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Cyberpunk 2077

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Silas Vitalia:
These are the droids you are looking for.   I know this will be up many of your respective alleys of cyberpunk tabletop rpg noir.

Good lord this could be good.

This makes me quite sad for what a dedicated studio working from an old tabletop IP can accomplish. COUGH COUGH WORLD OF DARKNESS. COUGH COUGH CCP FUMBLES.  COUGH COUGH EVE RPG like this would have been amazing.  Sigh.

Game Informer's article on the locked doors demo was more than sufficient for me to need a new pair of pants. This is what it looks like when a developer can work without publisher interference, and with a bit of respect for both the customers and their own craft and brand.

As for the trailer itself, so many things to deal with and unpack. That early bit as the train exits the tunnel and the music kicks in. Mmmmwah, fingerlickin' good. Girl applyin' make-up, then face reveal. Shivers down my spine. Proper cyberpunk aesthetic, without everything being dark and dreary noir? Fuck me sideways, yes please!

Aww man, now I got Eve dumps again. Where the fuck are all the cyberpunk clothes, hairstyles and aesthetics, CCP? JUST LET ME GIVE YOU MY MONEY! I HAVE IT RIGHT HERE, JUST LET ME BUY THIS STUFF!

Been hoping this would live up to the promise, so far so good. Customizable protag and sticks pretty close to the original vision. My only gripe with the trailer is that NC should appear way more polluted in daylight. Maybe that's just my aesthetic muddling my memory of the 2020 books.

This may end up being the last video game I buy, and it would be a great way to send off the hobby. Likely depends on how well my 2014 rig would run it. Look forward to hearing more as development gears up.

Silas Vitalia:
Aye I don't have any time for gaming these days but a slow burn single player game like this might be worth getting that new rig together....   

BTW I'm so, so glad I didn't get that PC built in time for STAR CITIZEN to launch like... 4 years ago. Still waiting :)

Vlad Cetes:
That trailer is amazing. Want.


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