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Emperor Heideran VII died on 17.09YC105  of Turit Disease just two weeks after the publication of his opus 'Pax Amarria'.

Author Topic: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1  (Read 14169 times)


  • Clonejack
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Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« on: 24 Apr 2018, 10:54 »

Hi Backstage,

attached here is the first chapter (replies will have subsequent ones) of a long-form fanfic I'm writing. At present I have the first three and an interlude complete, comprising about 20% of the total. If you're wondering how exactly this is supposed to be an EVE fanfic, please also see my short-story submission to last year's Pod & Planet, which you can find here:

I'd like some help reading over the story I've attached, constructive criticism, checking for consistency (both internally and lore-wise), criticism of pacing, writing style, dialogue, etc. etc. My eventual goal is to have this as a full-length story, and to try to get it published in some manner. So if you like it, and want to see more of it, please let me know that as well.

As usual, please feel free to share it with others you think might be interested, with the usual caveats about proper attribution, etc.

Hope you enjoy, and thanks in advance for the help.


Elassus Herron
(sorry the files are broken up. Size limits, etc)


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #1 on: 24 Apr 2018, 10:55 »

Chapter 2 attached


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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #2 on: 24 Apr 2018, 10:55 »

Chapter 3 and an interlude


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jun 2018, 22:40 »

Update: moved around a bit of the interlude from the previous post, putting it at the end of the (new!) Chapter 4, and adding the part divider for the next section, currently being written. Enjoy!


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #4 on: 29 Aug 2018, 01:33 »

Update! Here's Chapter 5: a different scene!

As always, comments and (constructive!) criticism is welcome. Enjoy.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #5 on: 07 Oct 2018, 11:23 »

Update! Here's Chapter 6: continued from Chapter 5.

As always, comments and criticism are welcome and requested.




  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #6 on: 18 Nov 2018, 14:36 »

The plot thickens!

Here is Chapter 7. Finally, after 100 pages (spoiler) the story actually gets going.

Enjoy! As always, if you have comments, or anything, please feel free to leave them here, or reach out to me on Tweetfleet or ingame.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #7 on: 25 Dec 2018, 15:20 »

It's a Yoiul miracle!

Here is Chapter 8. Sorry it took me so long, hope you haven't forgotten all about this, etc etc.

Anyway, enjoy, and happy holidays.



  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #8 on: 26 Jul 2019, 21:19 »


Man, it has been way too long, hasn't it? I'm really sorry I've let this slip. But here's the next chapter. I'll probably add some more to this one later on, so watch this link in case I update.

Thanks so much for your patience! Hope you enjoy!


kul Shaishi

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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #9 on: 26 Oct 2019, 06:16 »

What level of technology is a Achura at this point in time
If Eve has one lesson in it's narrative, it's that if you find any weird ancient space cybercrap, you should stick that shit straight into your brain ASAP, no questions.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #10 on: 16 Jul 2020, 14:53 »

@kul, sorry for the late reply. This is pre-contact Achura, roughly midway between the landfall they made in colony ships and contact (by which point they had recovered from the Long Winter period but were still pre-industrial). So I'd put them equivalent to, say, Tang Dynasty China, or Roman Empire levels of technology, with maybe some remnants from earlier eras, but definitely on a declining arc.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Achura prehistory Fanfiction: Act 1
« Reply #11 on: 19 Jan 2021, 08:38 »

Hi folks,

yikes, it has been a horribly long time since I last updated this. But like you probably did, I had a really rough 2020. Here's a short end to this section of the story, looking forward to being able to write more in better times ahead.
