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Author Topic: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles  (Read 7253 times)

Avio Yaken

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Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« on: 19 Aug 2018, 08:54 »


So for awhile now I've been focusing all my creative efforts towards building the world of the Raata Zaibatsu, the writing prompt of an alliance i've created. Starting off with the thread that harbors news stories on the IGS.

While I've admittedly have neglected updating the content of this thread, I've been making up for it in a side-thread that takes a more "1st person" perspective of the ongoing within the Zaibatsu from the viewpoints of various members of the cast I put together. So far I've managed to introduce eight different characters and i still have many more i want to see make appearances.

However, i've taken a practice i put to work back when i wrote short stories for the EVE:Valkyrie community, which is to enable readers to occasionally make a vote a impass in the story when characters are presented with a choice. These could range from plot relevant decisions, or switching between perspectives of characters encountered to see what they're thinking

The focus is the characters in these short-stories, there's been next to no action seen so far and has just been these characters interacting with one another though conversation. While there are Capsuleer characters involved, it's more focused on the grounded reality that baseliners have.

With posting about this on the backstage, i hope to get more readers interested in it. Hopefully so more people would be there to vote when a poll shows up and help direct the flow of the story so far.  As well as maybe provide some feedback on it.

Currently, the entire thread has made it past 10k+ words. IF you have the time to check it out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'd also want to give a big thanks to Kalaratiri and Evi Polevhia for helping me with a vast majority of the editing in the chronicles thread. And Lasairiona Raske for help with editing most of the articles in the news thread mentioned before.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2018, 21:52 by Avio Yaken »


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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2018, 11:08 »

I've been enjoying it, sir. I will try to vote more timely when I'm able.

( ・ั﹏・ั)

Renelle Ronuken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #2 on: 20 Aug 2018, 11:31 »

I've also been following the news thread, but even with reading it, I have to confess that I have no idea what the Raata Zaibatsu is. Maybe it's because I'm new and still wiki-walking.

Is there lore for it somewhere? I'm happy to read lore if I can find it.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #3 on: 20 Aug 2018, 12:36 »

I've been enjoying it, sir. I will try to vote more timely when I'm able.

( ・ั﹏・ั)

I appreciate it whenever someone puts aside the time to vote!

So here, have a snek my friend!

...Don't worry, he's playing dead, he's a hognose snake - A.K.A a D R A M A N O O D L E

I've also been following the news thread, but even with reading it, I have to confess that I have no idea what the Raata Zaibatsu is. Maybe it's because I'm new and still wiki-walking.

Is there lore for it somewhere? I'm happy to read lore if I can find it.

If you look up the Raata Zaibatsu in game, you will find an Alliance description along with individual descriptions for each corporation it's made up of which describes its origins and function for the Zaibatsu.

Basically the Raata Zaibatsu is an independently funded organization that has one goal in mind, preserving the cultural traditions of the Raata Empire, the first big nation the Caldari people ever formed on Caldari Prime long before space flight was rediscovered. There's sadly very little lore on it aside from some blurps you can see here and there in some wiki pages, i hope to maybe change that with what I'm writting.

 It's headed by a family known as the Yakens that CLAIMS to be one of the forty houses that made up the nobility of the Raata Empire. Despite claiming this, they don't concern themselves with inflating their egos and making sure everyone and their mother knows and respects this. Instead they focus on ensuring the survival of Raata culture by using their wealth to build their own societies that adhere to their laws and ideology. Doing this they also aim to modernize it to bring it up to date with the changing times, a Neo-Raata is you will.

Saying this however, they're not loyal to the Caldari State and choose to stand independently and do things on their terms. They of course share things in common with the State as they're cut from the same cloth, but with my writing i aim to establish some clear differnce with the two cultures. For example, where the State is about industrialism and materialism, the Zaibatsu is about pro-environmental intiatives and giving more importance to their spirituality - Which would be Wayism. ( See here -

Despite being confused on what it's all about, i do thank you for following up on all the updates i put out


« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2018, 12:38 by Avio Yaken »

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #4 on: 22 Aug 2018, 06:08 »

The thread just got updated with another part! Check it out if you got the time.

