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Author Topic: [Character]Zavier Dessaultnier  (Read 967 times)

Calliste Dauvienne

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[Character]Zavier Dessaultnier
« on: 13 Nov 2015, 04:20 »

Early Life

"One day I'll be up there and out of here."

"When I was that young, I didn't really think about the consequences. It was an addictive lifestyle having that power that comes from violence. You don't care about the people you hurt. You just want to see their blood on your shoes."

"My family was into the usual businesses. Gambling, prostitution, counterfeit goods manufacturing, labour union rackets, identity theft, credit fraud, derivative pharmaceuticals, loan extortion, pornography, narcotics, high volume share trading, currency grey markets, commodities speculation... you know, the usual."

"The first person I killed? Hmm. Oh. Right. It was some stupid argument over a girl I was pimping. I think it was with her brother. I stabbed him and threw his body into one of those rainwater canals. I was what, fourteen, maybe fifteen at the time? No idea what happened to his sister when I left. My first real regret. No, not the murder."

"A Jin-Mei Family Syndicate is based on certain values. Tradition, loyalty, respect, discipline, discretion and mutual obligation. We take care of our communities and each other. We provide order and protection to the outcast and forgotten. We fix the problems others cannot."

FedPol Bounty Hunter/Freelancer

"Our profession is peace. Yeah. Right."

"Heh, did you see that shot? Clean through the neck at half-a-klick."

"Well we're going to have to make this grab and drop because FedPol have again proven they are as about as useful as a bunch of dicks at a lesbian convention."

"Damn. Those francs-tireurs are still burning. Look at that, it's fucking beautiful. Toasted insurgents in the night sky. This is why I love this job, fucking love it. This is what I live for. I've got to take a pic of this shit."

"Sometimes being a good man gets good people killed."

"Rights? The only rights you have now are the ones I decide to grant."

"I hate these jobs out in the wilderness. Whatever. Saddle up the horses and get the packs ready."

"They must have known my type when they sent her to recruit me... wait, what do you mean...  Oh, fuck you, my type isn't just any woman with long legs and nice tits. I'm trying to tell a story here, and there you go just ruining it now. You know what, forget it. She was blonde. That was what I wanted to say, a gentleman always prefers blondes."

"Great. I fucked a damn spook."

"Morality is different when the Office has your balls stuck in a vice."

"The game was simple. I purchased bulk boosters from the Serpentis and sold them wholesale to a Nugoeihuvei middle-man in exchange for surplus armaments and equipment. Then I shifted them to arm Guristas cells and Minmatar militias for RSS. I was a freedom fighter working for the Office and no one could prove a damn thing. Just doing my patriotic duty to the Federation. Ends and means, babe, ends and means."

In the Empire

"Dealing in arts and Imperial antiquities isn't just about aesthetic beauty and luxury. It's also about laundering your money and making it nice and clean. Nothing better than anonymity and the ability to set your own prices on subjective value."

"I think there is a reason the Empire only allows trade with the Federation among select Holders. They remember those dangerous ideas the Udorians brought with every trading ship to Dam-Torsad. The ideologies born of commerce and capitalism. Of individual and secular freedom. The entire Reclaiming had to be laid down as a response to the Udorians and their dangerous ideas. That's how the Amarr became as fearful shepherds hunting down their own sheep."

"Whatever you need, I can provide. For a price."

"It's always amusing to me when people  judge the Amarr Empire over slavery or decry racial and imperial subjection while  but at the same time remaining ignorant of its arts, literature, poetry, philosophy, religion and sciences. They will always fail to see that the Empire is just as humanist as the Federation."

"My Lady Inquisitor, I am a legitimate merchant from Lirsautton. All the shipping manifests are in order, and stamped by the relevant Imperial authorities and Holders."

"Between you and me, did you see that Inquisitor's ass? Damn. She can bring me closer to God anytime she wants. What, she's from Ardishapur and trained by the Speakers? Yeah, no, fuck that then. What do you mean, cut my balls off? Now you've got me all excited, you know how much I love a dangerous woman. Yes, that's right, I have a fear-erection. Fuck you."

