrolling the space around the station. "Quite the security fleet you got here.." Aurme said, a bit surprised at the amount of battleships they have on station. "After that clusterfuck in Yulai a few years back, the top brass didn't want to take any chances with the critical systems." Auvie continues "Specifically the systems that are filled with bloodthirsty and ISK hungry capsuleers. Becuase of that,  Jita is now currently the 2nd most fortitude system under CONCORD's jurisdiction....Excluding capital systems of course.". Aurme thinks back to when he heard about the tragedy in Yulai when CONCORD's main headquarters came under siege by a gigantic fleet dubbed the "Elder fleet", a mix bag of Thukker Tribe and (oddly enough) Republic Navy vessels . In the end the station was destroyed along with countless brave men and woman who tried to repel this invasion. Aurme decides to get his mind off the subject and look out the window to admire one of the stationary battleships. The battleship design CONCORD utilizes is a bastard child of all four empires, it was designed using the best tech the empires had at the time. Dispite its abstract origins, its still a ship that would make even the most dangerous capsuleer think twice before starting a fight with one, and thats exactly how CONCORD wants it to be.

The pair were reaching the end of the corridor, in their sight was a large, heavily secured door that required both retinal and fingerprint scans to gain passage. But before they could reach the door they are stopped at a intersection as a group of five pass by. Four of them are dressed in combat armor that the DED's SWAT teams would wear and are all toting assault rifles.  While in the middle of the pact is a male Civire heavily bounded to a hover stretcher, his expression is blank and non existent, only ever blinking a few times. The commissioner twitches and takes a deep breath before approaching one of the soldiers, the group stops and faces the approaching commissioner. "Please for love of..Whatever deity that may exist, tell me this is not what i think it is.." Auvie says in a serious and clear tone. "Apologies sir but..This is a bot, we just picked him up from 4-4" The soldier responds to which Auvie instantly tosses his hands up in a sarcastic fashion and walks off a bit as soon as he finishes answering him. He returns to his original position and looks at the bound civire with disgust "This is the third bot this week, who the fuck keeps making theses things?" Auvie says, once again being blunt and not at all trying to maintain a professional attitude. "Bots" are drones disguised as capsuleers who do the bidding for a actual capsuleer, whatever it be Mining, trading or even combat. Theses "bots" can be illusive at first but eventually get caught by CONCORD, then they track down whoever made it and deal out the punishment which most of the time ends with a pilot's license and access to the market being revoked. 

Auvie rubs the sides of his forehead "Alright you know the drill, take it down to engineering and see if they can pull anything from its head." Auvie continues "After that i want it scrapped and tossed into the sun..then get SSC on the phone and tell them to start looking into "Its" wallet history." The soldiers then give one quick salute before continuing on their way, but before they are out of earshot the bot yells out "Want to be rich?! Send your ISK to me and i will double it!". Auvie then shouts out one last order "Also someone put a gag on it!".

Avio Yaken

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Re: Jita precinct
« Reply #2 on: 06 Jun 2016, 12:19 »

Aurme watches as the bot is hauled off to its doom before looking over to the now stressed out commissioner pondering to himself. "Everything..Alright sir?" Aurme ask cautiously, unsure of what to say except ask if hes fine. The commissioner takes a deep breath before responding "Yes, everything is just peachy...The Inner Circle already on my back and finding another Bot in Jita is not gonna help me get them off..". Aurme takes another look down the hall to see the pact from before have already moved out of sight "Why so much security for a trade bot...?" Arume asked quietly to himself. The question was just loud enough for the Commissioner to pick up on it and quickly address it "Believe me, you don't want to take risks with theses things. A Month back we found a bot and moved in to snatch it but someone flipped a switch on it and it turned into a killing machine and took out two squads before  we could gun it down." Aurme tenses up at the causalities that it caused, a bit more understanding why they are careful around them.

As the two continue on their path, Auvie continues "We never caught the guy that owned the bot, but if we do I'm gonna have a few words with him...". They arrive in front a large secured door, to the left of them is a retinal and biometric hand scanner to which Auvie moves towards to have the system check him for clearance. Both scans must be done simultaneously and the biometric scanner checks the hand fora  pulse to make sure both parts are still attached to a living body. After the doors have yet to still open, there is still one more procedure. Another scan is done for those in the surrounding area, this scan is to check if anyone nearby is not in the Station's databanks in case the one opening the door is being held at gun point. If the scan was to detect a anomaly, a silent alarm would be raised and security would be here in seconds. Since Aurme was already in the system, the doors slide open and allow the two to proceed.

"Welcome to central command!" Auvie announces as they enter the large round room. The place could be best described as a Bee hive with frantic activity among those inside. The two stand on a balcony overlooking the work area were any can observe the daily work day of a coordinator in Jita clearly. Nobody here walked, instead if someone had to move somewhere or to get something they would jog to their destination. The floors were littered with paper and other paces of trash while the desks of some of the workers were equally as messy. Speaking of workers, the uniforms of most of them were wrinkled, dirty and Aurme swears he saw someone wearing Fedo slippers. Aurme does immediately assume that they are just undisciplined slobs but rather they must be extremely busy. They were all working, at breakneck speed which causes concern for Aurme "Is there something going on?" Aurme asks as he looks over to the Commissioner who is causally leaning over the balconies' rails. "Nah, this is a normal day for us...If it was not like this THEN there would be a concern." Auvie says as he makes his way down to the main floor with Aurme following close behind. Auvie and Aurme were the only two in the room walking at a normal speed, it was if they were stuck in slow motion as the rest of the world around them is stuck on fast forward. The next stop they make is at a holo-table in the center of room that is projecting a hologram of a Caldari station that follows the design of most Assembly plants constructed by the State. "This, my friend, is the tumor of the cluster..Or, more commonly known as "4-4" by most eggers.." Auvie says in a charismatic tone. Aurme examines the projection, which includes live holograms of ships on the same grid as the station. The amount of ships entering and leaving the station baffles Aurme "Exactly how can so many ships fit in one station sir..?" he asks as he leans in closer to Auvie. "Its mostly hangers now..If you are lucky you can end up with one of the good hangers and not one of the garbage makeshift hangers they had to make to satisfy the demand for docking space." Aurive continues "All the goods being sold in 4-4 are held being in  deadspace pockets  with enough automated  security to destroy every Captial ship Pandemic Legion has....Three times over.". Aurme continues to observe the hologram as Auvie explains the logic behind this strange station. "..Once something is purchased, its quickly hauled out and handed over..Anyway, i think we spent enough time here. Come on, I'll show you the hanger next!" Auvie then beckons for Aurme to follow him and continue this strange exploration.
