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Ship crews either spend most of their journey in their escape pods, and are awoken with adrenaline only as needed?(Source: The Burning Life novel by CCP Abraxas.) or live aboard ship much like ship's crews today? (Source)

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Author Topic: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies  (Read 16440 times)

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #45 on: 24 Dec 2011, 12:58 »

History Class

Ms. Tamarom greets the class "Hello again girls, we'll be learning about the Ealurians some more, which should be useful for you, since you have been issued the Ealurians you'll be using for Biology, yes?"

"miss, we've got an Udorian" says Sehrazah
"Is that so? How unusual"
"Louella won her in a raffle, she's pretty" says Reraha
"I see. Well, you'll still need to learn about the Ealurians. Now then..."

Ms. Tamarom talks about the Ealurians for the rest of the lesson.


Louella has a bowl of vegetable soup and a roll.
"hey, Louella, did Miss Nisouman say how we're going to get the slaves to do it for biology?" asks Sehrazah
"don't think so? I dunno, maybe it'll be next biology lesson." says Louella
"oh ok. I've never seen slaves do it. Wonder if they do it like slaver hounds." says Sehrazah
"why would they? slaver hounds have four legs, people have 2. It's obviously going to be different." replies Reraha
"yeah but, like, it's still all the same things, the doodad goes in the whatnot, you know? Icky things" says Girned.
"Yes, but it's like, slaver hounds just do stuff, but people kiss each other and stuff, to get in the mood" says Zesia
"It's probably going to be funny looking, I've seen slaves doing it before, but that was a while back. maybe they do things  differently." says Aktih
"why would they do it differently?" says Girned
"I dunno, they just might?"
"I'm going to do Hazli's hair tonight, I think. Put some ribbons in it and stuff" says Louella
"oo, that'd be pretty, can I help?" says Reraha
"Sure! it'll be fun!"

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #46 on: 26 Dec 2011, 12:19 »


"Afternoon ladies" says Miss Savan, the sports teacher. "How are you all today? Ready for some stickball?"

"miss, I'd like to try out for the stickball team.", "me too",  "so do I".

"Alright, I'll take sign ups at the end of the lesson. Now, let's play."

After the lesson, Louella and Reraha get some sandwiches for dinner, then go over to the staff quarters to find Hazli.

"hello? is Hazli there? it's Louella?"
"Oh hello Louella, Reraha." says Miss Nisouman. "what are you up to? "
"we're going to tie some ribbons in Hazli's hair, miss" says Reraha.
"yes. Make her look pretty and stuff."
"Oh, that will be nice, I am sure, wait here a moment."

after a few moments, Miss Nisouman brings Hazli out.
"Hi  Hazli, how are you?"
"I am well, miss Louella"
"super! I had this idea, for some ribbons in your hair and stuff, what do you think?"
"I am sure that will be fun"
"Alrighty, lets go to my room then", Louella offers Hazli her hand, and after a momentary hesitation, Hazli takes it.

Louella's Room

Hazli is sat on a chair, Louella and Reraha are twirling her hair into pigtails, and putting ribbons in it.
"you have lovely soft hair, Hazli" says Louella
"yeah, it's a lovely colour too."
"thank you miss Louella"
"Got some of these bright red ribbons in it now, they're really bright and make you look super, I think. Here's a mirror, what do you think?"
Hazli looks in the mirror.
"They look nice, miss Louella"
"this boy we're going to use for human biology, he'll find you really attractive and stuff, I think" says Reraha.
"yeah, Hazli, he's going to be all 'oh my she's so pretty' and stuff"
Hazli smiles a little
"hey, Hazli, have you like, done it with boys before? what's it like? is it as fun as they say? is it all sticky and stuff?"
"Yes, miss Louella. It can be enjoyable, and it can be a bit messy"
"how do you do it?" asks Reraha. "Do you just like, do it like slaver hounds? or do you kiss and stuff before?"
"It can be done either way, depending on the people involved, miss Reraha"
"can you draw stuff for us, Hazli?" asks Reraha
"what do you mean, miss Reraha?"
"I mean like, how do you stand or lie down and stuff? I've only seen slaver hounds doing it, and they're four legged and stuff?"
"Oh. Well, there are several ways you can do things, miss Reraha"
Louella finds some paper and pencils and gives them to Hazli, who makes some drawings while Louella and Reraha watch, asking questions from time to time, and giggling as Hazli explains some things.