"Slavery is only an moral issue if you believe in something like natural rights to liberty. I do not. For myself, it is an ethical issue. If a slave is not abused or mistreated, is well fed, well housed, well educated, and is happy in their faith then what does it matter to me the restrictions of their freedom?"

"Once the potential point defects in Imperial society and heirarchy have been identified, you find yourself unworried. Imagine if we had encountered the Empire when they had Zaragram on their throne, or during Khanid's secession? The eventual goal will have to be to one day exploit those defects to our own benefit. It's either that or outright war. Until then however, let's enjoy our waltz while it lasts."

Return to the Federation

"The first thing you have to accept is that there is no one who will come to help you. The second thing you have to accept is that there is a reason for the tarpaulin. Because I'll be damned if an asshole like you is going to get blood on my woven cashmere carpet."

"My dearest brother. You appear to have forgotten the lessons Father taught us. Never allow your ambitions to extend beyond your reach."

"Compile a list of all those still loyal to my brother or who might complicate our future direction. Kill them. I will handle the rest."

"Begin dictation. Personal addendum as follows. Liquidation was conducted upon rendition of assets and conclusion of auditing. Initial prejudices have been confirmed. Request inventory management team without delay. End dictation."

"I've voted Social Democrat since I could vote, I was in the armaments trade, I worked for the FIO, and I'm in the corporate military business. Why wouldn't I support Roden, Blaque and the Eagles? I'm not some fucking Dean of Liberal Arts at Caille giving hand jobs to progressives while they come to their pseudo-intellectual bullshit."

"All you have to do is incorporate and hire a legal team. You continue to do things just as you did before except now you're not a criminal. Your Saan Go sit on a board of directors and your Jing Ko are valued employees. You're a respectable businessman, a philanthropist, admired for your rags to riches story of success, a pillar of the fucking community."


"Politeness is a mask to be worn just as any other."

"My rule to success in life is simple. Just don't give a fuck."

"Such are the perils of enjoying the misadventures of whiskey and women."

"I'll drink anything with whiskey in it."

"A monster born of malice will only know peace in their grave... fucking great, now they make fortune cookies with edgy proverbs."

"A life lived without conflict would be like a life lived without fucking. Dull, unexciting, and inconceivable to me."

"About me? Well, there is very little to know I am afraid. Let us talk less about me, and more about you."

"It's always better to watch the trainwreck unfold than to be in the train. Wisdom is in knowing exactly when to get off the tracks and leave everyone else to their fate. That's why I keep few friends, so I don't get on that damn train in the first place."

"Discretion and quiet observation are essential for those of us who work in silence."

"I don't deliberately lie or mislead as much as express the truth with omissions when required."

"Freedom and liberty are platitudes when expressed without context and meaning."

"If a Devil came to me with an offer, I would not be unafraid to ask, how can we help each other my dear Devil?"

"Oh, did you think I was some kind of movie villain that only speaks in ambiguity? I said I was going to cut your dick off, so I cut your dick off."

Political Views

"The progressives are all the same. They will seek the impossible victory of some trite cause célèbre and idealistic self-aggrandizement over pragmatism or historical, political and cultural experience."

"Of course I voted for Jacus Roden. We do not need some fucking dilettante of a President. We need a Warlord, a pragmatist and a realist. A President who will have no objections to stick the boot in when it is necessary. I couldn't trust Aguard anyway. She was from Mies. Never trust a woman from Mies. Especially if she's Jin-Mei."

"I would support a Seventh Union to give the SDII the constitutional and charter mandates as a separate Federal Agency responsible for Homeland Security, Anti-Terrorism, and Domestic Defense Intelligence."

"Sometimes democracy has to be managed and controlled. For that, you need people willing to offer the hemlock."

"Oh come on, the Federation isn't built on liberty and democracy, it's built on fuck you. Want to secede from the Union? Fuck you. Got a big Navy and Army or the largest Empire known to man? Fuck you. Want to destroy us? Fuck you we'll do it ourselves and rebuild it to fuck you even better than before. The entire point of the Federation is to develop such a political, technological, economic, and military basis of advantage that we can just sit back, relax, and tell the rest of humanity to go fuck themselves if they don't like it."

