General Discussion > The Speakeasy: OOG/Off-topic Discussion

Elite: Dangerous (Or: Why has this thread not been made yet!?)

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They've decided to drop the gimbal nerf in the end:

--- Quote ---Changes we’re likely to roll back
Gimbals: for now we’re going to roll back all of the gimbal changes, which mean they will retain their tracking arc from the current live build (not the beta) and will not be affected by sensors. We will be keeping the buffs to fixed weapons.

 We think there’s merit in the concept behind this test, especially with giving added consequence for sensors. However, the feedback is convincing us that we probably need to come back to it at a future point, when we can spend more time looking at how these modules could work together to bring more parity between fixed and gimbals, and create interesting choice at the same time.
--- End quote ---


Utari Onzo:
This doesn't change my fundamental problem with Elite. It's pretty as all hell but it's been quite stagnant in terms of more things to do outside of combat, exploration is pretty much the exact same process as when the game started.

The grind is also a thing and it appears that FD are determined to cap income to a set arbitrary level across all activities, given their recent noise, meaning you're still making very slow cash. The only choice is do you want death by idleness (mining), death by repetition (mission stacking/board hopping) or death by cartwheels (jousting NPCs in RESs/Conflict sites)

First confirmed Thargoid sighting today.


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