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Author Topic: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.  (Read 10124 times)


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #15 on: 05 May 2010, 04:11 »

Havo, it was stupid of me to refer to Merdaneth's perception of the issue in the first place. I knew this could be a touchy subject and should avoided it in the first place.

Tomahawk Bliss

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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #16 on: 05 May 2010, 17:09 »

Havo, I had not intending to troll.  I am a bit confused on what is IC and what is not IC in Merdaneth's couple of posts here. Especially considering the reply.  I actually though that in the first post Merdaneth trying to take credit in some way.  He hasn’t had any involvement IC or OOC in anyway with anything. 

I seem to be confused on what was said. I apologize and I will clarify.

Merdaneth has zero impact on any operation actions that I have been involved with.  And I would know as I am leadership and majorly involved in all operations and I have been involved in all of them for about 8 or 9 months.

Silver, Koronkesh hit the nail on the head.  realistically I will not provide specific planning information due to this being a popular public forum.  There isn't anything more than I can say except that the assertions made were wrong.  Sorry if I came off as abrupt.  I really was just making a clear clarification for statement of fallacy that I did not was to be misinterpreted.


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #17 on: 05 May 2010, 21:51 »

The "years of pressure of you never do anything constructive" thing - that's not something only Merdaneth says.  A LOT of people say it.  So much so that internally there was a running joke of "We're not here to build empires, we're here to tear them down."  I remember this from my 3 months in SF... I'm sure you remember it.

I also saw someone make a post in jest (I think it was Cosmo, but I couldn't find the post so I may be wrong).  Anyway, the post was something to the effect of "People keep saying we can't do anything constructive, so we figured we'd give it a shot :p"

I don't think Merd was trying to take personal credit for talking SF into making an outpost.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Tomahawk Bliss

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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #18 on: 05 May 2010, 23:45 »

those people are mistaken.
« Last Edit: 05 May 2010, 23:51 by Tomahawk Bliss »

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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #19 on: 05 May 2010, 23:55 »

"You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time: *Where* is the rebel base?"


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #20 on: 06 May 2010, 00:25 »

those people are mistaken.
[mod]Could you elaborate rather than simply dismissing them? [/mod]
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #21 on: 06 May 2010, 00:38 »

I am gonna put my continued backstage career on the line and repost what I said earlier, but which was deemed hostile and I was 'formally warned' about...

(reworded, and to those that have choosen to take issue with Merdaneths post)

unsurprizing and quite resonable that Merdaneth would take that position guys. Well thought out Merdaneth. Im sure when that is presented on IGS that it shall generate alot of replys and RP.



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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #22 on: 06 May 2010, 01:32 »

Look Toma, I really haven't got a clue if I've influenced you in that way. It doesn't really matter. Merdaneth sees continual challenges to the SF dogma, and he sees SF change. He simply thinks of it as cause and effect. It could be all internal or even planned before Merdaneth ever arrived on the scene. I don't know, I can't look into the heads of other character, let alone the people playing them. It is completely up to you to decide if Toma has been affected. I'm not trying to influence you the player, I'm trying to influence your character.

There seems to be an awfully big sentiment around between all the struggling factions of "you didn't influence me", "you are not relevant", "we caused corp X to leave FW" etc.

It seems that non-consensually affecting your opponent is (both IC and OOC) something horrible if it is done to you, and a great victory if you do it to someone else. I don't think it should be that way OOC, I think that style is unhealthy for play, I think we should be very happy that we are influencing each other OOC! The interplay between our characters is a combined effort, even if it is not always consensual.

Therefore, I wondered what your purpose was to explicitly take the time on an OOC forum to deny any influence. It seemed to me some OOC version of "You don't scare me, you are irrelevant to my play!"

I get the odd OOC mail from opponents describing me as sad, being a nobody and having no relevance at all. You don't need a Psychology degree to figure out that if people mail you personally to bitterly tell you that you aren't affecting them are more trying to convince themselves rather than get a point across.

Moderators, perhaps this is a good point to split the thread since we are moving away from the YWS0 debate?

The Cosmopolite

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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #23 on: 06 May 2010, 09:09 »

Well, don't know about any quotes attributed to me (not one I recall posting) but leaving that aside, I think I will say a few words.