"The Provists and Tibus Heth were the best thing to have ever happened to the Federal Military and our Defence Industries. They were a  gift that keeps on giving."

"The State nearly went bankrupt trying to occupy a single planet, in a single system of the Federation. All they have left now is acting militant poseurs while we continue the expansion of the Federal military-industrial complex, our private military corporations and the armed forces towards a singular purpose. Schadenfreude at the expense of Caldari lives and blood."

"The Federation should start by isolating Kaalakiota, Wiyrkomi, and Lai Dai from the rest of the State. Incentivize the other Caldari Megas with Federal franchise contracts, debt buyouts, and corporate bond purchases so that it is in their own interests to watch the destruction of the competition. They're all a bunch of fucking vultures anyway, so let the Caldari be Caldari and allow them to feast on the corpses of their Patriots."

"In regards to the Republic there is a fine line between altruism and obligating them to us. The latter might be necessary, but a parochial attitude would be counter-productive."

"The Federation should promote a more independent Republic. That's what they want isn't it? It provides us all with a higher degree of plausible deniability. We pursue diplomacy  with the Empire ourselves while the Republic ties them down to the last drop of Minmatar blood. If they want to kill Amarrians, let them, just so long as it does not blow back on to us."


- Zavier Dessaultnier is an official FedAdmin pseudonym. Birth name not listed on FedAdmin records due to: Reason of Individual Cultural Identification.

- Enjoys works of well-researched historical period fiction. His favourite novels in the genre are The Last Birds of Prey series set in the Sky Wars era of post-Garoun Luminaire as well as A Long Road covering the period of  Amarrian Reclaiming of the Udorians on Athra.

- Participates in the racing sport known as Corona. Involving the use of  hypersonic planes while in the atmospheres of gas giants, the name is derived from the visible effects that surround the craft due to the induced surface plasma layer used to manage lift and generate thrust when the same plasma flow is directed into electromagnetic engines.

- Plays the saxophone and often plays with a jazz band with members of his personal executive staff.

- Is a subscriber to a number of Defense-Industry related scientific, engineering and technical journals.

- Owns a white cat he simply calls, "Kat".

- Is suspicious and dubious of women from Mies.

- Enjoys the Amarrian forms of the waltz.

- Maintains well manicured nails.

- Still has boots, spurs and a Mikramurkan clan poncho from time as a bounty hunter.

- Owns a number of art galleries.


This is a broad and general background details/ideas presented through what might be described internal monologue for a polite and harmless Jin-Mei adventurer who wears tailored suits and works as an Art Dealer.

Just a regular, stand up kind of guy from the Federation.

I just started out with the simple premise of Zavier coming from an organized crime background because the Jin-Mei caste system seems well suited to creating a crime family style heirarchy with Sang Do bosses, Saan Go lieutenants, and Jing Ko enforcers. I imagined Zavier's family as an expatriate faction from Lirsautton that turned to criminal activity in order to establish a powerbase elsewhere in the Federation. So he's from the Jin-Mei mafia I guess. Everything else developed from that.

Most characters will probably only ever interact with Zavier under his guise as an unassuming interstellar art dealer, if not at all, and that's intended.

His personal complexities, contradictions, flaws, and his background narrative involving an eclectic life of organized crime, bounty hunting, heists, fighting the Federation's dirty wars, Holder conflicts, getting drunk, screwing women, getting drunk again, along with an interesting cast of characters he's met -- are really in my own interest to write.

Because it's fun.

Essentially just my own personal tribute to 80's pop culture, cyberpunk, westerns, noir pulp fiction and 1950's - 1960's USA.

Right now he's just an vague idea for an character protaganist in a narrative construct for worldbuilding; and much less for proper roleplay interaction like with Calliste.


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Re: [Character]Zavier Dessaultnier
« Reply #1 on: 18 Nov 2015, 19:26 »

More of this please!

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Character]Zavier Dessaultnier
« Reply #2 on: 19 Nov 2015, 00:13 »

- Is suspicious and dubious of women from Mies.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.