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Author Topic: [character] Visian Mu'artarkan  (Read 727 times)

Visian Mu'artarkan

  • Owner/Operator GZS Productions & Club Zer0
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[character] Visian Mu'artarkan
« on: 20 Nov 2014, 09:37 »

Registry ID: Visian Mu'artarkan
Revoked ID: Mr Vapor
Republic Citizen ID 2179735698 [Reinstated]
Race: Minmatar, Brutor Tribe
Ht: 6' 1" Wt: 224 lbs.
Place of Birth: Unknown
DED Official Record
Former affiliations: Ushra'Khan operative (Loyalist), Stormriders/Fimbulwinter operative (Terrorist), Former ISS Navy Task Force operative (Freelance), Veto club member

Convicted of Mass Murder by the Royal Amarrian Judiciary. Sentenced to death CY 109 by the Amarrian Auxillary corps.
Eventually, acquitted of any involvment in "The Arcology Attack" incident. Last known clone store still had viable stock and cached memory scan.  Rebooted CY 115. Released with new registry ID and placed in the care of Dr. Nina Vull.
Prisoner expressed no desire to involve himself in the affairs of the Republic or her defenders upon release. Surveillance will be assigned on a low threat basis.



- Easygoing, but not shy about engaging those that he doesn't agree with.
- Smartass and sarcastic. Just remember he's not making fun of you, but your character.
- He loves women. I mean loves them. He is a flirt, but he's mostly harmless. (i.e. I'm not going to try to virtually molest you with words.)
- He really has a thing for pirate women.
- Talks with his hands quite a bit.
- His accent is Southern Matari. (He has a Southeastern US accent, because I do.)

Known things about him: He once went by the name Mr Vapor. For the most part, all of that history can be found on the GalNet Forums if you search. He was a Minmatar terrorist and he did a lot of bad things. "The Arcology Attack" ended his run as he was eventually captured by Amarrian Loyalists and sentenced to execution. The 5 years between that execution and his rebirth are murky at best and will eventually come to light. However, now his main goal is to get into the entertainment industry and provide spectacles for the capsuleers to witness and to participate in. His first step was the establishment of Ground Ze/Ro Sum productions and the purchase of Club Zer0. Of course, for the people that know Visian, it might just be a cover for his true intentions.

(I'll add more as I have time. The boss is staring at me now.)
"Lies, manipulation, deceit...those are my tools in trade. The end game is always violence though. It's no good to just beat someone. You have to dissect their world and make 'em beg for an end. You twist 'em as much as you can and then you come down on 'em like the hammer of god." - Visian Mu'artarkan, Private Sessions

ground ze/ro sum

Visian Mu'artarkan

  • Owner/Operator GZS Productions & Club Zer0
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Re: [character] Visian Mu'artarkan
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2014, 16:09 »

From: SoCT Intel
To: Admiral Graelyn
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL: Mu’artarkan, Visian / Mr Vapor personnel file.

Past Affiliations: Republic Military School, SOCT Covert Operations Training, formerly a member of the Ushra'Khan alliance, former member of ISS, currently operating with the known Matari terrorist group Stormriders

The True history of Vapor:

The man that would later take on the call sign "Mr Vapor" was once a slave to a moderately rich Amarrian holder who went by the name of Delphus Androx. Androx did not hold to some of the same ideas that his more devout brethren practiced. None of his slaves ever had to work a day in any sort of terrible mining colony or suffer undue hardship. In fact, Visian Mu’artarkan was a gardener on his estate. He was allowed to take a wife, a Sebiestor woman by the name of Sisna. She bore Visian's child who he named after his own father, Trisian.

While Visian bore no ill will to his master, the teachings of the elder slaves that had actually seen and lived on his true homeworld, Matar, influenced him greatly. He sought to make sure that his son would grow to maturity in his native land. He managed to hijack a shuttle to transport them off the Holder's planet but was hunted by a group of Royal Amarrian Navy pilots and was shot down just as he was about to enter the atmosphere of the planet he had only dreamed of previously. Due to failsafe mechanisms patterned around the survival of the pilot of the ship Visian survived. His wife and child did not. He blamed himself more than anyone else for the incident. 

[ NONE OF THE ITALICIZED TEXT IS TRUE. It was a false memory implanted into his mind upon enrollment into SoCT spy master program. He was an orphaned Matari child taken in by the Sisters of Eve orphanage system (where he met long time partner Angus Thermopollye.) There his obsession for space was nurtured and he learned astrolonomical navigation quickly. He was flagged as being gifted and the SoCT became interested.

