General Discussion > Moderation Discussion

IC Forum. It's going to be a thing. How do we even

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Morwen Lagann:
You aren't likely to find a mod for SMF that lets you switch names on a per-post basis that doesn't change the display name for ALL posts you've ever made on that account.

If it existed we'd have found it already back when this project started last year. :P

--- Quote from: scagga on 02 Aug 2015, 06:01 ---
--- Quote from: Vic Van Meter on 22 Jun 2015, 12:42 ---I skimmed around the threads looking, but didn't see anything addressing this.  Do we need to have an active account to RP?  Honestly, I miss you guys a lot more than the game, and I'd love getting in on the RP without having to chalk up the sub money to access the IGS.

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Good question.  As I had Scagga sold years ago I am refraining from representing him in the IC sections (despite the fact I don't think the person who has Scagga is active).  I am however 'creating content' by managing a 'bar' channel and non-capsuleer entities.

However it is my opinion that if you still own the account of your character, regardless of whether you are currently paying a subscription fee, you should be ok to represent your character on the IC forums here within the bounds of common sense.

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Without an API module installed it is impossible for anyone to really police this without everyone volunteering the status of their account, which we are not about to do ask them to do. I don't think most EVE API mods for forums keep track of that status anyway.


--- Quote from: Havohej on 02 Aug 2015, 09:28 ---
--- Quote from: Mizhara on 02 Aug 2015, 08:21 ---As long as it's your character on your account, it shouldn't matter if it's subscribed or not. My only barrier for entry is that I just can't be arsed switching between accounts for posting on the very same forum.

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So far, the test boards have been very quiet.  I do remember seeing a forum that had a feature where users could have multiple names and switch between them in their control panel/profile page.  If the interest that was there before the test board was opened shows itself again and the whole thing goes well, I will make sure to track that mod package down and try to make it available on the actual IC forum at launch.

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Well, like I said, in my case that's because I can't be arsed switching between accounts on Backstage for IC and OOC posting. A separate board would be a bit different as I could be logged into a different account there, while remaining logged in on this account here, eliminating the need for account switching.

It's probably just me being that lazy, but I'm not going to be posting IC with Pinkie Pie bouncing around in the sig and Pinkie Pie is staying.

Good point, MorLag.  To be honest, I'm not sure which forum engine that place was using.

@Miz:  I still don't see why you feel that Pinkie Pie is so OOC, especially for Mizhara (she's a little throwed off, isn't she?)  :p

Saede Riordan:
why does the signature have to be considered IC anyway? I mean like, my sig, avatar, and such are all OOC and that never stopped me from posting IC.

Also someone should probably swat Lyn with a newspaper, I don't think she realizes the post I made earlier today was IC, lol.

Lyn Farel:
Ok shit that's two times today.... Those forums are nested rigt in the middle of the rest and it is a mot harder to differenciate on tiny devices like tablets or when you just go through functions like 'show new messages'

My apologies...


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