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Author Topic: In response to "second attempt thread" mod comment as requested  (Read 6577 times)


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Lyn Farel, it's not just Silver/Morwen who sees some of this. Both here and on IGS, I've noted that you and your character seem to be expert in taking someone's post and finding what seems to be the most hostile interpretation of it.

I can be prone to doing this myself, when I am disagreed with, but you seem to do it all the time, with everyone, and even to the extent of finding disagreements when another clearly did not mean what you say they meant.

I get the fun of causing conflict and shaking things up, but did you really think that others wouldn't eventually catch on?
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2013, 19:06 by Vikarion »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Weird, if Lyn responds to my posts e.g. on IGS, it's usually not by giving the worst possible interpretation...


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Weird, if Lyn responds to my posts e.g. on IGS, it's usually not by giving the worst possible interpretation...

Excuse me. I do not literally mean, every single post. I mean, temporally, this is neither a rare phenomenon nor a new one, from my perspective, and I think that it is happening with Lyn's interpretation of Morwen and Silver here.

Lyn Farel

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You can call it a weak excuse, but I happen to maybe reason differently at times. It's also a problem of communication.

I was perfectly fine with the discussion being held here since we were slowly starting to move ahead and actually solve that issue that has been rampant for years now. I promised myself to get answers in the past, and I continued until now, even if i'm aware that the cases i'm referring to have mostly ceased in the past months (because there is nobody left like Bloodbird, Leopold, or whoever else that caused troubles at times, or because of something else, I don't care) and it's appreciated.

Now as you can see we are all weary of that, and I was fine to see that coming to an end, where we might disagree on some things, but at least I got my answers (I never got them either through PMs or posts on the moderation, countless times...). Or I think ?

Note : oh and Vik, equating myself to my character to make a point, really ? I'm not doing you the disservice to do the exact same thing between you and your char, but I could dig and find similarities as well. They are characters, not copies of ourselves. Or for mine, at least, I don't know your character enough to tell. And i'm pretty sure that you don't know mine either, so I would be you I wouldn't engage myself onto such a slippery slope, and not only because it's quite cheap.
« Last Edit: 08 Sep 2013, 04:42 by Lyn Farel »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Weird, if Lyn responds to my posts e.g. on IGS, it's usually not by giving the worst possible interpretation...

Excuse me. I do not literally mean, every single post. I mean, temporally, this is neither a rare phenomenon nor a new one, from my perspective, and I think that it is happening with Lyn's interpretation of Morwen and Silver here.

So, when you said every single post, you didn't mean every single post? And when you said Lyn does it all the time, you didn't mean all the time? And when you said with everyone, you didn't really mean everyone either?

So what you really mean is that it happens from time to time? Or what? Maybe you should use less hyperbole next time. <.<


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I like how people go around Lyn's point and right to attack her and her short comings.

The mods made inflammatory remarks where they should have simply stomped out the flaming to begin with. They should have put aside their personal feelings on the situation and just halted the dog pile instead of joining it.


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I flamed him, MorLag really didn't.   Should I have Catacombed his thread from the word "go?"  Yep.  Did I choose to participate in a thread instead?  Yep.

Sue me.

EDIT:  Or dec me.  Or hire mercs to do it.  vOv

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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And you shouldn't have. You can comment sure whatever, but as a mod you're supposed to set an example. You didn't set a good one, thus we have shit like this thread.


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As a:) a volunteer, and b:) a person who isn't widely liked IC or OOC due to being largely anti-social OOC and an even more anti-social madman/terrorist/pseudo-cultured prick IC, I wasn't aware of my role-model status.  My bad, yo.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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You're a moderator. Doesn't matter who you are. You're a staff member on here. Joke about it, go around it all you want. But at the end of the day, that's the situation. The precedent you set in that thread, as well as other mods backing up that precedent instead of just quashing it was not good.


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No other mod in that thread "backed up the precedent" of my shitpoasting.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Silver Night

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You're a moderator. Doesn't matter who you are. You're a staff member on here. Joke about it, go around it all you want. But at the end of the day, that's the situation. The precedent you set in that thread, as well as other mods backing up that precedent instead of just quashing it was not good.

Morwen posted before Havo.


I Catacombed the thread. So, no, other mods didn't 'back it up' and I specifically called out the mods in the thread (though with closer review, Morwen's post was actually okay. If someone asks for advice, and you give them criticism that is constructive, that isn't against the rules.)

