EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > EVE Corporation and Alliance Development

Sisters of Clarity - SOE Alt Project

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Saede Riordan:
As many of you know, or do not know, Arci Arratece is my alt, she is also a Servant Sister of EVE currently in a 1 man corp that she runs, well, after the behest of quite a few people on the OOC channel, I've decided to open this corp up as an active SOE RP corp. I will not be actively recruiting, or organizing any activities for this corp outside of RPing, so keep that in mind, but feel free to stick your mission running/mining/trading alt in the corp or even your main, and We'll see if we can build something fun.

Things to keep in mind:
Being in this corp means that you'll need to maintain RP neutral standings (not actual standings) with all groups, we do NOT hate anyone, we do NOT pick sides, our loyalty is to All of eve.

And who knows, this could blow out into something awesome.

Boma Airaken:
I endorse this product. I will be sorting an alt to join up soon, and promise not to participate in any RP activities while hopelessly drunk as usual as long as I am active on said alt in said corp.

Ghost Hunter:

--- Quote from: Nikita Alterana on 23 Jul 2010, 16:56 ---As many of you know, or do not know, Arci Arratece is my alt,
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On topic: I am interested to see where this will go, particularly as a intermediary for politically challenged entities.

Saede Riordan:

--- Quote from: Ghost Hunter on 23 Jul 2010, 17:00 ---
--- Quote from: Nikita Alterana on 23 Jul 2010, 16:56 ---As many of you know, or do not know, Arci Arratece is my alt,
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

I tried to keep quiet about because I'm worried the more metagamey members of the community would not give her the consideration she's due because she would be associated with Nikita, but I figure its best to be open about it now so when it comes out later I don't get lambasted for it.

Glad to see this. Hell, maybe it'll take off and really go somewhere. I thought long and hard about following this angle in the past, best of luck to you! 8)


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