As the evening ends, Louella walks with Hazli back to the staff quarters.
"I had fun today, Hazli, you're really knowledgeable and stuff"
"Thank you, miss Louella"
Louella gives Hazli a hug
"see you later"
"Goodnight, miss Louella"

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, today we learned more stuff in biology, later I put ribbons in Hazli's hair and she showed me some interesting things about stuff. I think I will try out for the stickball team as well.
love, Lou-lou


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #47 on: 27 Dec 2011, 05:13 »

I enjoy this series quite a bit.  8)

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #48 on: 27 Dec 2011, 07:06 »


Um, yay?

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #49 on: 30 Dec 2011, 06:33 »


"Good morning class", says Ms. Kieram. "Today we will be doing some drawing, looking at patterns of light and shade."

"miss, is that like, drawing fruit and stuffs?"

"Yeesss. Fruit and 'stuff'. Now, if you gather round, we'll begin."

There are fruit and patterned cloths arranged on a small table in the middle of the room, and the class draw what they see.

"Miss, do we like, have people that come in and we draw them and stuff?"

"Yes, yes, we'll have a life model or two later in the year."

"Miss, Louella has a Udorian she won in a raffle, can she bring her in so we can draw her and stuff?"

"Is that so? Well, maybe."

Louella draws the oranges and patterned cloth she can see from where she is.

Modern Studies

"Hello class. Today we will be looking at Lady Catiz Tash-Murkon, and her economic miracle in developing the region." says Ms. Tamarom.

There are graphs.

"As you can see, ladies, with some determination, great things are possible, and as fine Amarrian Ladies, you will be as capable, determined and righteous as Lady Catiz."

Tech Studies

"Good afternoon ladies" says Mr. Gorouyar. "We have already looked at concrete and bricklaying, now today we shall be looking at roofing. Now then, perhaps you may have noticed that some buildings have flat roofs and some have sloped? Perhaps you have observed the difference in architecture in different climates? Well ladies, there is a reason, as indeed there is a reason for all of Creation being the way it is."

"sir? it's because of rain and stuff isn't it ?"

"Very good, It is indeed because of rain. A sloped roof allows the rain to flow off, but! why do some have steep roofs, hmmm?"

"Ummm, I don't know?"

"Perhaps ladies, you have been on a winter sports holiday?"

"I have! umm, is the steep roof to let snow fall off?"

"Very perceptive, Miss Tash-Murkon. Indeed. The steep roof reduces the amount of snow and ice that gathers, and the structure is then not overly burdened."

Mr. Gorouyar talks for a while longer about the reasons for architectural styles.

"Now then, ladies, we shall put a roof onto the building we were constructing last time. Follow me."

There are some of the school technicians standing at the work site, with scaffolding set up, and timber A-frames and panels ready to be put in place.

"Now ladies, we shall be using galvanised nails to assemble the roof, but why is that?"

"umm, is it because the zinc protects the iron? so they last longer?"

"Quite so ladies. In the manner of Garum and Zakara, the zinc sacrifices itself to protect the iron. The same method you may see used on ocean ships as well."


The girls enthusiastically hammer nails into things, under the direction of Mr. Gorouyar and the technicians.

Louella's Journal

Today we learned about drawing fruit and stuff, and about Lady Catiz, and about putting roofs on buildings. It was interesting, now we know how to build buildings and stuff

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #50 on: 01 Jan 2012, 08:06 »


"Hello class", says Miss Nisouman. "How are we all? Today we'll be mating your slaves with the mates you chose in the previous lesson, so put on your rubber gloves and we'll get started."

Louella waves at Hazli, who gives a small wave back.
"Hi Hazli, how's things?"
"I am fine, miss Louella"
"Ready for this? I'm sure you'll like, do fine"
"Thank you, miss Louella"

The school technicians help the class with their slaves and mates.

"Miss? how come our dude has a mask on and the other dudes don't?" asks Reraha
"Ah. Reraha, well, there's a reason for this. Hazli is Udorian, the other slaves are Ealurians. Now because Hazli was unexpected, we didn't have any suitable slaves, so the available mates are actually freemen, so the mask is to shield their identity."
"Oh" says Reraha. "That makes sense"

Louella and Sehrazah are helping Hazli undress.
"You look pretty, Hazli" says Louella.
"Yeah", says Sehrazah. "this dude will totally find you attractive".