Also, mods fuck up sometimes, it happens, and (as happened in this case with Havo and in the past with Morwen and other mods) we deal with it just like when anyone else fucks up. Just like with everyone else, just because you don't see anything except the post being catacombed doesn't mean there isn't anything but the post being catacombed. Mods making mistakes isn't 'precedent setting'. It's just one of the things that happen when you run a forum like this, and overall I think we do an alright job of handling it. You are free to disagree, and to use the report button any time you see mods (or anyone else) breaking the rules. Also, let me address Lyns 'points' directly:

And on that topic:

Lyn, a couple things:

1) We have rules here. You are correct, in that I should not have made an exception for you, I should have simply modded your posts rather than allowing you to change them.

2) January 24th was the last time we had this discussion. At that point, you had reported Morwen 1 time, ever, as far I could ascertain with a review of the report subforum - and he was modded following that report. You did not even report him for the thread you were objecting to while complaining that we did not pay attention to your reports. Since then, you have reported 4 posts of Morwen's. Of those, 2 were pretty clearly not even close to the rules (at least to everyone on the mod team) though equally clearly you disagreed. One was in the 'The Summit' subforum, which suffered at the time from a somewhat unclear relationship to the moderation of the rest of the forum (and in part due to that thread, we clarified that somewhat - though the post you reported, on reviewing it, likely still wouldn't qualify for moderation). The last one was somewhat strongly worded, but does not, as far as I can tell, break any of the rules.

So, lets say for the sake of argument that 2 of those posts did break the rules enough to warrant moderation - perhaps we are being lax on Morwen due to his sunny disposition and the fact he knows the secret moderator handshake. Do you know what happens to posters who get moderated 2 times in 8 months? Generally, nothing. If the posts are particularly egregious violations (which none of these would be, even looked at in the most negative light) then maybe a formal warning. If, over the past 2-3 years, he had been modded 3 times, it would probably still be basically nothing, as that still puts him well behind many posters who have not received a formal warning for far more in the way of infractions.

So, the score then, is you have reported Morwen 5 times, with 1 report (the one that predated your not-quite-telling-the-truth about how much you reported him) resulting in moderation. Which is actually pretty in line with our general moderation-to-reports ratio - though I would suggest that 5 reports over a couple of years is not a 'pretty high' inflammatory post count (even were 2 of your reports not basically without any merit and bordering on being submitted in bad faith, and 2 of them look like good faith, but a determination was made they did not break the rules) if that's all you found report worthy.

Also, just to clarify, in the first Seriphyn thread, the moderator who should have posted more within the rules was Havo. Morwen's post seemed constructive to me, when I had time to go back and read it thoroughly. If the other responses there had been in that vein - actually trying to provide useful, constructive advice - it might not have been Catacombed even given the problematic OP.

I would suggest that if you are so deeply dissatisfied with the moderation here, you find somewhere else to spend your time. I'm getting a bit fed up with you being disruptive and trying to undermine the moderation team with accusations which are either outright lies, exaggerations, or which you fail to support with, like, facts. What this looks like is essentially a personal vendetta against Morwen by you, which you couch in terms of complaining about 'a few moderators' and insinuations that we are secretly deleting your supposedly numerous reports. It's also going to stop.

You have 2 options:

1) Leave. It's easy, it's free, and it gets you away from Morwen scarring your psyche with abrasive word-sandpaper. It also gets you away from the conspiracy of mods making your reports magically disappear (actually, it would be me magically disappearing them, since I think you have to be an admin to delete a post in the Reports subforum) and talking crazy about 'facts' and 'things you actually did'.

2) Stay. If you see someone, anyone, actually break the rules then report it - to make our job easier, feel free to reference the rule or guideline you believe they are breaking. Please note that disagreeing with you is not, in and of itself, against the rules. If I see you pursuing a vendetta against Morwen or anyone else, I will drop a sack of mod hammers on you, but that is easily avoided by not abusing the report feature (and given the paucity of reports from you for Morwen, I'm willing to believe that the couple baseless ones were in fact just a fluke) and not flamebaiting/trolling. Post constructively and be merry.

Lyn Farel

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I will try to be the most honest possible, with myself included. I have no hope that some of you do the same someday, but i'm not really concerned about that, i'm not expecting it.

You know, the first thing I have been struggling against for the past year and months is what is being discussed in the other thread in the summit section (especially cf Shiori's last answer and conclusion). As you might have noticed, i'm weary of that and as I said I acknowledge that I cared too much. You tend to end up like that when you care for something like backstage.

We have gone into tortuous and convoluted nit picking about various violations, number of reports, because that's what you asked at the beginning. "If you have an issue with a post, report it". I completely agreed with that but now that I look back at it it made you all actually mostly elude the point being discussed in a more general way (again, the one currently discussed in the summit section).

And it also made me go into a personal vendetta against Morwen that completely trash talked me the first time in that slaves in the summit debate for the simple reason that it was unacceptable, and the lack of reaction of the mod team, was unacceptable too. So, you tell me it's a precedent, fine. You could have told it before. In any case I strongly disagree that those posts were not breaking any rules.

