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Author Topic: Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing  (Read 1582 times)

Aria Jenneth

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Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing
« on: 12 Jun 2012, 13:15 »

So-- finally drummed up the enthusiasm to do a writeup on the Achur sect Aria belongs to, which I hope will catch on. I'll likely add more over time, and will probably shift this to an Evelopedia entry, eventually.

Comments, criticisms, etc. very much invited-- here or in the topic.

Matariki Rain

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Re: Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jun 2012, 14:41 »

Some nice juicy stuff in there. Thanks for writing it up.

(I was amused to notice that, in a sect that's doctrinally so unlike Mata's Sebiestor one, a number of the concepts, concerns and practises were near-identical. It was also good to see recognition of folk religion and hypocrisy.)

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jun 2012, 12:57 »

Out of interest Aria, how well known is all of this IC?

Arnulf is an amateur student of comparatve religion, so is he likely to have heard of this sect in any detail?
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jun 2012, 15:53 »

It probably depends on whether he's studied the Achura to speak of. Canonically, the Achur faith has a downright silly number of sects, with a few key points in common (the Creator, or the White Song, for example) and LOADS of disagreement.

I think of the sect as on the high-end of mid-sized, representing a majority of Achur believers in a few regions. It would stand out to a scholar for its particularly unsentimental view of traditional religious stories, but differs much less from other sects on the level of lay practice (it's easy to endlessly repeat that you believe in the seamless unity of the universe and the fictitious nature of the self without properly understanding what the hell you're saying).

As a side note, I wouldn't have written this if I desired this information to be IC unobtainable, or even difficult to access. I wouldn't call it "well-known" off Saisio, but it's certainly easy to research.

Think of it as about the level of RL knowledge necessary to not only know that Taoism exists, but roughly what it says. Otherwise, it would sort of fade into the general Achur religious fog.


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Re: Quasi-canon: Achura Shuijing
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jul 2012, 17:44 »

Haven't found the time to finish off the story related to your post but will start incorporating more of your Shuijing-esque background after (an admittedly long) setup. The idea was to show the difference between the common folklore (during the festival, and the little girl's filmmaking) before Telsa makes her way to the Vihara for the deeper Tao/Zen/Buddhist/Hindu monks' perspectives. Intermixed in there is some of Telsa's RP.

Hope it's not too rambly.  :)

Edit: Actually, I'm looking for a suggestion. I need the little girl to put on a short play for the camera. I'd like it to have some link to real folklore and it's got to do with a demon (or villian of some sort) stealing or imprisoning souls. I'm looking through Buddhist parables so far and haven't found anything similar. Any ideas?
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2012, 09:44 by Telsa »