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Author Topic: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad OOC)  (Read 13678 times)

Samira Kernher

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #30 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:05 »

Eli: Great!

So, early topic for discussion: clothing.

Aria's doing her homework ahead of this trip. Qualities looked for:

Comfortability: very high. This is a tour, not a formal gathering. Footwear (in contrast to EVERYTHING in the "typical" [read: Captain's Quarters] female capsuleer's shoe rack) will be sensible, designed for a lot of walking. Clothing will also be climate and season-appropriate.

Cultural sensitivity: high. She's trying to blend in as much as possible and avoid being an uncouth foreigner.

Movement: unrestricted. Culturally-mandated headaches such as narrow skirts will be subtly altered to allow this, if doing so will not give offense. Given the choice, she'll go for more comfortable and easier to scurry around in.

Modesty: high. Achura aren't necessarily very body-conscious, but revealing or overly-tight clothing is, at best, rudely distracting. See also, cultural sensitivity, supra.

Color: black, unless this will cause direct offense or the automatic assumption that she's in mourning.

Fashionability: irrelevant, aside from avoiding attention.

"Foreign" -ness: as low as possible without giving offense. "A heathen trying to pass as one of us? UNFORGIVABLE!!" <-- if this is a likely attitude, she'll actively try to avoid invoking it while still adopting as much of the local look as she can.

Essentially, unless it will piss people off, she's trying to be easily mistaken for a small, maybe somewhat eccentric, local female Khanid baseliner.

What does this entail?

Clothing will vary widely. What we do know is that Amarr is a headwear culture, especially hoods and headscarves. These are sometimes part of robes, othertimes separate. There's also more fancy headwear but that tends to be for nobility and wealthier folk and attracts more attention. Arabesque styling and embroidery (of both Islamic and European styles) is common on clothing (and buildings and ships and etc). The more common and low key the clothing, the less prominent this embroidery will be.

If you're going for a Khanid look then you may want to look at mongol attire for inspiration, as Khanid tend to be written with a mongol theme.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #31 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:25 »

Logistically, a suggestion (feel free to shoot down in flames :P )

Have one IC channel for the 'event' where Aria is doing all the things and such

Have another ooc channel that ooc aria is not in, filled with the npc types to ooc talk about what happens next and DM the tour.

Then maybe one of the ooc folks is the 'dm' or whatever and handles all the descriptions and typing in the IC section, taking the best of the ooc suggestions and comments and inputing them in the IC channel.

Much like suggesting forks in the travel options 'to the left is x church, to the right is y shops' and then Aria makes her intentions known and the ooc folks write up the next things and inserting npcs

Might be fun :)


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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #32 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:29 »

That is a great idea! That way as well we dont have multiple people writing several things at once that are all different

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #33 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:30 »

As an example of something Samira might be referring to, Morwen once wore something like this to an Amarrian function. (Mitara forwarded a compliment to the effect that I'd dressed more Amarrian than most of the Amarrians afterward. :cube: )

This seems like it would be fun but I think I would play a better tourist than scenery painter or NPC puppeteer, so I'll just keep an eye out and watch how it proceeds.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #34 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:34 »

Logistically, a suggestion (feel free to shoot down in flames :P )

Have one IC channel for the 'event' where Aria is doing all the things and such

Have another ooc channel that ooc aria is not in, filled with the npc types to ooc talk about what happens next and DM the tour.

Then maybe one of the ooc folks is the 'dm' or whatever and handles all the descriptions and typing in the IC section, taking the best of the ooc suggestions and comments and inputing them in the IC channel.

Much like suggesting forks in the travel options 'to the left is x church, to the right is y shops' and then Aria makes her intentions known and the ooc folks write up the next things and inserting npcs

Might be fun :)

Hrrrrm. Neat idea.

Tell you guys what: I'll butt out of this channel once we actually get moving. I'd almost suggest that Arkon do the same, only he actually knows his way around, IC, so he should probably be privy to "previews."

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #35 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:38 »

Logistically, a suggestion (feel free to shoot down in flames :P )

Have one IC channel for the 'event' where Aria is doing all the things and such

Have another ooc channel that ooc aria is not in, filled with the npc types to ooc talk about what happens next and DM the tour.

Then maybe one of the ooc folks is the 'dm' or whatever and handles all the descriptions and typing in the IC section, taking the best of the ooc suggestions and comments and inputing them in the IC channel.

Much like suggesting forks in the travel options 'to the left is x church, to the right is y shops' and then Aria makes her intentions known and the ooc folks write up the next things and inserting npcs

Might be fun :)

Hrrrrm. Neat idea.

Tell you guys what: I'll butt out of this channel once we actually get moving. I'd almost suggest that Arkon do the same, only he actually knows his way around, IC, so he should probably be privy to "previews."