Visian never had a wife or child. The memory implant for both were designed to keep him docile and give purpose. While Visian swears that he saw the child once and that he didn’t die in the escape attempt, the truth of the matter is that this was simply a developing clone body of his own. He currently inhabits that soft clone body now. ]

He enrolled in the Republic Military School. The infusion of Pod Technology in the Eve cluster was allowing more and more individuals to reach for the stars. He jumped at the chance to become one of these individuals. He applied several times to the school but was met with rejection again and again. One day, he was mysteriously granted admission and was told it was due to the influence of an unknown benefactor. Visian jumped into his studies at the school with vigor and was soon put under the knife to receive his pilot implants. On the day of his graduation he took on the moniker and call sign "Mr Vapor."

Once he had mastered the mechanics of his newfound abilities, he soon devoted himself to the Republic and the greater needs of the Matari community. He had no income though and instead struck out across the universe in search of an answer to his problem. It was then, in the deep regions of the Great Wildlands he came across the unknown benefactor who had gained him admittance to RMS. A man that went by the name Gorn Raelus. Though he never actually saw the man, Vapor was indeed indebted to him. He took an offer that he had no doubt would lead him down the path he sought. He would become a member of a secret school taught by members of the SoCT Covert Operations division under Raelus' guidance. There he would learn several skills to include infiltration, evasion, coercion, psychological warfare, and the most deadly, the art of assassination.

[NOTE: Gorn Raelus was a real SoCT Agent responsible for Visian’s recruitment into the program. His success was noted unofficially upon release from service with a very large sum of ISK and a one way ticket to null space to live out the rest of his days.]

While at the SoCT training school he was partnered with, for unknown reasons, an Amarrian by the name of Mazer K'thulid. While Vapor was not happy working with the Amarrian, it was dictated that he would work with this man or he would not be allowed to learn the techniques they would teach him. He swallowed his hate and for the next 2 years he worked as partner to the Amarrian. Together they mastered all the techniques that the enlightened instructors gave them. Unbeknownst to the two students, however, they were both subconsciously implanted with failsafe measures that would render them mostly harmless should they become more trouble than they were worth.

After their graduation from their school, they parted ways and were both sent on separate missions that suited their particular abilities. Vapor was sent to enlist in a corporation in the Ushra'Khan Alliance while Mazer would go to their enemies.

The U'K was the most prolific Pro-Matari Activist group and capsuleer milita operating under the rule of  Minmatar freedom and unchained from Republic edict. Vapor made several attempts to join them before he found his place among a group known as the Stormriders. He was accepted freely into their ranks and soon became fast friends with the CEO, Camar. He soon found the Brutor to be captivating in his teachings. He, too, hated the Amarr and sought their downfall at all costs. Vapor soon abandoned his post as an infiltration agent and information gatherer and instead adopted the persona of a Matari Freedom fighter. This action caused a terrible spiral and almost led to the destruction of Vapor's psyche thanks to the subliminal failsafe measures that had been implemented on him while he was at the SoCT school.

Vapor soon became irrational and homicidal when he abandoned his original mission. He became paranoid and delusional and began to perform surveillance of many of the Eve cluster's most famous inhabitants and several lesser known ones. He became obsessed with the destruction of Amarrians. At one point he became so delusional his personality split from the psychological stress and he created a false persona that involved an Ammatar heritage that he fully believed in and accepted. Indeed, with his skills he had been taught he created a whole new background for himself.

His delusional paranoia eventually led him to a pod pilot known as Aphoxema G, a one-time member of the Amarrian Loyalist alliance Aegis Miltia. He became quite fascinated with the woman and proclaimed his love for her on the IGS. This caused quite a stir among his comrades in the U'K who were only recently getting over his confession that he was Ammatar by heritage. Vapor allowed himself to become sloppy with his surveillance of Aphoxema and was captured by her mistress, Marie Trudeau. Not much is known about the actual capture or his time in captivity under the two. Needless to say, Vapor emerged even more unstable than before at the end of the episode.

Shortly thereafter he met an Amarrian woman by the name of Druscilla Rosche. Ms. Rosche had just recently graduated to capsuleer status and Vapor took a keen interest in her as well. He became obsessed with her and launched a psychological game of cat and mouse with her that eventually led to her complete and total denial of any of Vapor's advances. It's believed that they had a brief, romantic interlude that may have ended tragically. Vapor attacked and nearly killed her former lover in a fit of rage before going back to his brethren in SRS.

