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That some Minmatar pilots have a tradition of gifting Rodj Blake's corpse to newly-weds?

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Author Topic: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE  (Read 22465 times)

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #30 on: 16 Jun 2013, 12:41 »

My worst experience in Eve was losing my first CNR to the Lofty scam 3 months into Eve (this was before they put warnings on joining fleets, and waaaaay before they removed the ability altogether.

I felt really bad not so much over the loss, but more over the stupidity of it - I'd been caught by a ganker simply because I hadn't been paranoid enough. I was soon back in a CNR, though, and much more paranoid.  :P

For your first 3 months that isn't a bad fit! :D


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #31 on: 16 Jun 2013, 15:32 »

My worst experience in Eve was losing my first CNR to the Lofty scam 3 months into Eve (this was before they put warnings on joining fleets, and waaaaay before they removed the ability altogether.

I felt really bad not so much over the loss, but more over the stupidity of it - I'd been caught by a ganker simply because I hadn't been paranoid enough. I was soon back in a CNR, though, and much more paranoid.  :P

For your first 3 months that isn't a bad fit! :D

Heh, I feel ashamed of it. In my defense, the omni-tank seemed to be working at the time. I was pretty crushed at the time, because it represented my entire savings in EvE up to that point. On the other hand, they weren't nearly as expensive then as they are now.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2013, 15:34 by Vikarion »


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #32 on: 16 Jun 2013, 17:47 »

The most 'horrible' experience so far have to be losing a myrm in an ambush that I could have voided, and once into, could have fought my way out of, but failed to do either in. The ship lost was irrelevant, but the fact that the event went down as it did still annoys my to this day.

It's the second half of the post that describes the event in question.

Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #33 on: 17 Jun 2013, 01:49 »

Oh god... Vikarion's reminds me of something far worse than my Navythron temporary insanity.

A loooong time ago, when I was still just starting out, I managed to get my very first Pilgrim, and was very pleased with it.  Simultaneously, a corpmate had loaned my mission alt a Raven, which I couldn't afford at the time, but I figured that getting into lvl 4s would help spike my income decently.

So I undock in both, planning to just buzz around with the Pilgrim, not necessarily kill anything but have fun exploring with the fancy cloak.  I then forget about it, because I'm cloaked up, right?  I'm also suddenly finding that the mission I'm in is fairly brutal, and since I was using an unstable XLB fit, that required a lot of attention and micromanagement.

Briefly check on the Pilgrim... find that I warped to 0 on a stargate and have a Myrmidon redboxing me.  Jump through, cloak, GTFO, breathe sigh of relief, alt-tab... I'm the proud owner of a Raven-shaped cloud of debris.

Owning up to my corpie that I'd lost the ship before I got a single ISK out of it was not pleasant.

Still.  Could've been worse.  I could've lost both.


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #34 on: 17 Jun 2013, 19:09 »

I eRPed once.

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #35 on: 17 Jun 2013, 19:18 »

One time, back when I was in lonestar, I volunteered as a bright young newbie to go pick up some BPC's for my CEO.  I flew them in an untanked sigil.

This was before you could tell the difference between BPC's and BPO's without having your hands on them.

My sigil got ganked coming out of Jita.

100 million ISK worth of BPC's gone in a flash.

And then they made fun of me for them being BPC's!
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #36 on: 17 Jun 2013, 19:51 »

I eRPed once.


That's what she said!


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #37 on: 17 Jun 2013, 20:15 »

I eRPed once.


That's what she said!

I saw this cumming

[12:40:50] Kasuko Merin > He has this incredible talent for making posts at people that could be <i>literally</i> quoted straight back at him and still apply.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #38 on: 17 Jun 2013, 21:57 »

I eRPed once.


That's what she said!

I saw this cumming

It was all across her face after all.


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #39 on: 17 Jun 2013, 22:16 »

Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars!

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John Revenent

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #40 on: 17 Jun 2013, 22:24 »

Most horrible experience I go through in EvE is almost every night when I feel like poop for yelling at people.

