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That the Blood Raiders are a sect of the Sani Sabik who spend their lives in space hunting down and harvesting non-believers for their blood? Read more here!

Author Topic: Looking for an Active RP Corporation  (Read 2402 times)


  • Clonejack
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Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« on: 01 Mar 2017, 14:17 »


I am new to RP in Eve but I am looking to try it a bit more.  I am a 62 Mill SP pilot looking for an RP Corp.  I haven't really developed my backstory as of yet.   

Casserina Leshrac

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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #1 on: 01 Mar 2017, 14:29 »

I know if I can help you. Out of my corp (I am the CEO) I tend to do a lot of RP when I am online. However my approach is that of the Sani Sabik which are bunch of Amarr Blood Cultists if you want to consider that route.


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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #2 on: 01 Mar 2017, 14:31 »

I greatly appreciate that information.  I'm in a small RP Corp right now but it only has three members.  The RP is solid but I honestly am looking to RP with more people.  Possible working as a team to overcome a mission or assignment.  That sort of jazz.  I also have a 3 Mill SP pilot that also just joined Eve that would be coming with me. 

Casserina Leshrac

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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #3 on: 01 Mar 2017, 15:07 »

I would suggest taking a look at the various factions as some of those who RP tend to be a flavor based off that.

Just speaking from the Amarr side of things you have role-players who Crusade for the Empire. Crusade for one of the Heirs, Holders with questionable moral standards and then the Sani Sabik seen is evil incarnate.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #4 on: 02 Mar 2017, 07:04 »

I spoke with my friend last night and we were both thinking molding our backstories with the Sisters of Eve.   Humanitarian, Exploration, light combat roles.    Still doing more research to understand them a bit better.   Just a possibility at the moment.   Preferably, I enjoy the looks of Caldari Vessels, but fundamentally I like the background lore to the Gallente in terms of Humanism and Democracy and also the Amarr for their lineage and royalty.   

Typically I base my RP characters on Honor and understanding but I try to throw a minimum of two character flaws.   Still working on that.


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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #5 on: 02 Mar 2017, 08:02 »

Hi Leukothea,

Casserina makes a really good point about looking for the part of the story that you want to play. What I would add to that is that RP in EvE really lets you break away from the standard CCP fiction as well as immersing yourself in it.

I think you are likely already onto this but each of the empires (even the Gallente.... especially the Gallentte...) have dark motives moving within them or major detracting elements so often the RP will be able to pull form all sorts no matter who you align with story wise.

Speaking as an RPr and writer from outside the standard Empire format and one who got started as an SoE/humanitarian (Chapter of Solace corp) I've found that those sorts of motives and ideals can be found in small pockets of every group... oddly enough even the Sani Sabik.. though their idea of it is.... odd. Except Synthia... she's just damn funny. (

My pitch for ALXVP: SO, I am a recruiter and I'd be remiss if I didn't offer at least a window into what I think you may be looking for even out in WH space with us. We haven't had a really heavy IC RP thread all the time, and many of us really enjoy the PvP aspect of the game as well. But Origin also has a LOT of written history as well as great background for RP. I am also working with another RP corp to kick off a large RP arch that I hope will bring a lot more RP for our members. Feel free to poke around our website or try some of the stories written there. Here is a direct link to the quick description:

Feel free to ask any question or chat with any of our members in OOC channel or join H+ channel!
ALEXYLVA PARADOX | Sub-Coordinator | Recruiter
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  • Clonejack
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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #6 on: 02 Mar 2017, 08:31 »

I greatly appreciate the info.   I'm very interested in finding a type of RP that could use me specifically In a role with a group as we game it up.   I understand WH all to well.   I'd like to think my crew was one of the first to put POS's in WH's back in the day, though after a few years of break from eve things may have changed.  Always willing to learn. 