Eventually, the Sahtogas incident or “The Arcology Massacre” took place, where Vapor authorized the detonation of a nuclear weapon above an Amarrian refugee colony.

Vapor had just rejoined his comrades in the SRS. They had now split from the U'K alliance due to many political differences. Camar sought to spread a reign of terror against the Amarrian regime and Vapor gladly came along for the ride. Many innocent Amarrians or Amarrian sympathizers were killed in the terror campaign. Vapors last act of terrorism resulted in the deaths of over 2 million refugees in the Bleak Lands at the Arcology I, an Aegis Militia sponsored refugee camp in Sahtogas. He detonated a nuclear device over the outpost set to house the refugees of the Blood War one year previously. At first, this wanton act of violence did not bother the Brutor at all. However, he increasingly began to have nightmares of all the innocent people he killed and chose to reevaluate his life. He was responsible and he had committed unspeakable atrocities.

Camar could not condone Vapor's strange behavior and extreme violence, so he put him under review and performed what his clan called a "Trial by Fire." Vapor faced many tests, and at the end of the trial was found unworthy. Vapor was ordered by Tribal Elders to rebuild the Arcology colony and turn himself in to Republic authorities.

The Republic conducted a farce of a judicial review, washed their hands of the whole matter, and turned the now former-capsuleer (all implants removed at this point) over to the Amarrian Empire. Once in Amarrian hands, Vapor was sentenced in a secret trial for execution. This was carried out and Vapor wasn’t seen again for almost 5 years.

Details are sketchy, but it is now known that Vapor was not executed. Instead, he was inducted into a secret pilot program that the Amarrians were overseeing involving genetically modified ground troops with the ability to clone similar to capsuleers. The thought was that a former capsuleer might provided a breakthrough on the front.

Indeed, the program did well but was not terribly efficient. Vapor trained ground troops and engaged in limited skirmishes under Amarrian control. When the Sleeper technology was discovered and successfully implemented, the DUST soldiers were superior in every way to Vapor’s peer group. The Sleeper implant was put into a fresh clone of Vapor. The data chip in his head was synced with the memory unit in the soft clone. The pre-Dust Vapor was eliminated altogether. The new Vapor was a hardened mercenary for the Amarrian Empire.

However, it turns out that Vapor had a back up plan put in place long before his execution. An encrypted message had been delivered to his old associate, Mazer, when he’d been executed along with a vial of blood and a data chip. Vapor’s blood and Vapor’s memories.

From the privacy of his own labs, Mazer cloned Vapor  from the DNA sample collected by Revan Neferis, a notorious Blood Raider cult leader. The clone was decanted and provided with the normal surgical alterations needed for capsuleer capabilities and stored in soft clone statis intact with an updated memory store dated YC 109.

When the new clone was activated and awoke, Vapor acted knowledgeable of his original self from YC 109 and back, but with a very limited memory of his psychotic break. He was released, with a new DED citizen registry and a slight change of his real name, under the care of a Sebiestor psychologist by the name of Nina Vull. Psychotherapy has allowed him to rid himself of all the implanted memories and subconscious failsafes implemented by the SoCT.

As of this moment, Visian is attempting to retrieve an old data chip from one of the DUST bodies of his other clone to regain all the memories lost in the past 5 years along with the identity of the Inquisitor responsible for his sentencing. He’s still outspoken with the Amarrians, but doesn’t seem to be willing to reengage in his old, terrorist or freedom fighter role. He seems intent on developing, of all things, a capsuleer media empire. Still, his search for the data chip is troubling. Based on Visian/Vapor’s training, there is clearly something larger at work.

« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2014, 16:19 by Visian Mu'artarkan »
"Lies, manipulation, deceit...those are my tools in trade. The end game is always violence though. It's no good to just beat someone. You have to dissect their world and make 'em beg for an end. You twist 'em as much as you can and then you come down on 'em like the hammer of god." - Visian Mu'artarkan, Private Sessions

ground ze/ro sum

Visian Mu'artarkan

  • Owner/Operator GZS Productions & Club Zer0
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Re: [character] Visian Mu'artarkan
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2014, 16:15 »

"Lies, manipulation, deceit...those are my tools in trade. The end game is always violence though. It's no good to just beat someone. You have to dissect their world and make 'em beg for an end. You twist 'em as much as you can and then you come down on 'em like the hammer of god." - Visian Mu'artarkan, Private Sessions

ground ze/ro sum