"alright dude, you have to start by, ummm, let me check" says Reraha, looking at her book of instructions. "alright, you have to start by kissing and licking Hazli's nipples. Do that for like, five minutes, alright? Umm, you can do that with that mask on, can't you?"
The masked man nods.
"You can't talk, can you? or won't? to keep your secret identity and stuff?"
He nods again.
"k then. umm, Lou? Is Hazli ready?"
"yes, here we go Hazli"
"alright, mister, start those nipples"

"Hey, Sehrazah, this diagram, are we holding it the right way up?"
"I dunno, hmm, doesn't look any better this way up."
"what do you think, Lou?"
"hmm, dunno, how's Hazli getting on?"

Sehrazah pokes the man with a stick "Hey mister, have you finished with those nipples? you can start rubbing Hazlis whatnots now, do that for five minutes, ok?"
"omg, where did you get that stick?"
"Found it"

"alright, Hazli, if you get on your, umm, hands and knees, is that diagram right, Reraha? k, hands and knees, Hazli. Ok mister, you can start doing your stuff, alright? You can squeeze Hazli's boobs a little, but not too much, ok?"

"hey, Louella, how come the other groups seem to be ahead of us?"
"Huh? I dunno, maybe Ealurians are different or something?"
"Hey mister, are you nearly done? Maybe we should get them to change position or something?"
"to what?"
"umm, put Hazli on top, that'll do it?"
"k, if you're sure. Hey mister, stop that a moment, Hazli? omg, you're all pink and shiny, must be quite some exercise this, ok we want you to be on top of mister man here, alright? bounce up and down and stuff"

"hey, mister, see when Hazli's bouncing up and down, grab her boobs a little, if they wave about like that it could hurt or stuff, stretch ligaments and things. How're you doing Hazli? alright? nearly there?"
"yes. miss. Lou. ella."
"k, super."

"I think they're almost done now, should I get a bucket?"
"what do you need a bucket for, Reraha?"
"well like, when our slaver hounds are done, we throw a bucket of water on them?"
"how's that going to help us here?"
"I dunno? it just might?"
"don't see why, it'd be like, you know, you wouldn't like it if you were with that boy you liked, and your mum threw a bucket of water over you?"
"I guess not."
Sehrazah pokes them with the stick again "you finished?"

"Miss Nisouman? we're finished now."
"So I see. Well, I hope you were taking plenty of notes."

"How was it Hazli, was it fun? you seemed to be enjoying yourself?"
"I did enjoy myself, miss Louella."
"Is it a big workout? you were all pink and sweating?"
"It is quite hard work, yes, miss Reraha."
"Do you think you're pregnant yet?"
"I don't know, miss Sehrazah, it will take a while to be sure."
"Ok, see you next time."

"well, that was informative"
"yeah, wasn't as messy as I thought it would be?"
"slaver hounds are simpler"

Social studies

"Today ladies, we shall begin looking at ways to instruct your slaves. As you should know, as a slave owner you have a great responsibility to society." says Ms. Gimela.

The class listen attentively.

"Society frowns upon those that never grant any slave their freedom, as that means they have failed in their duty to instruct the slave in the Faith. Yet granting all slaves freedom is also greatly frowned upon, as that implies a lack of discipline. Of course there are exceptions, such as a Holder who forms a brigade of soldiers from his slaves to campaign with the Imperial Forces. Such soldiers would have earned their freedom"

"Miss? what about mancubines?" asks Aktih

Ms. Gimela gives Aktih a Look. "Aktih, go to the Office of the Headmistress after class."


Aktih joins the rest of the class after lunch.
"omg, I got a punishment exercise. Because like, mancubines aren't a topic we should discuss until senior years or something"
"wow, that seems harsh"

"Hello ladies, ready for some exercise?" says Miss Savan.

"yes miss"

"Super. Today we'll be doing some aerobics and gymnastics. This will improve your overall health, muscle tone and flexibility, alright?"

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, omg, sex looks totally ridiculous. Then we learned stuff about slave handling, then had aerobics and stuff later.

Zuzanna Alondra

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #51 on: 01 Jan 2012, 18:26 »

Sehrazah pokes them with the stick again "you finished?"
That would kill the mood a bit!  This is a very fun story - keep up the good work.


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #52 on: 03 Jan 2012, 14:31 »

That's the best one yet.  :lol:

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #53 on: 14 Jan 2012, 08:03 »

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, in tech studies we learned more about buildings, one of the other girls said it was suspicious like, we're doing most of the building work for free, then in Maths we learned stuff about equations and things, then in Modern Studies we were looking some more at interstellar trade and customs and things.

Dear mum, today in History we learned about some more of the early explorations of space, then in Social studies we had a lecture about penny dreadfuls and why they're bad, then we had more Maths.

