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Author Topic: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies  (Read 16437 times)

Louella Dougans

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Near the centre of the Tash-Murkon realm, Hilaban VIII is a barren world, with only a few surface settlements in domed communities.

It is also the site of a finishing school...

YC 104
Shuttle on approach to Hilaban Academy Landing Field

An orbital shuttle descends towards the planet, the passengers taking the opportunity to look out of the window. The passengers consist of several teenage girls and their anxious parents.

"So, this is where you will be attending school for a few years, Louella dear", said Kathryn to her daughter. "It is one of the best schools in the whole of Tash-Murkon space"
Louella scowled, "Pfft, I don't want to. Why can't I go to school at home?"

"Now now, less of that." replied Kathryn. "You can learn a great deal more here than you could at home. Self-reliance, meeting people from different backgrounds, this is a great opportunity for you."
Louella sulks and stares out the window. "meh"

Kathryn sighs quietly. "Why don't you introduce yourself to some of the other girls, hmm?"
Louella shrugs "Fine" and goes off to talk to one of the other girls.

"Hello, I'm Louella, what's your name?"
"Hmm? My name is Sehrazah"
"Pleased to meet you, Sehrazah. Have you ever been to this planet before? This is only like, my 3rd time in space, how about you?"
"Oh, umm, this is my first time in space. It's like, weird."
"Cool! So where are you from? My family is from Hilaban VI originally, though currently we live in Emrayur, cos of working for the Imperial Planetology Ministry and stuff."
"Umm, Tash-Murkon Prime. We have an estate there"
"super! so like, you're Family?"
"No, not Tash-Murkon Family" replies Sehrazah. "Those two over there are though. Not very high up, but still, like, you know."

Louella and Sehrazah look over at the two girls Sehrazah pointed out. They're dressed in clearly more expensive outfits, with ornate jewellery, and are complaining to their parents.
"Mother, there are Minmatar on this planet. Why are there Minmatar on this planet? I hate this planet." whines one, "Hush Zesia, it'll build character" . "Father, I want my miniature slavers, why can't I bring them?", "Reraha, you know they don't travel well, they would be unhappy" is the reply.

Louella and Sehrazah shrug and go back to looking out the window. The sole moon of the planet appears above the horizon. "look, a moon!" says Sehrazah "Cool, at least there's something to look at" says Louella.

The shuttle pilot's voice comes over the intercom, "Landing at Academy Field in ten minutes, please be seated".

"guess I'll see you later?" says Louella, returning to her seat. "Yeah, same" says Sehrazah.

The shuttle touches down, and the ground crew begin unloading the baggage and assisting the passengers to disembark.

The newest of the Fine Young Amarrian Ladies have arrived...


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #1 on: 02 Sep 2011, 17:48 »

I'm Lovin' It.
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #2 on: 02 Sep 2011, 18:03 »

Bravo! Encore!

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #3 on: 03 Sep 2011, 02:14 »

Academy Chapel

"Welcome ladies, to the Hilaban Academy" says the headmistress, addressing the gathered students.

"Here, you will learn all the skills and knowledge to be a capable Amarrian woman, such that you will be a credit to your family, to your Holders, to the Emperor and to God."

"You will learn a broad range of subjects, Art, History, Crafts, Etiquette, such that you are fully capable of performing any task you need to do to look after your family and estates."

The headmistress glares at a raised hand. "YES?"

Zesia pales slightly "umm, do we have to learn bricklaying? someone said we had to learn bricklaying. That's stuff for like, Minmatar and other low slaves, isn't it? why do we have to learn it?"

The headmistress gives Zesia a withering stare, making her cower slightly. "You will learn bricklaying, such that you can instruct your servants appropriately on your estates. You will learn how and why bricks are laid, and you will do some yourself, because it may be necessary, God forbid, but if there is a disaster, it will be up to you to rebuild society. From the ground up if needed. May the Saints preserve us from such a fate."

Sehrazah nudges Louella as they watch this. Louella suppresses a giggle.

"Miss Dougans, you have something to say?"

Louella blinks "umm, well, like, err, I was like, wondering if there'd be stuff like, umm, you know, if we have our own, like, rooms and stuff?"

"Yes, you have your own room. After we're finished here you will be shown to your room. We also have elocution lessons, to help you with that."

Louella turns a bit pink. Sehrazah mouths "sorry" and smiles.