First, Merdaneth's suggestion that years of IC pressure have induced the Star Fraction to build an outpost.

Can be dealt with both IC and OOC.

IC, I don't believe the characters that are the Freecaptains of the Star Fraction feel themselves in any way pressurized into building TAZ Norlonto. For them, it is simply a project that is enabled by the circumstances. They have many times contemplated such a project and even gone so far as to plan similar. It is simply that the opportune moment came now and not before.

OOC, I can honestly say that while it is true that people have many times said 'What have you ever built?' or words to that effect, it was not really a consideration in the minds of those planning this effort as an act of players in the game of EVE. It really mirrors what I think the IC reasons are: circumstance and opportunity. The main OOC factors are two-fold: 1) The game state in Providence region. 2) Sov 2.

In my view, the second is the more important factor. Ultimately, who knows when, who knows how, we may lose this outpost. But looking around the game it is quite clear that the opportunities for outfits like SF to have an outpost are quite wide. The amount of unclaimed systems in EVE is the highest I have seen it since Sov 1 reached its, so to say, maturity.

The reasons for this are not obscure and this is the wisdom of the Sov 2 design: it costs to needlessly and thoughtlessly gobble up every system in sight.

Sov 2 is not perfect by any means though and I look forward to future developments. Treaties or leases are something that I think would be useful and beneficial. If we could let others access the 25% POS fuel bonus for some reasonable fee (let us say... 5% fuel equivalent making for a still highly desirable 20% saving for the POS operator?) then we would surely do so.

But I want to briefly and without heat refer to Grr's remarks:

The deployment of the outpost as I commented on chatsubo was one of the first real tangible achievements the alliance has made in the past 6 years.  I for one congratulate them for it.

I won't be a surprise to anyone that I rather differ with this claim. I also, if I may say so, think it is a problematic claim to make in the context of roleplay organisations.

The fact is that most self-described roleplay corps and alliances have not built outposts to date. To be sure some of the bigger ones have but let's be honest it hasn't happened a lot. (Though I think it could well increasingly happen in future.) The problem with the remark is not difficult to see: it seems to imply that building an outpost is when a corp or alliance achieves something real and tangible in EVE.

I don't even agree with that for non-RP corps/alliances in EVE. I think it is... well, I won't say what I think it is for RP corps/alliances: you get the idea.

EVE is a game where there are many achievements, real and tangible, to be made throughout the history of a corporation or alliance. You don't need to build outposts (or Titans) to have made real and tangible achievements in EVE.

I don't think Grr meant any real disrespect but I think the claim is, well, not in accordance with my vision of the great game of EVE and the many and various ways in which it may be played.

« Last Edit: 06 May 2010, 10:11 by The Cosmopolite »


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #24 on: 06 May 2010, 10:20 »

IC, I don't believe the characters that are the Freecaptains of the Star Fraction feel themselves in any way pressurized into building TAZ Norlonto. For them, it is simply a project that is enabled by the circumstances. They have many times contemplated such a project and even go so far as to plan similar. It is simply that the opportune moment came now and not before.

I don't believe that is relevant. What the Cosmopolite thinks and Merdaneth thinks is obviously wildly different. The Cosmopolite believes in a future without governments dictating how people should act, Merdaneth believes in the opposite. Hence discussing on an OOC forum if one is wrong or right about such IC beliefs serves no purpose I can think of.

OOC, I can honestly say that while it is true that people have many times said 'What have you ever built?' or words to that effect, it was not really a consideration in the minds of those planning this effort as an act of players in the game of EVE. It really mirrors what I think the IC reasons are: circumstance and opportunity. The main OOC factors are two-fold: 1) The game state in Providence region. 2) Sov 2.

OOC I don't know and I don't really want to know. I know from my own experience that considerations between OOC friends and internal corp and alliance relationships and debates are way more important to determining direction and decisions than external pressure. Most corp simply fold or split out of boredom.

I don't think Grr meant any real disrespect but I think the claim is, well, not in accordance with my vision of the great game of EVE and the many and various ways in which it may be played.

Agreed. Grr's OOC remark seemed well-intended, but there are many ways to achieve great things. An Outpost isn't neccessarily the hallmark of achievement. An daring GHSC heist could be just as great but mining dutifully for years and allowing others to build great fleets and outposts might be just as great (although unrecognized and unsung a deed).