Other then that I can lose every ship, structure, asset I have and still plug along because I haz friends. <3 (Rebuilding is easy)


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #41 on: 19 Jun 2013, 19:40 »

Most horrible experience I go through in EvE is almost every night when I feel like poop for yelling at people.

Man, that's the sort of thing I play Eve to get away from.

P.S. I still like my job, though.

Galen Darksmith

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #42 on: 28 Jun 2013, 04:25 »

I am now hearing John yelling "Armor hacs!  AR-MOR HACS!"

Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #43 on: 28 Jun 2013, 05:17 »

Most of my material related experiences in eve, be they corp theft or betrayal for profit, have not really affected me massively due to a paranoid practice of compartmentalizing collective and personal wealth so very little can actually be stolen.  The big change in this occurred in 2009, when I was Executor of New Eden Retail Federation - a scrub renter alliance clinging on in Fountain renting from Talos/BoB and locals (alternating depending on who claimed to be the current landowner).

System management went pretty well, our membership grew and trade was pretty well stimulated as our logistics team only ran weekly ops, so providing local goods was essential to our 'meeting rent' and making profit.  Issues started when people couldn't make their rent contributions.  Seeing this as temporary, I and some friends foot the bill on the understanding we'd get a portion of our money back (we knew they wouldn't pay us back in full AND make more rent).  The caveat is that we would need to be more involved in what they were doing, or they would have to let us know they cannot make rent in advance, rather than trying to hide it. 

This led to a massive furball of a situation, essentially leading to a wannabe illuminati starting up among those corporations unable to meet their tiny obligations to the whole, while the three core corporations managed to keep them in null AND profit.  Despite no sanctions, continued 'loans' to pay their share and no threat of recouping the money, the political and social landscape got pretty toxic as people started to blame each other for various things beyond our control (Panda Team had started harassing the region with Titan bridge attacks, so people less experienced in evading such drops felt insecure).  Unwilling to be 'lectured' (as they put it) on how to make money, advice on avoiding cynodrops fell on deaf ears, and ships started to die in droves.  The little respect we had from our landlords was only maintained by fighting hard and providing capitals for Talos' wars, as our losses got mentioned frequently as a reason for Panda's continued interest in the region.

In the end, every corp and alliance meeting turning into a giant blame game didn't suit me one bit.  I transferred command to the main military corporation, ensuring people would think twice about hitting each other on the way out and withdrew my corporation from the region, then the alliance, offering free jump freighter services to any who needed them.  Good stack of profit, lots of lessons learned, but thoroughly put off of high level internal politics as a result, simply because the lack of candid admission early in the 'debt crisis' some corps were in, resulted in an inquisitorial culture springing up just to find out how much the 'big three' were having to put up for the rest of the alliance.  Fortunately no friends lost, as the walls were raised pretty early on, and so I never really got to know the individuals largely responsible for rabble rousing. 

Off the back of this my interest in piracy, wormholing and general trading grew, so it was formative, but at the time a constant source of stress, knowing I was going to be chairing a volatile and generally unpleasant meeting of shamed, blame-gaming and unfulfilled spaceship men and women on a weekly basis.
« Last Edit: 28 Jun 2013, 05:22 by Aelisha Montenagre »

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #44 on: 29 Jun 2013, 16:23 »

The first corporation I joined had a policy of only recruiting people known to another member in real life. The notion was that this would minimise the risks of a betrayal.

As you might imagine this did not work. Someone cleaned out the hangars in one of our sub-offices. The friend who recruited me was a director, was annoyed by the theft, but was even more annoyed when others in the organisation used the event to undermine her authority, and get her removed as a director. To add insult to injury they then started using a lot of the ideas she had been coming up with. She played on for a long time afterwards, but decided never to accept a corporate management role again. She gets exposed to enough shitty office politics in the real world.

I'm annoyed that we never caught and properly punished the thief.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.
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