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that the ISHAEKA Reports warned about the Sansha Nation Incursions possiblily occuring.

Author Topic: The perfect plan  (Read 629 times)

Avio Yaken

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The perfect plan
« on: 01 Jun 2016, 19:12 »

The smoke filled war room of the Rupture class cruiser ,"Plague Bringer" was filled with the chatter of shady characters. The small room was packed with thirty men and woman of all bloodlines wait close to the walls. In the middle of the room is a round table with five more sitting down at it, quietly waiting. The noise that filled the room was cut off by the sound of a gavel hitting the table. All eyes turn to the middle of the room to see a worn out and bald Brutor with a stern look as he scans the crowd. Not a single person would dare make a sound, not of fear but of interest. "I thank you all for being here." The Brutor begins "The fact that none of you showed up drunk high and on time is a good sign that I'm working with professionals" The voice in which the Brutor spoke with was smooth and easy on the ears but had a certain boldness to it. "But I'm not here to slob yours knobs, I'm here to make us all rich..." The Brutor then looks over to a Intaki woman sitting at the table who quickly begins typing away on a datapad.

The lights in the room go dim and a hologram of a Kryos class industrial ship appears above the table. "This is the target..The big one." The burtor then walks a lap around the table while facing the crowd "The only way this plan will work is if you all do as you are told and work together. You do your part and you get paid, its simple." He then return to his original spot at the head of the hologram table. "Warthog, give them the numbers." The Brutor gestures over to a young Khanid man sitting at the table  who stands up and looks around at those assembled "We are going after Morphite, 6,349 Units to be exact...If we manage to get all of it out we are looking at..." warthog ponders for a moment, calculating the total and dividing it among those involved "Roughly Three million ISK for everyone." Whistles and sounds of approval sound out at the juicy reward. The Brutor picks up the gavel and hits the table one more time to get the room to quiet down. The rooms falls silent again before the mastermind continues"Before we get ahead of ourselfs we gotta talk about HOW we are getting the Morphite out." The Brutor then gestures back over to the Intaki woman who once again hesitantly moves her fingers across her datapad.

A hologram of a Caldari stargate appears next to the Kyros Hologram. "We learned what route the pilot is taking, and we are setting on the Litiura gate in Passari." the Brutor continues "We know the mark's fitting and we tested the Rupture to make sure it can take the shields down." The others in the room continue to watch patiently, taking in all the information they can about this job. "Once they are down, then the real work begins. We will use shuttles and board breach our way inside the ship and begin phase 2 of the plan." As soon as the Brutor finishes the Intaki woman makes a edit to the Kryos hologram.

Two of the back holds of the Kryos hologram are soon highlighted before the group and provides various information about this two parts of the ship that would be of no interest to common pirates. The Brutor begins to speak again as soon as the hologram finishes updating "Our inside man tells us that the containers of Morphite are being held in theses two Holds. We will be splitting you all up into two teams and assaulting both holds simultaneously to stretch their security out.". The Brutor then gestures between the Intaki female and a Deities male "Both teams will have one MTAC operator that you will all have to keep alive if any of you want to get paid for this..His codename is "Ice"  and hers is "Nova"." The Detites known as "ice" looks around a  bit nervously at the rugged crowd and gives  a faint smile and wave.

"You will be looking for container's who have a "5" as the last digit in their serial number, our inside man made sure to have the Morphite containers be the only ones that have a "5" at the end of their numbers." A hologram is pulled up of a container and highlighting where they can find the Container's serial number. "Once you locate a crate, inform your team's MTAC operator..They will move the crate to the Hold's airlock and jettison the container into space..Besides doing that, just make sure your operator is not getting shot at. Simple." The Brutor then looks around at the group to see their reactions, so far they all seem to still be on board with the plan. The Mastermind then continues "We got a friendly hauler cloaked on grid with us..Once we jettison all the cans it will decloak, grab the Morphite and jump into Litiura and blend into the usual traffic..Any questions?" The Brutor scans the crowd and spots a Civire man raise his hand slowly, he asks for question "How we gonna get out?" The Brutor then faceplams "Oh right i forgot to mention that..The Hualer's escape pod's will be our way out. Warthog here will hack intot he ship's systems and give us access but not anyone else." so far the Civire seems to be ok with that idea, nodding slightly in approval "The pods will be set to land on Passari VIII." As soon as he mentions the planet's name the holograms are replaced with one hologram of the Icy world of Passari VIII "There we will find shuttles waiting for us to take us off world and to a soon as the goods are secured, you will all get your cut and we can go our separate ways."

A scarred up Gallentean is the next to ask a question "This guy not have any backup?" "Our inside man says he usually does not but he is apart of a Alliance so back up might arrive..We don't have a lot of time so don't mess around." Ice then stands up quickly which gets the cold attention of the team's mastermind "Whoa hold up..Alliance? Is this guy a capsuleer?" The brutor only nods to the small deities man while giving him a cold stare "I didn't sign up to raid a egger's ship!" Ice then looks around at those in the room while the mastermind just quietly observes with a cold expression "Don't you guys know what a capsuleer can DO to us if we fuck them over?! To hell with this, I'm out.." Ice then makes his way towards the exit of the room but is stop in his tracks as he hears the sound of cocked handgun, Ice is then asked to turn around slowly which he does and sees the barrel of a bolt pistol staring him down. The mastermind then moves in closer "I don't have time to find a replacement..Either you take this risk with us or i can put you down for screwing up this job.." The Brutor has not changed his expression or tone the entire time. The others in the room just watch quietly, not wanting to get involved with this. Ice gulps and walks back over to his seat and sitting back down quietly. All eyes are back on the boss who is now holstering his weapon "Let me just remind you all of why we are here." he says as he looks around "We are here to get rich and unless we take the risks we won't be rich..If we have to knock over a Egger's vessel in order to get rich then so be it, its simply the risk." he makes his way back to the head of the table "The only way this plan will fuck up is if you don't do as you are told, work together this one time and you won't ever have to see each other again."

"Any questions?" the entire room falls silent for a moment before the Brutor speaks up one final time "Outstanding..Lets get it done"