"Are there any more questions, ladies? No? Good. You are dismissed." The headmistress leaves the chapel, and the other staff begin the process of organising the new students into their accommodation.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #4 on: 03 Sep 2011, 07:45 »

Good stuff!

Though, for a moment there, I thought you might be doing an EVE version of St Trinians.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #5 on: 04 Sep 2011, 05:38 »

The headmistress gives Zesia a withering stare, making her cower slightly. "You will learn bricklaying, such that you can instruct your servants appropriately on your estates. You will learn how and why bricks are laid, and you will do some yourself, because it may be necessary, God forbid, but if there is a disaster, it will be up to you to rebuild society. From the ground up if needed. May the Saints preserve us from such a fate."

Ah, a proper sort of finishing school. :)

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #6 on: 04 Sep 2011, 08:20 »

Accommodation block

Louella looks around the room that was assigned to her. 5 metres to a side, with a walk-in wardrobe on one side and a bathroom at the other. A window looks out into the school grounds, over several open areas of grass, down to what looks like a lake.

Kathryn is unpacking some of Louella's baggage, "It's a nice view, Lou. Give you something pleasant to look at while doing your coursework"

"yeah, I guess." says Louella, prodding at the various cupboards to check how they open, wandering in to examine the contents of the bathroom "huh, Mum? there's three doors here, what's that about?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's probably shared with another students room, and the third door will be for the school staff to enter for cleaning and maintenance."

"Shared? So like there's someone on the other side?" asks Louella, knocking on the door.
"I would think so. It's an old building, Lou. Built when the planet was less developed. Shared facilities mean less water is tied up in pipes and such, and more is available for use. The doors will have latches on them."

"Oh, I guess" says Louella. "oh hello"
The door to the neighbouring room opens, and a quiet looking girl looks round "Hello?"
"Hi there, I'm Louella, it looks like I'm going to be your neighbour?"
"oh, um, hello, I'm um, Reraha." says the girl "Reraha Tash-Murkon"
"pleased to meet you. I think we were on the same shuttle down?"
"um, yes, that's right. I remember your face. Are your servants unpacking your stuff? Mine are, I'm keeping out their way."
"Oh, I didn't bring much stuff, Mum was helping me unpack it."

Reraha looks totally appalled. "Your mother is unpacking? You don't have servants?"
Louella blinks "umm, err, well, ummm, we didn't bring any on, like, the shuttle."
Reraha looks less appalled. "Oh, oh of course."
Louella smiles "Want to meet her? We can stay out of your servant's way that way"
Reraha "alright."

The two girls wander back through to Louella's room, where Kathryn has unpacked and put away Louella's stuff, and has made the bed.
"Oh Louella, there you are. Making friends?" asks Kathryn.
"Yes mum, this is Reraha. Reraha Tash-Murkon".
"Well, very nice to meet you Ms. Tash-Murkon."
"hello, Mrs... umm..." Reraha looks around, spots a name tag on Lou's stuff. "Dougans"

Kathryn smiles at the two girls. "You'll have a lot of fun here, I'm sure. Now my shuttle back up is leaving soon, so I'll have to be going. Now you're sure you have everything you'll need, Louella?"
"yes, mum."
"And you'll remember to eat properly?"
"yes, mum."
"And you'll be a good girl and stay out of trouble?"
"yes, mum."
"And you'll write regularl-"
"YES, mum!"
Kathryn hugs Louella tightly "I'll miss having you around, Lou-lou", "Have fun you girls", and then lets go, turning away to walk out the room, a small tear in her eye.
"Bye Mrs. Dougans. have a safe flight" says Reraha. "She seems nice, Louella".
"Yes, she is"

Louella sits on the bed, which is quite bouncy. "So, what stuff do you like? I like dancing and stuff"
"oh, umm, I like animals. I have these miniature slaver hounds at home, they're soo cute!" says Reraha
"Miniature slaver hounds? how big are they?"
"they're tiny, look, here's some pictures of mine", smiles Reraha, bringing out a couple small pictures of the dogs, which are tiny and fluffy
"cool, they're pretty small, how old are they?"
"Oh they're just pups just now, only about a year old"
"Do they get bigger?"
"A bit, they only grow to about this size" says Reraha, holding her arms about 2feet apart.
"ooh, still small dogs then, cool"
"Yah, They're fabulous", smiles Reraha.
"The big ones look scary, though they're supposed to be alright as pets."
"Yah, they have big teeth and stuff, ever seen one close up? I have, it was all "raarrrgh" and pretty smelly"
"ewww, smellydogs" says Louella, giggling.
Reraha giggles as well.
"Anyway, I'd better see if my stuffs all sorted now, Louella. Was nice meeting you and your mother"
"Alright, take care, and I'll see you at class".