Mitara Newelle

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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #7 on: 02 Mar 2017, 08:56 »

Well, you have a good start by finding this place!  We are all RP nerds here, so welcome :D
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"


  • Clonejack
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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #8 on: 02 Mar 2017, 09:06 »

Thank you :)


  • Egger
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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #9 on: 02 Mar 2017, 09:09 »

As most of our in-game activity is also accompanied by coms, we don't typically RP out much of our PvP or Site running. The dangers of the WH just simply outweigh the rate at which we could get stuff done and get back to safety. But we DO participate in RP while doing some of these things via relay, in RP Channels, or on a more 1on1 basis some will RP back and forth with each other while running a site. As for what 'role' you could play.. well that's really up to you. If you are really wanting to do humanitarian things, you could try to play the angle of being a 'deputy' within our colonial outreach program. Everyone in Origin emigrated there within the past 4 or so years. Many/most are refugees or just simply fed up with Empire factional crap. But there are those, including many children, who we rescue from downed passenger liners or who were crew on ships that tried to invade our space. You could always try to play up that sort of role, there is a lot of potential for good RP plugs there both within the corp and with other corps;
'Hey Solu, we just had some new folks come in, a few of them really crack microcirc techs.. you got any openings at one of your labs for an intern?'
'Naraish, I know that you don't technically run the Araai foundation... but I've been seeing a LOT more kids coming in from [insert this system at war] than usual. Will we have enough facilities for house and educate all of these kids?'

Or, after a large WH fight:
'[Che], now that the shooting is done, and given your proclivity for non-violence, I just got a sensor return on one of those escape pods that was jettisoned. I think it might have been ear-marked as suspected of slave trade activities. Can you try to scoop it while I run cover?'

'[insert SFRIM rep], if you don't have the resources to see that those people are safely extracted from [some hotbed where their owner was killed] I'd be happy to organize a more.. discrete retreaval.. so long as all claims of ownership were sufficiently removed and I knew that they would be free once in our care.'

Stuff like this. There is SOOO much available with even just a little hook of storyline.

This got pretty specific, but I think my point is more that no matter where you choose.. RP is often what you make it and most of us are so excited for the chance at a story that if you provide the hook just about any of us will often jump in. 
ALEXYLVA PARADOX | Sub-Coordinator | Recruiter
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Ché Biko

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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #10 on: 02 Mar 2017, 10:30 »

Also, Leukothea, Ché would like to have more humanitarian corpmates to improve ALXVP and assist in Search and Rescue operations.  :bear:  :cube:

Alex Hinkelmann

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Re: Looking for an Active RP Corporation
« Reply #11 on: 02 Mar 2017, 11:56 »

Ishukone-Raata is always looking for new pilots to join our ranks. As the name suggests we are liberal aligned, being a subsidiary of the Ishukone Corporation. We offer access to a large infrastructure network in the Syndicate (NPC Nullsec) region, along with a variety of isk making opportunities.

We've recently changed our operations, under new leadership we've rebuilt our internal structure and worked to put RP first. If you are into empire building, RP, and of course making ISK we might be the place for you.

A brief description of our various branches:

[I-RCB] Ishukone-Raata Corporate Investment Bank
The Ishukone-Raata Corporate Investment Bank (I-RCB) acts as the administrative branch of the organization. The bank oversees the daily transfers of billions of ISK to and from the various branches of I-RED, in addition to the bank and baseliners who make use of its services. The bank offers a variety of services to baseliner clientele, including but not limited to: life insurance, employment benefits, loans of all types, investment opportunities, and traditional currency storage.

[I-RCN] Ishukone-Raata Certified News
The official internal news division of I-RED, the I-RCN acts as the primary source of news both inside and outside the organization. I-RCN covers many aspects of daily life relevant to the baseliner employees of the alliance, but also serves the important function of communicating important events to the greater public.

[I-RTI] Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Recently established, the Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute is responsible for the continued development of new and improved technologies. Scientists within this division of I-RED are supported and encouraged in their specialized fields of study, provided there is no breach of ethics, and results are made available without restrictions to I-RED. Public services such as medical evaluations (both physical and psychological) are available to baseliners and capsuleers by appointment only.

[I-RAT] Ishukone-Raata Accounting and Transport
By far the largest and most expansive branch of I-RED, Ishukone-Raata Accounting and Transport (I-RAT) functions in a myriad of roles: general personnel management, logistics operations, custodial duties of infrastructure, and more. I-RAT oversees the management of the civilian population of the organization, and this includes non-employees who operate within or in close proximity to I-RED property. This is also the corporate division that oversees the planetary and interstellar logistics of I-RED as a whole. Without a doubt I-RAT is an essential branch of the organization.

Currently the Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch is under construction, but soon enough will offer opportunities to combat orientated pilots.

Each one of these corporations are available to join, and have the tools to help you expand your abilities. You are also welcome to checkout our Galnet site

If you have inquiries please visit our forums or contact any one of our Staff on Backstage.
I-RED Executor