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Author Topic: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]  (Read 10682 times)


  • Wetgraver
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[FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« on: 04 Sep 2013, 09:26 »

Has your faction not been delivering on promises?

Is all the talking taking time away from doing?

Do you have something that needs doing but no-one to do it with?

Perhaps you have a career as mercenary in Stormcrows!

Ok, enough of the cheese.

The idea is basically as stated, to be "neutral" "mercenary" corp. (Lots of  "" read down for better explanations)

That said, we wish to retain our individuals' backgrounds, as a means of driving what we do and also through which we can create stories, both in space and hopefully recorded (Writer needed, apply within) - And maybe play up the individuals in the corporation a little. Creating the strong characters out of them that some believe capsuleers to be.

We will be looking for pilots who are self sustaining, and willing to jump in and fill gaps that need filling. Adventurous types, since even joining will be an adventure. One of the requirements to join is to accomplish certain tasks, set by the members of the corp. Each pilot accomplishing these tasks will be able to add a new one. These will have some significance to our nature as capsuleers.

This is only a short introduction, please feel free to ask questions, it will help shape us as well. I will also post more as we decide and build on this idea.


EDIT: I have removed the Mordu's affiliation. The idea for the corp was a to take a cue from them. I can write a long story on how I believe Mordu's to be a neutral faction whose economy is war. The reason I removed it is because of the misconception that "Midly Mordu's alligned = Mordu Corp". This was never intended to be our main focus, and I know that people want to assign labels, but I feel this detracts from what we are trying to do.

« Last Edit: 05 Nov 2013, 13:11 by Kopenhagen »

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #1 on: 05 Sep 2013, 09:05 »

Been watching this with interest for a while now. Nonfactional seems... difficult, for me, for example. Mordu's aligned? Can you elaborate on that?

Steffanie Saissore

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #2 on: 05 Sep 2013, 13:53 »

I can't speak to the Mordu's aligned aspect, so hopefully Jude can elaborate upon that aspect.

As for nonfactional; admittedly I haven't dipped into the pvp aspect or the FW side of things in EVE, so my answer might be a little off of the mark, but in doing missions, I've been careful to avoid taking too many missions that affect standing with one of the four nations.  I get the feeling that your standing with Amarr equates to a "Shoot to kill, no questions, no quarter." I think in that case the corp would just need to keep that in mind when looking at potential work.  I don't think you would need to improve your standing with Amarr at all.

Hope that helps a little?  Jude might be better able to answer your questions at the moment.
"And if the music stops, there's only the sound of the rain.  All the hope and glory, all the sacrifice in vain.  And if love remains though everything is lost, we will pay the price, but we will not count the cost."


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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #3 on: 07 Sep 2013, 16:02 »

Worrying less about advancing the ideals and interests of a particular faction, and more about what it means to be a capsuleer, or maybe just the bottom line of the ISK account? I find your ideas interesting, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #4 on: 08 Sep 2013, 17:25 »

I am sorry I have not had a chance to respond yet. My GPU died and currently trying to sort that out. Should be done the next few days then I will get back here.


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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #5 on: 09 Sep 2013, 21:16 »



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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #6 on: 12 Sep 2013, 06:56 »


What Steffanie and Shiori said both applies, and I will try to elaborate.

What does not factional/Mordu's aligned mean?

Firstly, the idea is not to be a capsuleer representation of Mordu's, instead just a loose supporter.

Mordu's these days appear to be rather neutral, though they are closer to certain sub-empire entities. They seem willing to step and in help out when needed, without the need to always pick a side in a conflict. And they take contracts aligning with their interests instead of just the higher bidder.

This is something I wish to emulate in the corp. A neutral entity not directly supporting any faction, though with its own interests and goals. And yes, as Shiori said, some of the focus will be on what it means to be a capsuleer.

Saying that, we will be made up of capsuleers from various different backgrounds, and I don't expect anyone to forget who or what they are. This will add some flavour to the story ideas I have, and also influence our choices and interests. Now it is very hard to keep everyone happy, if too much focus is placed on the differences, and I am still figuring out how to solve any such issues.

One of the ideas is that people who have ties to a certain faction, will have some "passes". This means should something happen at home, and they feel the need to go help, and the corp cannot support them at that time, they can go and do what needs to be done. Afterwards they can return to corp. Corp loyalty is important however, and knowing those you fly with will be there for you, so this will be limited.

So in closing, non factional is a bit of a misleading term, I think extra-factional is a closer one. The corp won't support a faction, even though pilots might still hold ties. In the end though, they should agree that what the corp does is worthy of their time and effort and thus they can support it instead of being at home supporting their faction directly.

Please, let me know if anything does not make sense.


PS. Just to elaborate on the challenges that were mention that new members had to complete. New members won't have to complete all the challenges, only a certain amount. However, to earn your corp title, you will have to complete all the challenges. Each challenge will also be the responsibility of a member, as such, new recruits will have to interact and get to know different members in the corp to join.

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Vincent Pryce

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #7 on: 13 Sep 2013, 05:03 »

Seems rather interesting. Aside from player challenges ( I am keen to hear more about these ). Is there any ideas what to do to quench the thirst for pvp and what is your take on it? NBSI or will there be a more strict CoC regarding that?


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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #8 on: 13 Sep 2013, 07:22 »

Ah, the age old question of where to find the GF.