Dear mum, in Art we drew some more fruit and things, Ms Kieram says Hazli can pose next week, then at Church we had a sermon about the wrongness of lust then in Scripture and Literature we were looking at the words of the Prophet Anoyia.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #54 on: 14 Jan 2012, 09:40 »

Day Off

Louella is wearing her knee length skirt, knee socks, t-shirt and cardigan, and wanders around the school, towards the staff quarters, where she meets Miss Savan the sports teacher, who is out jogging.

"Hello Miss Savan, how are you?"
"Oh hello Louella, I am quite well, where are you off to today?"
"I was going to wander around town, was going to see if Hazli and Jalar could come along."
"Oh, that sounds nice. The stickball team starts training next week, I hope to see you there."
"thanks, Miss. I like your sports outfit."
"Oh thank you, Louella, you can buy outfits like this in town, they offer good support when you're running."
"Alright, Louella, have fun today, I'll see you tomorrow"

Miss Savan jogs off.

Louella presses the intercom and asks if Jalar and Hazli can come into town today, and is told they'll be out shortly.

"Hello miss Louella"
"Hi Hazli, I was going to wander round town today, thought you might like to come?"
"That would be nice, miss Louella."
"super. There's a nice park we went to last time, and there were ducks and things. Going to get some bread for them today."
"I am sure the ducks would like that, miss Louella"
"oh hey, here's Jalar! Hi Jalar!"
"Hello miss Louella"
"I was just saying to Hazli that there was a nice park, and there were ducks and things"
"very good miss Louella"
"Alright, off we go."

Louella, Hazli and Jalar walk into town, to the park, Louella purchases a bag of breadcrumbs for the ducks.
"I like ducks, they're funny" says Louella, throwing some bread for the ducks, who quack happily.
Hazli and Jalar also throw some bread for the ducks.
"Hazli was helping us in biology class, did you know that Jalar?"
"I have heard this, miss Louella, yes."
"She was very good at it, she's really pretty and stuff, we learned a lot."
"Quite, miss Louella", says Jalar.
"Thank you" says Hazli.

After feeding the ducks, the group continue walking through the park, and arrive at the Preaching Corner, where there is a vacant pedestal.
"oh hey, I know!" says Louella, and marches up and climbs onto the pedestal.
"Umm, well, Saint Ageroth said that happiness is measured by what you hold in like, your heart, and not your hand, so umm, people should hug more and stuff and be full of joy. Umm, that's all I wanted to say today."
The small group of people standing around listening to the preachers on the pedestal offer some scattered polite applause.
One of the Theology Council agents raises an eyebrow. The other one writes something down.
"That was nice, miss Louella." says Hazli.
"Yeah, I think people should hug more, don't you, Jalar?"
"Indeed miss Louella"
Louella surprises Jalar by hugging him, and he breathes in sharply.
"are you alright, Jalar?"
"I am fine miss Louella, I just had a slight injury the other day it is still a bit tender."
"oh! what happened?"
"I received a couple of blows to the ribs, they are slightly bruised."
"Huh, well, hope you get better soon."
"Thank you miss Louella"

The group then wanders further into town, stopping to purchase sandwiches. Today, Louella has a sausage sandwich.


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #55 on: 18 Jan 2012, 19:46 »

Hmm, my Chronoluminometer seems to be moving....

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #56 on: 21 Jan 2012, 09:38 »

Day Off

"so how'd you bruise your ribs, Jalar?" asks Louella
"It was a... sporting... injury, miss Louella"
"Oh cool, sport. I like stickball. I'm going to try out for the school team and stuff, it looks fun, Miss Savan says the final of the competition is in Dam-Torsad! On Amarr Island itself!"
"Indeed, miss Louella, Very exciting I am sure"
"do you do any sport, Hazli?"
"I have some skill in fencing and pistol shooting, Miss Louella"
"ooh, that sounds interesting, it's not dangerous though, is it?"
"No, Miss Louella, it is quite safe."
"super. maybe you could show me some time? I'd like to see it. Do you have people you do it with and stuff?"
"That would be nice, Miss Louella"

The three wander around the shops, looking at items for sale. Louella purchases some sports clothes for stickball, and also buys a hat for Hazli.
"hey Jalar? you're not wearing your hat?"
"I am terribly sorry, miss Louella, there was a terrible accident with the hat and it is no longer wearable"
"Oh my, that's awful! Never mind, I'll get you another"
Jalar's poker face is the greatest in human history.
"That would be nice, miss Louella"

