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That some Minmatar pilots have a tradition of gifting Rodj Blake's corpse to newly-weds?

Author Topic: "Curse you, Caldari..."  (Read 657 times)


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"Curse you, Caldari..."
« on: 06 Jun 2014, 19:28 »

((Originally written for my new blog ))

YC 110 05.15

Kirstin awoke to the howl of sirens and the screams of her kin around her. She could feel flames licking at her ankles as her eyelids fluttered open.  The air was choked with black smoke hanging deathlessly above her. Tinnitus still ringing in her ear as she blinked away the darkness in her vision. The face hovering over her was that of an Ishukone security officer, his fingers pressing against her carotid artery until they locked eyes. Immediately she was scooped up. Thrown against his chest as a blur of smoke and fire passed through her vision. She tried to speak through cracked and split lips, the taste of blood choking her. She could only let out the faintest whine, a sound completely drowned out by the cacophonous havoc around her. Losing strength with every step he took, she faded back into the consuming darkness of her unconscious. Her neck failing now to support her head it slumped back and as it did to her horror she gazed upon her arm, or at least where her arm should have been.

Ripped as if she had been savaged by some beast, a visceral stub just above the elbow is all that remained. Bit’s on bone shown through where tendons and muscle had been shorn clean. Blood dripped at an alarming pace and made a sickening spattering sound upon the metal floor. Her discovery had sent adrenaline rushing through her system, a desperate attempt to maintain consciousness as shock took hold of her. She parted her lips again, this time a scream escaping. Pinpoint pupils fixed on the wound as she writhed in the mans arms. Screaming again as the pain finally overtook the adrenal rush. Unbearable pain washing over her, too much for her lithe frame. Going limp in the mans arms her vision darkened again as she slipped into unconsciousness. A gentle reprieve from the chaos surrounding her.

“Kirstin!” A familiar voice called from across the docking bay. Icy blue eyes to match hers, a wide smile, the faintest stubble on his chin. Kirstin smiled immediately closing the gap to embrace him.

“Fuchi..” She replied softly as he squeezed her before holding her at arms length to get a better look.

“My you look impressive! Doesn’t she dear?” He beamed glancing to the women beside him.

“She does indeed, Joseph.” The women smiled resting her cheek against an open palm.

“Muzu!” Kirstin smiled, moving to embrace her as well. “I have missed you both, so much.”

“And we’ve missed you.” Her father beamed. Embracing the whole of his family. “Today is a great day for Ishukone, but a greater day for me, my little girl has come home.” He sighed contently before straightening out. “We should go, the delegation is to meet soon, we shouldn’t miss the news when it concludes!” Holding them both he gave  gentle push towards the main foyer of the station.

Awash in the Ishukone colour’s of black and gold the station had an air of jubilation. People moved in frantic pace too and fro. Banners of the State and Ishukone flew side by side. The usually cold and formal air of a Caldari business station was electric. Fear and hope intermingling in the air as the whole of the station held is breath awaiting the proceedings of the summit.

“He has waited so long to see you again Kirstin.” Her mother smiled softly locking arms with her as her father push ahead through the crowd. Her father looked so much older then when she had last seen him, a year ago before taking another contract. His black onyx hair had begun showing flecks of grey, he looked more regal in that sense.  But it was immediately betrayed by long laugh lines and soft wrinkles across his face. Her mother conversely maintained her steely complexion, her hair still radiantly blonde. Darker blue eyes still as piercing as ever, impossible to deceive even for a moment.

“I’ve been looking forward to see you both too. Especially on a day like today.” Kirstin smiled turning to glance at her mother as they strode down the main foyer.

“Don’t be silly Kirstin…” Her mother replied with a smile. “… You are a capsuleer now, you don’t have time for frivolities like this.”

Muzu please. I….” Kirstin found her protest cut short.

“You’ve made him very proud…” Her mother squeezed her arm bringing them tightly together. “…You’ve made me very proud.” Finally locking eyes, her mother smiled faintly. “We love you dearly Ms. Amsel.” Kirstin frowned quirking a brow at the formality.

“What?” She replied puzzled.

“Ms. Amsel…..?” The voice seemed faint now, far off behind some invisible fog. “…..Ms. Amsel….?” Kirstin blinked, and just like that it was all gone. The black and gold of Ishukone’s station long gone, replaced with a steely blue and bland white of a hospital bay. “…..Ms. Amsel, are you still with us?” A doctor leaned over her, shining a small pen light in her eyes. She blinked again, and again, in futile hope to return to where she had just been. Finally she responded, her voice weak barely audible.

“Y-yes..I can hear you..”

“We’ve cleaned the wound Ms. Amsel, we can have you fitted with a cybernetic prosthesis within the week. We just need to insure the wound hasn’t taken on anything infectious first.” Kirstin sighed softly, looking around the room from her small hospital bunk. Her eyes finally coming to rest on a bandaged stump where her arm once was.  “We had to take off more of the arm, to properly close the wound, and have it ready for prosthesis.”

“This will all be payed for by Ishukone of course Ms. Amsel.” A man stepped forward from the doorway of her small room. In his hands a small box, an Orchid resting across the top. “With our deepest condolences. They were exemplary employees.”

“They….?” She responded, propping herself up with her good arm.

“We are so sorry, Ms. Amsel.” The man replied softly, placing the box across her lap. Suddenly the weight of the gesture was to great for her. Falling back against the bunk the revelation had sucked the air straight from her lungs. She closed her eyes again slowly as a hot tear kissed her cheek. Silently she prayed, that she may open her eyes and be on that station again.

She prayed in vain.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2014, 23:33 by Vizage »

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: "Curse you, Caldari..."
« Reply #1 on: 06 Jun 2014, 21:01 »

A brilliantly done dementia-flashback piece. One of my favorite things to write, so it's great to see somebody else write out some truly emotionally haunting prose!