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Author Topic: Ataraxia Pharmacies - Making space a more hospitable place  (Read 2672 times)


  • Pod Captain
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  • You're a Jovian spy, aren't you?

Ataraxia Pharmacies, a privately owned capsuleer corporation with a focus on medical and humanitarian ventures, is looking for industrialists and explorers of all stripes to join our ranks. Despite our non-combat focus, our operations often take place in low and null-security space, and all prospective employees should possess the know-how to secure their assets under these conditions. If you're a self-motivated individual with a sense of adventure and responsibility, give us a call.

Ataraxia Pharmacies' profitable ventures are exclusively in non-combat industrial sectors. With a 0% tax rate and over 1.2 billion ISK in profits in the last quarter, we have a strong position in synthetic booster manufacturing, and have recently moved into Tech 2 harvesting and survival modules. What's more, we have plans to begin planet-based production of medical supplies and other goods as soon as the CONCORD treaty adjustments are ratified.

New recruits are free to contribute to these operations, or carve out their own niche. If you want to be a trader, we can provide seed capital. If you want a home for exploration and scientific pursuits, we're there for you. If there's some other market you're interested in exploiting, let's have a chat and figure what we can do for one another.


((In ATAP, we get our fun doing things as far removed from the war effort(s) as possible, and annoying pirates by being hard targets in our lowsec carebearing. Tyrannis is making it a hell of a lot easier to make things other than guns, so what better time to recruit? (Yes, it's still quixotic, but quixotic can be fun.)

But seriously, if you want to be a minimally-shady industrialist, or a scientist or explorer type, or SoE/InterBus/other non-pirate, non-national loyalist, we'd love to have you on board.))
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.


  • Demigod
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  • Creation is so precious, and greed so destructive.

Without probing into things that might compromise opsec, in what regions do you work? Do you have a site I could review? As I'd planned on starting something along these lines, but if it already exists, so much the better.


  • Pod Captain
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  • You're a Jovian spy, aren't you?

No site, but here's our financials:

We're pretty wide-ranging. Of course harvesting is done in all the gas-containing regions: The Forge, Lonetrek, Placid, Solitude, Derelik, Heimatar, and Molden Heath. We make trips into the pirate faction territories to get the BPCs.

However, there's only three players in the corp, one of whom is on indefinite RL hiatus, so our presence is pretty thin overall. My personal focus is on Solitude and Aridia, with jaunts into Lonetrek and The Forge when I'm bored there.

That probably doesn't help much, does it?
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.


  • Demigod
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  • Creation is so precious, and greed so destructive.

I'll take it to PMs. :)


  • Spilling beans
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This is the CEO reporting in from China. Z took initiative to a recruitment campaign just as I went away on vacation but I will be back and enjoy Tyrannis in less than a week.

Traveling here gave me time to read The Burning Life novel and I must say that the elements about SoE operations and their motivations are matching the profile of Ataraxia Pharmacies very well too. Though, we are first and foremost a pharmaceutical company with all the moral ambiguity that entitles (making money on products that might save people lives, but hey, somebody have to pay the research bill). We are far from pacifists but have a strong concern for the lives and well being of all humans, pod and non-podpilots included, which leads to a strong humanitarian stance.
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  • Pod Captain
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  • You're a Jovian spy, aren't you?

...with all the moral ambiguity that entitles...

And yes, we're well aware that some of our products have a secondary market for combat pilots. Ask IC if you want to know how we rationalize that.
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.


  • Spilling beans
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While we do not directly have the opportunity to jump in and save civilians out of a burning building, I have run the low sec gauntlet with an Orca filled to the brim with gas plenty of times. I believe there are similarities between the two experiences. :)
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