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Author Topic: Pyre Falcon Defence Combine - Lowsec/FW small gang PvP & State RP  (Read 16045 times)


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What is [DUTY] all about?

We, that is the Pyre Falcon Defence Combine, are opening up for new recruits as of today. We're a young organization set up by veteran players united in their passion for small scale lowsec/facwar pvp action and roleplaying.

Our goals are simple. We want to build a tight knit team of players who are willing to go out for kills on a routine basis. This is no place for farmers or slackers. We want aggression, initiative and a thirst for kills. While we're not expecting a set amount of gameplay time as a minimum we expect our pilots to be willing to join up with their fellow wingmates whenever there's a fleet out. And if there's no fleet out, go and start one.

What can [DUTY] offer?

  • Experienced, motivated leadership - The core of [DUTY] is comprised of experienced and motivated players that are capable of leading fleets, teaching rookies how to PvP and far more importantly know what they want to achieve in EVE.
  • Voice Comms - we have access to a private teamspeak server for fleet OPs and general chitchat.
  • New Player friendly - we do not shy back from taking rookies on board. Motivation and attitude is far more important than raw SP. We help with knowledge, tricks and logistics as well as through a ship replacement program that keeps rookies in ships when the inevitable losses happen.
  • State loyalist RP opportunities - we enjoy roleplaying and have set up the company to respect that. While our focus is on spending ammunition into unwilling targets you'll find ample opportunities for loyalist or mercenary RP.
  • A mature and laid back atmosphere - we can be focused and goal oriented in our playstyle and in combat, but in the end we're here to play that game and have fun. Butter-related banter in the chat and on TS is going to happen.

What does [DUTY] expect?

  • No alts - If you join up you'll be expected to commit.
  • No farmers - We're here to fight. If your sole purpose seems to be spinning buttons and running from fights then [DUTY] is not the correct choice.
  • No pussies - Self explanatory.
  • Be matureNo Drama: DUTY believes in maintaining a cohesive and and tight-knit organization. There exists no such thing as a special and unique snowflake in the Pyre Falcon Defence Combine and anyone perceived to hold an attitude that they're unwilling or unable to take one for the team when required or expected to do so will be purged with purifying fire and rapid application of boots towards the door and dismissal from the alliance.
  • Be assertive - Aggression and Initiative are Good. Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen. Spinning ships in a station means it's impossible to get kills, and at the end of the day that is what [DUTY] is all about: Get out with mates, get kills and/or killed.
  • Be smart - Being aggressive does not mean being stupid. Taking a fight where it's obvious the odds are so stacked loss is inevitable is a futile exercise. Always seek to make yourself a better combatant,  always seeking to gain every edge and advantage over your opponents through knowledge and tactics.
  • Be brave - Don't be Risk Averse: Your spaceships are pixels at the end of the day, it's okay to abuse them in the need to get fights and killmails. In addition, fitting Warp Core Stabilizers on anything else other than say, an industrial, can and will result in an instant dismissal because goddamn you are terrible if you actually intend to fight with them on, and if you don't intend to fight then you're useless to DUTY.
What's this about Roleplaying?

[DUTY] is a PvP-RP corporation. We put our focus on exploding spaceships - for the State. Everyone is welcome as long as he is a good fit according to the guidelines above. Having a genuine interest in roleplaying or being a roleplayer is a definite bonus - but we still expect a full commitment to our PvP focus.

The Pyre Falcon Defence Combine seeks to realize the vision of a Private Military Organization advancing the interests and agendas of Kaalakiota Corporation and the Caldari State through the utilization of force in their name. Inhabiting a world of corporate intrigue, industrial sabotage and political espionage while maintaining a philosophy that the ends of preserving the interests of Kaalakiota and the Caldari State will always justify the means used to achieve them, Pyre Falcon Defence Combine requires corporate military contractors whom have no reservations with the act of killing and have the moral, ethical and legal flexibility to successfully complete its set objectives.

[DUTY] - Ressources

Find out more about us on our homepage or ingame in the channel 'DUTY OOC'.
You can also contact us directly, we'll gladly have a chat and answer any questions you have:

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
Anja Suorsa
Pieter Tuulinen


Katrina Oniseki

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Nice image!

Demion Samenel

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Indeed! Credit where credit's due. It's Ken's work.
I long for the day when he decides to come back to EVE. We initially had plans like this for the end of last year, but RL reasons had him disappear before we were able to deploy it with WHG. :/

Vincent Pryce

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The ticker DUTY just makes me think of a completely different corporation that's now long since gone. Was a liberal oriented Caldari State merc corp in it's time.