Louella bounces up and down on the bed a few times going "whee", then sits by the window, watching the contrail showing the shuttle leaving the planet.

"bye mum", she whispers...

Akrasjel Lanate

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #7 on: 05 Sep 2011, 13:54 »

Nice stuff

Myrhial Arkenath

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #8 on: 06 Sep 2011, 10:19 »

Easy to read, and getting addictive quickly. You have to keep writing now Lou!

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Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #9 on: 07 Sep 2011, 16:34 »

Dining room

After finishing unpacking, everyone heads to the dining room, for the evening meal.

Louella and Sehrazah wave as they spot each other.

"hi Sehrazah!"
"hi Louella"
"got your room all sorted?"
"Yah, how about you?"
"Totally, my neighbour's one of those Tash-Murkon girls. She's called Reraha. Seems nice"
"we should find our table, I think there's ones allocated for first years."

The two girls enter the dining room and are shown to their table by one of the more senior girls. Also at the table are Reraha and Zesia and several other first years. Reraha smiles at Louella, who smiles back.

The headmistress rings a small bell to get everyone's attention:
"Welcome ladies, to this, the first evening dinner of the new year at the Academy for Fine Young Amarrian Ladies.
Many of you are returning for another year, for some this is your first. We welcome all of you.
In time, you will remember these as some of the best years of your life, though it may not seem like it at times. So remember to work hard, play hard,  stand with your fellow students in hardship, and in happiness, and you will turn out as a fine young Amarrian lady.
Now, let us give thanks to God for the meal we are about to eat"

Everyone bows their head, and the school chaplain recites a prayer:
"Lord, we give thanks for giving us both food, and the appetite to enjoy it, for giving us life and our purpose, and we will return these gifts by spreading your word across all the heavens. Amen"
Everyone says "Amen" and begins the meal.

Louella says "I saw on the like, schedule thingie, that we have like, Human biology first thing in the morning"
"Yeah", says Sehrazah "stuff about babies and things"
One of the other girls speaks up.
"I heard from one of the seniors, that they make you touch male slaves thingies, to get samples and stuff."
"Eeeeewww" says another girl. "that's gross!"
"Yah!" says the first girl. "And you have to measure female slaves whatnots, to see if they're pregnant and stuff"
Reraha speaks up "I don't think so, we're only like, first years anyways. That stuff'd be for the seniors"
"boys are smelly and icky anyway" says the first girl. "My name's Girned by the way"
"I saw some of the slaves doing it at home. It was funny looking" says the second one "I'm Akhtih"
"Yeah, but like, that's how we were all born too" says Reraha
Everyone at the table thinks for a second or two, before going "eeewww"

Louella tries to change the subject. "we have sports in the afternoon. think that'll have like, the things with pistol shooting?"
Zesia says "I think it's just gymnastics and stuff, I don't think they let the under 16s shoot."
Louella nods "probably, yeah. Should be good though, I like running and stuff".
Akhtih thinks for a moment "there was something about team sports. Stickball and stuff. does the school like, play against other schools?"
Sehrazah says "yeah, there's like, this cup competition with other schools, from all over the empire."
Reraha says "So like, if you're on the team, you get to travel and stuff?"
Sehrazah nods "totally. Would be fun, I think, see different worlds and stuff"
everyone nods in agreement.

After the meal, Louella and Reraha walk back to their rooms together.
"So how come you know so much about human biology?" asks Louella.
"Well, I like, don't really, but you know, the pets I mentioned? People are just the same, except different" says Reraha. "the man's bits fit into the womens bits, and it all works the same."
"So you don't think we have to prod at slave people? Cos that sounds a bit weird"
"Yeah, no, I think someone was teasing Girned."
"kind of a naughty thing to tease about though"
"Yeah, is a bit."
"I'm pretty tired" says Louella. "Going to head straight to bed, I think"
"Me as well. Sleep well"
"You too"

Louella types a few things into her journal before going to bed, falling asleep having weird dreams about the things she's heard today.