I was fortunate enough to learn PVP in empire wars, years ago when people wanted to fight (Bitter vet much?). FW can be fun, and fits in with the solo/small scale, but unfortunately anything larger than 5 pilots seems to stop being a small gang in FW. Not to mention that choosing a side is always tricky. (Caldari FTW >.> )

One thing I have also found is that organised roams can often be disappointing when nothing is found, and organic pvp is more satisfying.

I have the following ideas when not on contract and they will have to all be tried to see what can be learnt from them, and how good they work. I think a 2 week - 1 month rotation and a good logistical plan might be good. Though there are some spots close to low sec that might make this easier.

- Live near NPC Null and go poke around there for something to shoot at. Possibly a good place to test tactics.
- Go to the local camped spots, it will need some intel gathering, but what good is a merc corp who cannot do that anyway.
- Declare war against some other empire mercs.
- Hunt bounties.

The usual stuff, eh? Picking targets for bounty hunting, and other mercs, will need require us to keep a constant eye out, and have updated target lists and also give us a chance to come up with clever schemes on how to defeat them.

In the end, I want to try different things, because the only way to learn is to try, and possibly lose. But experience cannot be lost, and to be effective you have to learn to handle a variety of situations.

As you may have noted, this all means that we will need a certain type of pilot, or pilots, that are willing to go out and try and learn, instead of just waiting for someone to do something official.

This also means that the corp will provide as much support as possible, and that pilots will be expected to go and lose ships. Yes, it is my controversial belief that kill boards do more than just show ratios, they also kill fun. Being sure of a kill teaches less than facing the odds with no certain outcome, at least in training. It is my hope that that experience will carry over to the important wars. Where, I have found, kill/death ratios matter less than placing the opposition in a position where they no longer what to fight.

I think that was enough of a rant, and I hope it answered your question without too much deviance from the topic.

As for the challenge, Jude's will be that a pilot who wants to join has to pod someone, or at least make a very good attempt at it. How better to embrace our capsuleer nature?

EDIT: Engagement policy would be flexible, I would say. There will be some guidelines, since it would be counter productive if pilots are limited to low sec due to a negative sec status.
« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2013, 10:43 by Kopenhagen »

A man who does not test his shaving cream for poison each morning has lost the will to live.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #9 on: 13 Sep 2013, 17:55 »

I find this intriguing. Hmm... If I am online I he same time as you I will drop you a line. This "Crows before Ho's *" concept is pretty cool.

*Ho's being factions. Before someone gets their knickers in a twist.

Hong WeiLoh

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #10 on: 29 Sep 2013, 12:40 »

Ah, the age old question of where to find the GF.
This also means that the corp will provide as much support as possible, and that pilots will be expected to go and lose ships. Yes, it is my controversial belief that kill boards do more than just show ratios, they also kill fun. Being sure of a kill teaches less than facing the odds with no certain outcome, at least in training. It is my hope that that experience will carry over to the important wars. Where, I have found, kill/death ratios matter less than placing the opposition in a position where they no longer what to fight.

Came here because someone seemed to think we're in "competition", or some such silliness. Having read the thread, nope, not at all. We have similar values to a degree, the above quote being one of the definites that I agree with wholeheartedly. Having spent time with a killboard-obsessed :l337PvP: coalition like -A-, I learned just how great the value of a killboard is for both killing fun, and while -A- had great killboard numbers, where are they now? Right, dead alliance best--oh no, wait--still dead alliance.

If you can't keep your eyes on the "prize" (sov, a specific mission, etc), all the killboard numbers in the world won't help you, and it's a good sign that you see that for what it is.

Sounds like you and I have similar values, but how we're going to follow them, and where we're going to go with them, are two very distinct and different paths. Best of luck though, and feel free to maintain friendly relations, even as a (very loose) Legion supporter. :)


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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #11 on: 29 Sep 2013, 12:59 »

Having spent time with a killboard-obsessed :l337PvP: coalition like -A-, I learned just how great the value of a killboard is for both killing fun, and while -A- had great killboard numbers, where are they now? Right, dead alliance best--oh no, wait--still dead alliance.

They're kind of not. 9th biggest alliance in the game, 8th in terms of number of systems and 4th in outposts.

They're back on the sov scene in a pretty big way, currently straining at the leash in Providence and have started using Game of Thrones references. "What is dead may never die".

-A-. Eve's longest lasting zombie alliance.

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  • Wetgraver
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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #12 on: 03 Oct 2013, 13:51 »

I present... a website!

It is a work in progress, but a start.

Now to get someone to start writing stories.

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  • Wetgraver
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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #13 on: 08 Oct 2013, 05:52 »

First adventures up, though one still needs an image. New bio as well.

A bit more on the challenges.

They are not only a different way for members to get to know each other, but also a way to create content and an excuse to fly out with specific goals.

Since a large part of the corp ideal is helping each other achieve private goals, the challenges tie in well with this ideal. Plus they might make for good stories.

PS. Not using this thread as recruitment as much as a place to put forth ideas and show how they grow, and what goes into making a corp.

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Silas Vitalia

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Re: [FL0CK]Stormcrows - [Recruiting]
« Reply #14 on: 08 Oct 2013, 13:24 »


This sounds like a great idea and wanted to wish you best of luck recruiting and finding some adventures.  I'm sure things will go well.

If you are even in Kingdom space feel free to poke us (pew pew).  Good luck and good hunting!

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