Louella and company wander back to the Academy, where she encounters Ms Tamarom the history teacher.
"Hello Louella, how are you?"
"Hi Ms. Tamarom, I'm doing super, took Hazli and Jalar shopping and stuff, we had fun."
"Good to hear. You have a visitor, he has been entertaining us with stories, and he'll be telling some to the class in History tomorrow"
"Oh? a visitor?"
"Indeed, here he comes now." says Ms. Tamarom. "I'll leave you to it"
"Aha, there she is!" says a loud voice.
"In the flesh! How is my favourite granddaughter? I was just passing through, and thought I'd stop by. Brought some things for you as well that your mother thought you should have."
"I'm doing super! I was just out shopping with Hazli and Jalar here."
"Hazli, is it? Nice to meet you. And you as well sir, Jalar, eh? I knew a Jalar in the Oolies. Colonel Archie Dougans, 51st Udorian Highlanders, retired. So, you'd be the school chaperones, eh? Keep Louella here out of mischief? Capital!"
"Jalar's good at conversation and stuff, and I won Hazli in a raffle last week, she's helping me with biology class"
"A raffle? Are you gambling, Louella?", he says with a grin.
Louella giggles. "it was a church raffle!"
"Aha! a Righteous Raffle then! Out-standing!"
"I'd better let Jalar and Hazli go, granddad, since it's tea time"
"Of course. Pleasure to meet you both."

Louella and her granddad go for the evening meal then carry the things to Louella's room.

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, omg, granddad made a surprise visit, said he was visiting some old Army friends and decided to drop by, he brought your dolls house with him, said you said you wanted me to have it at school? it's super. Also gave me one of his old Army pistols, so I can do pistol shooting at school with it and stuff.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #57 on: 28 Jan 2012, 12:55 »


"Good morning class, today we will be looking at various methods of testing your slaves for medical issues, including blood sampling, genetic testing and much more. It will be useful for pregnancy and other tests as well."

"Miss, I have a question?"

"Go ahead, Girned"

"ok, see like, when we like, get married and stuff, do we have to like, do all that rigmarole with like, our husbands and stuff? Cos it like, looks really daft and stuff ? bouncing up and down and things. It looks totally silly. "
"and messy" adds Zesia.

"Well, there are options where you don't have to 'bounce up and down' if you really don't want to." says Miss Nisouman. "But it is also fun, one of your other teachers will explain about it, your social studies teacher. There are also books in the library. Hmm, 'Marital Activities for the Righteous Amarrian Woman' should be a few copies of that available"


"Hello class, we have a guest today who will be telling us about the Minmatar Rebellion. Colonel Dougans, of the Udorian Highlander Light Infantry"

"Good morning, ladies, I shall indeed be talking about the war against the Fuzzy-Wuzzies, which of course were called that on account of their hairstyle, favouring fuzzy hairstyles such as dreadlocks and other such things.
I remember it quite well, I was a young man at the time, not long out of the Academy, as was normal for that time. The Army has always been a decent choice for advancement for young Amarrians, have any of you considered enlisting? Capital!
Now then, I was sent to the Udorian Highlanders, as a platoon commander, and the Division was deployed for routine policing of space that is now claimed by the Republic. At the time of course, it was under the authority of the Holders that had been appointed, and we were there to keep dissidents and pirates under control. I met the then Duke of Pator in a social club, he seemed a nice enough fellow, we played cards a few times. Billiards too, naturally. I encourage you to learn the art of billiards, I knew an officer in the Navy who played, a tall blonde Admiral, she was very, very skilled at the billiards. Dancing too. Fine occupations for a Lady.
Anyway, where was I, ah of course. When the insurgency started, we received orders to deploy for defensive campaign and await reinforcements for a counter assault.
The Minmatar is a cunning fellow, but like most enemies of the Empire, they are inexperienced and do not like the taste of Amarrian steel. Which was fortunate for us, let me tell you.
The first battle, it was some irregular fuzzy wuzzies that attempted to assault the spaceport, we repulsed them quite handily. The Fuzzy Wuzzy prefers his projectile weapon, which of course has several inferiorities to the Righteous Light of the laser weaponry that the Army uses. Not least of which is that on the planet we were on, the atmosphere was thicker than normal, which robbed the fuzzy wuzzies weapons of power. Ballistics, you know. Air resistance increases with atmospheric pressure, which shortened the range of those heathen weaponry. And so our lasers cut them down. It was a damn shame, to see so many souls condemned without hope of redemption, a damn shame. Our priests and medics were busy, very busy indeed.
Anyway, later on, there were more professional outfits sent against us, by this time, much of the Holders and the other civilians had evacuated, leaving ourselves and a large number of native troops to defend against the fuzzy wuzzy insurgents.
Kameiras! some of the best infantrymen in the cluster, I say. I met a company of them one time. Goes to show of course, what happens when a soul is Saved. Now our natives weren't Kameiras, but they were loyal and faithful.
So there we were, a few good men, and women naturally, There's not much that's a more beautiful sight than a righteous fighting Amarr woman, I tell you, So, we formed a defensive ring around the spaceport, to hold it against all the fuzzy wuzzies and other insurgents. We had an Engineer battalion as well, Fine body of men that lot. They were the ones who constructed our defences, as well as the unfortunate duty of the mass graves for those poor fuzzy wuzzies that were killed without redemption, God rest their poor souls.
Eventually of course, the Emperor declared peace, and we were withdrawn from the theatre. Hardly a glorious victory, but of course, those who talk about glorious victories are seldom fighting in the mud, like we were.
Not mudfighting of course, that is for sporting ladies of the appropriate disposition. Most of them are Gallente, naturally, they go in for that sort of thing over there. Mud wrestling and all sorts. Quite unrighteous.
I stayed in the Army, naturally, and after we were recalled from Heimatar as the fuzzy wuzzies call it, we were deployed to the Bleak Lands. And that's another story."