Renelle Ronuken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #5 on: 23 Aug 2018, 11:18 »

(...) Despite being confused on what it's all about, i do thank you for following up on all the updates i put out

Sorry for not responding sooner. I've spent most of this week getting my ass kicked by the common cold.

Thank you for taking the time to write out that explanation! I definitely understand much better now. You have a way of summing things up very well. :)

Also want to thank you for that last post. I've seen hints of regular folk not thinking Capsuleers are all they're cracked up to be, but Monden's plight really illustrated at least one side of that point of view for me. ^.^

Bookmarked thread and will definitely keep following along!

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #6 on: 23 Aug 2018, 16:37 »

Also want to thank you for that last post. I've seen hints of regular folk not thinking Capsuleers are all they're cracked up to be, but Monden's plight really illustrated at least one side of that point of view for me. ^.^

Bookmarked thread and will definitely keep following along!

Thank you! I hope you overcome this illness soon!

Monden had became one of my more favorite members of the cast. I've had fun working out his motives and background, I've tried to get across that he was just a normal ass guy in New Eden and eventually Capsuleers turned his life around. He's still just a normal guy, but fate has dealt him a hand he didn't anticipate.

Thanks to Capsuleers ruining his company, Lucrative Excavations was bought out by the Zaibatsu and Monden now finds himself in a world and culture that he has difficulties understanding.

It was fun, to simply figure out where he started and fill in the gap between then and now.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #7 on: 24 Aug 2018, 20:40 »

Dropped another update

Admittedly? Bit of a fluff peice, nothing huge happening aside from fleshing out Monden and Akels a tad bit more.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #8 on: 28 Aug 2018, 16:50 »

Just updated the thread again, I introduce another member of the cast and end it with a poll.

The vote for this part isn't a big or meaningful vote. The design of it is to allow the readers to either skip or embrace a chance to learn more about this new character and expose - in this case - Monden to something different and outside his comfort zone.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #9 on: 02 Sep 2018, 08:20 »

This ain't an update to the chronicle thread, but an update to the ZANIE news thread. Figured it's relevant to this thread as this would become relevant later on in the Chronicle story.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #10 on: 04 Sep 2018, 07:04 »

Another addition to the News thread that's sorta relevant. It's a interview with Stelmari Oksasio, a character who has by now made a few appearance in the chronicle thread. There's two other Interviews on this thread that are also worth checking out. I personally love doing these as i get to introduce these characters in what i'd say is an informative format. But i'd only do it when the character is relevant at the time.

This was a bit of a "sudden" idea i had, the next thing i should be working on is updating the Chronicle thread.

P.S, I'll be looking into getting a hold of a mod to get this thread moved to it's proper sub forum already, apologies again for that!


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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #11 on: 04 Sep 2018, 10:42 »

So, you've created an array of characters in this cast and I'm curious if you do voice journaling for any or all of them, or do you know ahead of time how you want them to sound?

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #12 on: 04 Sep 2018, 16:40 »

Honestly, i haven't really put much thought in it. If what you're asking is if i have VA references for each characters, nah.  I have a general idea of how these characters sound in my head, but it was never a focus point as I'm showcasing these characters though writing and having their personalities and manner of speaking give the reader an idea of how they sound.

Trying to find a VA actor for each of them might be worth looking into tho.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #13 on: 27 Sep 2018, 20:33 »

So I've updated the news thread.

I've been burnt out of late, hit a bad case of writer's block. As to why i haven't updated either thread in almost a month now. This new update isn't to say I'm back in full swing just yet. But i haven't forgotten or given up on this just yet.

Avio Yaken

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Re: Raata Zaibatsu chronicles
« Reply #14 on: 03 Oct 2018, 18:41 »

New update to the news thread

Okay, so  I'm de-railing my own thread technically, for that i apologize. The OP was more focused on the Chronicle thread, but I've been posting Updates to the news thread of late. At this point, the thread is more of a general overview of both products.
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