You see, the problem is that you tell me to report what I consider to blatantly violate the rules, and you tell me that most of them do not. I concluded since long that my reports were useless and that as I said above, there is a clear problem of communication and what we consider offensive. And yet, I continued to send reports, either for Morwen, or people in general, in good faith. Telling me that 2 of these were done in bad faith is rather stunning to read. If you could, I would like to ask you if you could forward them to me via PM so that with some detachment now I can review them and make up my mind again about these 2. The other 2 of them you tell me that looked like good faith were apparently not enough. Fine, it is your forum, but I still do not understand, and since I can not see the arguments brought to their defense, then it sure will not help me understand better. I am honestly trying to understand most of the time, but it doesn't make sense to me. It's just opaque. The only thing I see is offensive or rule breaking posts for which my reports systematically are deemed done on bad faith or not worth the trouble.

Also I never asked you dispose Morwen or whatever. It's crazy, as you said. The main issue is that not only me but plenty of people over time (as pointed out by Nico in the other thread again) continue to come and complain about the moderation that can't even hold to the rules they are supposed to enforce. That's what I tried to point out all the time, and since you all plugged your ears all the time it was just a matter of time before it got worse and worse until we had that final discussion here, eventually. I would have stopped since long if somehow I noticed that I was the only retard sharing that opinion. Some of the other people that held it too were for some completely non objective and felt wronged by the mod just because of their behaviour. It, though, didn't completely invalidate their complaints at times, since they were thrashed by some mods from time to time. But I was more concerned about the few people that felt better for them to stay away and that actually never caused any issue. And we can see today that we are not the only ones to think the same. I may have forgotten the past months to tell again what made me voice my concerns in the first place in that summit/slavery debate, and my concerns were mostly done to fix, or at least try to fix the issue, but people just kept denying there was one in the first place.

As for your last advice, which is rather insulting btw but whatever, I decided to stopped caring at all. You will probably see no reports from myself from this day on, and no posts from myself in discussions about the community, dramas, or problems to be solved. I will actually stop being what I considered to be constructive and just stop investing myself in the community.

Thank you, and sorry if it ended up like that.
« Last Edit: 08 Sep 2013, 11:43 by Lyn Farel »

Lyn Farel

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Also yes, Morwen's answer was perfectly fine this time, I am not sure that I said somewhere that it wasn't.

One last question : if some mods can perfectly control themselves, why not some others ? You say that they are human and all voluntary and thus, it can happen. Does that mean the other ones are not human ?

Silver Night

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Also yes, Morwen's answer was perfectly fine this time, I am not sure that I said somewhere that it wasn't.

One last question : if some mods can perfectly control themselves, why not some others ? You say that they are human and all voluntary and thus, it can happen. Does that mean the other ones are not human ?

I don't think anyone, including any of the mods 'perfectly control themselves'. But one thing about humans is that they are all different, handle things in different ways, etc. Otherwise we wouldn't have much to talk about on the board, I suspect.


We've acted on many of your reports. There are also others of your reports (including, I believe, a couple cases where you reported the same person multiple times) where we didn't take action. That's how this works. I do notice that on the people (non-mods) where we have taken 0 action based on your reports, you haven't started or piped up in any threads.

It isn't 'tortuous and convoluted nitpicking' when you say, "I report Morwen all the time and you never do anything!" and then I say "Well, I just looked in the reports forum, and all the time is 5 times ever."

The two reports of yours that were borderline in bad faith were not, I think, actually in bad faith. I think your perception was just colored by your conflict with Morwen, which is slightly different. Also, you've only made 4 reports since last time you complained about this, 8 months ago. I don't think that is enough to systematically be anything, unless you are complaining that if you did that many reports, we should act on at least some of them by virtue of the number that were made (more than 1) - which is not how reporting works, explicitly because people would then report people they didn't like for nonsense reasons (and no, I'm not saying you had only nonsense reasons. And as I mentioned, in two of the reports, I could definitely see why you saw it the way you did).

I understand that you feel like it is more than that, or feel like Morwen violates the rules all the time, but I think your past conflicts with him are coloring your perception. If you see a post of his that feels wrong, go into the rules and guidelines, see if it violates one of them, and submit a report if it does. We don't deal in 'It seems like this person always breaks the rules!', we deal in 'Look at all these posts we had to catacomb, and these warnings this person has gotten because they broke the rules'. In Morwen's case I think that is 2 or 3 catacombed posts due to his own actions (as opposed to being swept out with everyone else when a whole thread is Cataed) over the years the board has been open. Which is probably not far off average for long-time users.
« Last Edit: 08 Sep 2013, 12:20 by Silver Night »
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