The class listen, enthralled.

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #58 on: 04 Feb 2012, 05:15 »


"Miss, when do we do pistol shooting and stuff?" asks Louella. "Granddad gave me this pistol for it and stuff?"

"Oh, we'd be doing some later in the week. You'd need to get that pistol checked by the school's armsmaster, for safety purposes" says Miss Savan. "Now then, it's stickball time. Get yourselves changed and we'll get started"

The class play stickball for the rest of the lesson.

"Good work, ladies. Remember, that after dinner will be evening practice for those wishing to join the stickball teams, I'm hoping to see some of you there."


Louella has a steak & gravy pie. It is yummy.

"Your granddad seems nice, Lou" says Sehrazah.
"Yeah, he's got lots of stories about things, they're like, interesting and stuff."
"cool. Ms Tamarom said he'll be talking about wars against Blood raiders and stuff? that sounds like, dangerous"
"totally, those blasphemers are like, evil and stuff"
"I'm going to stickball practice after this, how about you?"
"definitely. It'd be super to travel round and stuff, I think"

Stickball Practice

Louella and Sehrazah wander over to the stickball field, to join up with the other girls that have expressed an interest in stickball.

"Hi, I'm Louella"
"howdy, I'm Temala, you're a first year? I'm second year, this'll be my second season at this."
"cool, you've done this before?"
"Totally! We like, qualified for some of the later rounds last season, and like, we went to Sarum Prime to face one of their teams, Got beat though."
"wow. sounds fun."
"yah, we were like, playing against the Mekhios Academy for Amarrian Maidens. and you'll never guess what."
"Their senior team captain, is like, dating Jamyl Sarum, she's like, the Sarum Heiress or something?"
"omg what? she's one of like, those?"
"So I heard, from one of the Sarum team members."

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #59 on: 11 Feb 2012, 02:24 »

((ofc, conversation with Temala is dependent on the chronology of Jamyl Sarum in Templar One being 'accurate'. If not, then:
"Hi, I'm Louella"
"howdy, I'm Temala, you're a first year? I'm second year, this'll be my second season at this."
"cool, you've done this before?"
"Totally! We like, qualified for some of the later rounds last season, and like, we went to Sarum Prime to face one of their teams, Got beat though."
"wow. sounds fun."
"yah, we were like, playing against the Mekhios Academy for Amarrian Maidens. One of their past players was Jamyl Sarum, she's like, the Sarum Heiress or something?"
"totally" ))


Miss Savan says "I'm  pleased to see so many of you wanting to play stickball for the school. Today we'll be working on some of the basics, then we'll see which positions you'll be suited for. Assisting me with this, will be Coach Azmob, who some of you will know from last season."
"Hello ladies" says Coach Azmob, a dark-haired muscly Udorian woman with a bent looking nose and squashed ears. "For those of you that don't know me, I used to play in the slave leagues, and now coach stickball for the Academy here. You'll become some of the finest stickball players in the Empire, if I have anything to do about it. Now, lets get started"

Louella's Journal

Dear mum, stickball practice was tiring but fun, also granddad told one of his stories in history class, people liked it.
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