Louella's Journal

dear mum, we had our first food here at the academy, it was good. We had soup, then fish and vegetables, and then a trifle. the trifle was sticky and yummy.
People had heard weird things about the stuff we'll be learning, like how we'd have to touch male slave's thingies, but i think that's someone teasing us.
The bed is really bouncy and comfortable, and i think i'll sleep well.
love, Lou-lou

Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #10 on: 08 Sep 2011, 14:24 »

Biology classroom

Having got up and dressed and breakfasted without major incident, the girls are now attending their first classes.

"Good morning girls, welcome to Human biology, I'm Ms Nisouman and I will be your teacher for this class. This term we're going to be looking at the wonderful process that is reproduction. We will be looking at how the child develops and the process of giving birth, and much more. You'll enjoy it, as not only will this be useful for your later careers, but also for when you have children yourself."

"Excuse me, miss?" says a girl, raising her hand.

"Yes, miss... Tash-Murkon?" says the teacher, a cheery Udorian with long blonde hair, green eyes and tanned skin.

"Yeah, umm, well, when we're doing the thing where we have to collect stuff from the male slaves, can I have an Amarrian or Udorian one? I think I'm allergic to Minmatar" says Zesia.

The teacher blinks. "You want to be excused from what?"

Zesia looks confused. "Umm, when we have to touch their thingies to get the sperm samples?"

"Goodness, whatever made you think you'd have to do that?"

Zesia looks terribly embarrassed and mumbles "an older girl said we had to do it"

"Ahhh. Well, they were teasing you. We're not going to be touching thingies in this class."

A few of the other girls stifle a giggle. Zesia gives them a hard stare.

The next couple of hours pass quickly, Ms Nisouman enthusiastically explaining things, with the use of large anatomical models and holographic displays, with an occasional chorus of "eeeewww" from the class.


Louella Dougans

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #11 on: 10 Sep 2011, 05:23 »


There's a short break before the next class, and Louella and the others are wandering around getting some fresh air.

Zesia looks unhappy. "I can't believe I like, fell for that, oh my god that was totally embarrassing."

Reraha gives Zesia a small hug. "It'll be alright"

"But I'm like, Tash-Murkon Family, everyone will point and laugh and stuff"

Louella says "everyone's done something silly at one point though"

Girned points at a slightly older girl on the other side of the playground "That's her! That's the one that said it!"

Everyone looks over. Zesia mutters "cow"

The girl sees Girned pointing, and walks over "Hello first years, how was your biology class. Amusing?" she says, with a smirk.

Zesia says "you're a cow"

the girl smirks "aww, did you ask about the thingies? was the slave-fondler embarrassed?"

Zesia says "i'm not a slave fondler!"

"Yes you are, you're Udorian"

Zesia goes "blaaaa!" and throws a punch at the older girl, who sidesteps and pushes Zesia to the ground.

Louella goes to help Zesia up "come on Zesia, she's not worth it".

The older girl smiles "aww, the Udorian has a little slave helper. Does she fondle you at bedtime?"

Louella looks annoyed "Away into the night, you. I'm True Amarr"

"Prove it" smirks the older girl.

"Alright then, how about... this!" says Louella, grabbing and pulling the older girls hair.

By this point a small group has gathered, and they start chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Louella, Zesia and the older girl, who has been joined by a friend start grappling and pulling hair and scratching. It is pretty brutal.

The headmistress appears on the scene. "ENOUGH!", she shouts, which causes everyone to freeze. "You two" she says, pointing at Louella and Zesia. "My office. NOW. The rest of you, get to your classes. And I'll deal with you two later", she says pointing at the two older girls.
Louella and Zesia straighten their clothes and head inside.

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #12 on: 10 Sep 2011, 07:57 »

This is actually really enjoyable. Keep them coming. Maybe I should have done my "story-like" blog here instead of at an external site. Hm...


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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #13 on: 10 Sep 2011, 10:58 »

I really like these.

I like the little, common every day things going on in the EVE Universe especially when they reflect the bigger issues too.
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Matariki Rain

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Re: The Hilaban Academy For Fine Young Amarrian Ladies
« Reply #14 on: 10 Sep 2011, 22:36 »

I like the little, common every day things going on in the EVE Universe especially when they reflect the bigger issues too.

This is why I like ordinary, everyday roleplay.
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