That said, good luck to you and hope shoot your faces off in Black Rise  :yar:


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The ticker [Duty] makes me think of duty, which seems to fit with caldari themes.
Fair enough though. I've already had some more friendly and some less friendly fallout from that decision - at the point it was made, however, I was not even aware of Duty.'s existance. I saw that there's a dead/inactive corporation called Duty. when checking for ticker availabilities and despite checking the description didn't realize it was a caldari RP corporation.

So from an OOC POV this is accidential. How you want to treat this IC is not up to me.  8)
I still consider the ticker fitting, although in an IC enviroment I'm more prone to call it 'the company' or 'the combine' anyways.


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Well, given the members involved in the founding, I have a strong feeling PYRE is going to be unique and do quite well both in the warzone and in general.

It's unfortunate that Mal simply wouldn't fit in it. :(
"A man's courage can be measured by what he does, his wisdom by what he chooses not to do and his character by the sum of both."


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You can do it.   ;)


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Although at present, we at Pyre Falcon are currently more preoccupied with ensuring that the alliance can and will function as an effective PvP entity congruent with its RP as a Kaalakiota aligned private military, this does not mean it will not focus on RP. However, the form in which this will take is that of what might be described as organization level RP as opposed to interpersonal character RP through the deployment of story arcs of varied forms.

What will not vary however is the vision that the Pyre Falcon Defence Combine is a morally dark, cynical and pragmatic entity where in prosecuting acts for Kaalakiota Corporation, power is the only currency that matters and violence is the only language that those who oppose its interests understand. Whilst it is true that philosophically, the Combine does maintain staunchly nationalist and patriotic sentiments as specific to the Caldari and the State, this does not mean an unwillingness to dispense with niceties and pleasantries if and when it is required to advance the agendas of Kaalakiota and its shareholders.

The funding and sponsorship of terrorism targeted at the State's enemies; Economic espionage and sabotage against foreign commercial enterprises; The deployment of active measures of misinformation, propaganda and outright lies against those hostile to the State; Collusion with criminal cartels such as the Serpentis or Angels in mutually beneficial arrangements; The use of Black Laboratories to conduct illegal research; Making deals with corrupt politicians for favourable contracts; Or just good old fashioned blackmail, extortion, kidnap, and murder in the name of Kaalakiota are just a few of the options to be considered in the future, all the while seeking to deny any responsibility or culpability for such acts.

As such, what is required are those willing and able to be another type of Caldari: The anti-hero. The flawed patriot. The mercenary.

For in the Combine, there is no such thing as good or evil in the State, just competing interests. As such, in order defend its own interests and that of its shareholders that it is obligated to, the Agents and Operatives of the Combine will often be expected to act with absolute and decisive ruthlessness and to understand that failures are not forgiven easily.

In short though: Do not sign up with the Combine if you want RP that isn't going to be confrontational, ethically dubious, and morally ambiguous; you wish to play a, "Good Guy" with too many scruples; or if you just don't want to shoot people in their faces.
« Last Edit: 02 Mar 2013, 05:05 by Gesakaarin »

Lyn Farel

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Ah nice, I like.

Vincent Pryce

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If you want to do backroom deals with Angels at some point, give me a shout.

Ember Vykos

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Motivation and attitude is far more important than raw SP.

 :cube:SO MUCH  :cube: for that.

 Also nice pic.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

Anja Suorsa

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Well, given the members involved in the founding, I have a strong feeling PYRE is going to be unique and do quite well both in the warzone and in general.

It's unfortunate that Mal simply wouldn't fit in it. :(

You know you want to :P


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:cube:SO MUCH  :cube: for that.

And it's true. SP requirements are mostly warranted when you're rolling out in high-tier specialized fleets (BS, BC, AHAC). We're just scrubs, so I'm content with putting rookies in Condors for great glory. That's the best way to learn.

And then you manage to pull off things like this. Take risks, be rewarded. Note the engagement starting in a novice plex at 01:58 - a VA Tristan was part of it but was chased off by Pieter. One Incursus took point, I decided to stay despite them all being on dscan. It went down before the others arrived, but wahey, party really started there.
02:36 had two enemy Hawks on the field as well - we disengaged from them after killing the low hanging fruits.

If only they had webs.

So, yes. Scrub frigate kills, no shiny tengu kills and massive engagements. But a lot of skirmishing and action - the joys of low-end FW PvP. That's what Duty does.
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2013, 09:59 by Desiderya »


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Nothing wrong with friggotry. Our glorious Caldari ancestors used them to great effect so we're just being very method in following history.
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