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #25 on: 06 May 2010, 11:02 »

[admin]Suggesting that a person is a troublemaker and all threads they're involved in will turn to shit is a no-no.  Suggesting an entire alliance is full of troublemakers and any thread they're involved in will turn to shit is right out.Post and replies to it removed.[/admin]

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #26 on: 06 May 2010, 12:08 »

I have for years thought about visiting Providence, but it just never happened due to priorities. From an OoC view, I am rather pleased that there is at least one (more would be better :)) place out in no sec space that practice "open house" and NRDS policies still, so I still have the point on my "to do"-list.

But what I know about SF project(s) in Providence OoC and if this information is correct or not matters absolutely nothing in regard to the opinions of my characters in regard to the same situation. People do not need any true facts in our world to make opinions about a thousand things, even take dramatical actions based on no correct information at all, so why should people in New Eden be any different?

From my multiple characters; one believes SF is criminal organization and all members should be locked away for good, another has no thought on SF as her empathy is on the non-capsuleer population, a third thinks SF is an interested social experiment and a fourth think a little anarchy is great and that the established order needs to be shaken up a bit.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2010, 12:12 by Myyona »
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The Cosmopolite

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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #27 on: 06 May 2010, 12:51 »

IC, I don't believe the characters that are the Freecaptains of the Star Fraction feel themselves in any way pressurized into building TAZ Norlonto. For them, it is simply a project that is enabled by the circumstances. They have many times contemplated such a project and even go so far as to plan similar. It is simply that the opportune moment came now and not before.

I don't believe that is relevant. What the Cosmopolite thinks and Merdaneth thinks is obviously wildly different. The Cosmopolite believes in a future without governments dictating how people should act, Merdaneth believes in the opposite. Hence discussing on an OOC forum if one is wrong or right about such IC beliefs serves no purpose I can think of.

For that matter, if you're going to take that line then I am not sure what purpose telling us what Merdaneth thinks serves on this forum.

If we're not supposed to respond then there is no conversation and the remarks seem a bit pointless.

However, I chose to respond and in some ways whether you find it relevant or not doesn't really matter.

I'm happy to have a forum conversation about anything myself or SF do in EVE. Whether my remarks are relevant or not is up to each reader to decide.

I would note that I have not said anyone is 'wrong', rather I have said what I believe the Freecaptains of the Star Fraction, as characters, feel about the matter. Which is no more or less than what you did with regards to Merdaneth the character.

I have difficulty seeing that as a controversial way to respond.

Anyway, the experiment of TAZ Norlonto has only just begun and nobody knows where it is leading. Which is what makes it so entertaining for us and, hopefully, for others.

« Last Edit: 06 May 2010, 13:36 by The Cosmopolite »


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #28 on: 06 May 2010, 14:02 »

I wish you good luck with that. Can be very wicked.


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Re: TAZ Norlonto in YWS0-Z system, Providence.
« Reply #29 on: 06 May 2010, 15:51 »

Quote from: The Cosmopolite
For that matter, if you're going to take that line then I am not sure what purpose telling us what Merdaneth thinks serves on this forum.

Sometimes I like to share something. Like telling how my characters are thinking. I don't share it for the purpose of having people challenge Merdaneth's vision because as I said, that is rather pointless. One can still talk about it though. 

Quote from: The Cosmopolite
If we're not supposed to respond then there is no conversation and the remarks seem a bit pointless.

There are other responses possible than a challenge or argument. I considered the response 'nope' quite unproductive. Did you consider it otherwise?

Quote from: The Cosmopolite
I would note that I have not said anyone is 'wrong', rather I have said what I believe the Freecaptains of the Star Fraction, as characters, feel about the matter. Which is no more or less than what you did with regards to Merdaneth the character.

Which was interesting, and I would like to hear more about it IC if I knew how to get the information IC.

Quote from: The Cosmopolite
Anyway, the experiment of TAZ Norlonto has only just begun and nobody knows where it is leading. Which is what makes it so entertaining for us and, hopefully, for others.

It *is* entertaining. Although as I said before, I made the mistake of stating Merdaneth thinks SF has been influenced by this decision. It is my experiencing that influencing people is a touchy subject OOC and I should have known better.
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