I like this idea too, and yeah as long as I have enough to write Arkon as being the informed guide that he is then that works for me - so previews or whatever we wish to call them would be a good call I think. :)


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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #36 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:44 »

OOC Orgnaisers
Me - Okay, so what is next guys?
Guy 1 - When lets say shops are left and church is right
Guy 2 - Yeah

IC Tour
Arkon - /me heads to the left towards the shops with the thought of food "Please Ms. Jenneth this way, lets get something to eat"
Me - /me as they go left around the corner they enter a large church

Haha! :P sorry, just popped into my head, and couldnt not say it, but yeah, it will help it seem more in-depth and will make more sense if Arkon is fully informed and all that, that way the OCC peoples and NPC can start typing and be ready for it as well :)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #37 on: 04 Mar 2015, 21:58 »

Okay, since this is going to be more dependent on my actions than I anticipated, a heads-up:

I will be mostly out on Friday. I'll start things rolling with an initial post in about 24 hours, but will not be highly active for a further 36 after that. I suggest using this time to develop some pre-rendered ideas, a "buffer," if you will. These need not be laid out on a set map or choice grid, but should maybe cover some key areas you (and Arkon) want to be sure to hit.

I will be highly active once I wake up Saturday, and I rise early for a West Coast American (~5 AM Pacific Time).

Naturally, I won't be looking in here after I set down my first post. If you villains are going to have me mugged or worse, I don' wanna know 'bout it.  :P

... or about the amazing cathedral I just missed out on.
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2015, 22:06 by Aria Jenneth »


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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #38 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:05 »

Haha! I like you :) you like my funnies :P

I may have been scribbling up an actual map with titles and stuff.. I will talk to Arkon tonight about it, unless he is leaving me all alone tonight.. :'(

And mugging hey?... I sense a car chase coming on :D i joke.. Maybe a stabbing or 2.. Roadside bomb.. Daemons maybe :P

Dont worry Aria, we will make this great for you and your RP :)

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #39 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:06 »

Okay, since this is going to be more dependent on my actions than I anticipated, a heads-up:

I will be mostly out on Friday. I'll start things rolling with an initial post in about 24 hours, but will not be highly active for a further 36 after that. I suggest using this time to develop some pre-rendered ideas, a "buffer," if you will. These need not be laid out on a set map or choice grid, but should maybe cover some key areas you (and Arkon) want to be sure to hit.

Naturally, I won't be looking in. If you villains are going to have me mugged or worse, I don' wanna know 'bout it.  :P

... or about the amazing cathedral I just missed out on.

Sounds like a rough plan then, alright so who do we have as volunteers for the world building/NPC running? From looking back on thread I can see (in no particular order):

Eli Sariah
Morwen Lagann
Lyn Farel?
Lunarisse Aspenstar

Is that all that we have at the mo? :D

Also I have put up the OOC coordination channel, please head to: DT OOC



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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #40 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:10 »

No particular order? Oh you know how to make me feel special :P putting me at the top you ;P

:D wait.. DT OCC? Don't Trust channel?  :cry:

On this though, I will talk to you tonight (Arkon) and we can hammer out a basic thing and then refine it, see what we can do, try and make this as engaging and awesome as possible
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2015, 22:17 by Eli Sariah »

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #41 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:25 »

... Okay. We can do a separate channel for plotting, and I can stick around here to make OOC requests if need be.

Oh, look, here comes one now!

Can someone write me a weather report?


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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #42 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:27 »


One request, would you like it to be a happy day? OR would you like to go flying in 600km winds with several cyclones? You know.. So i can make it good :)

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #43 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:33 »

... Okay. We can do a separate channel for plotting, and I can stick around here to make OOC requests if need be.

Oh, look, here comes one now!

Can someone write me a weather report?

Made you an operator of the channel just in case you want to jump in and edit anything. :)

Probably worth doing up a quick shopping list of things needed to go ahead:

Weather report (Check Samira's awesome post on the first page for help on that front),
Sights to be visited (I will work up a list of the places Arkon would definitely take Aria to see),
Possibly branching stories (i.e. one of us gets pick pocketed, obviously we (Arkon and Aria) should be in the dark on these. I will just say that obviously nothing involving one of our character's being killed),
Timeline (are we going to do this all in one day? Or perhaps a two day journey?),
Key NPCs (tied closely to the branching narratives and sights to be visited) and who will be writing them,
Who will be writing what (I would suggest alternating roles to avoid someone feeling like they are stuck playing a tree in the school play).

That is all I can think of now.

On this though, I will talk to you tonight (Arkon) and we can hammer out a basic thing and then refine it, see what we can do, try and make this as engaging and awesome as possible

Of course happy to chip in, but I would want to hear from everyone involved especially those who are going to playing the NPCs and the world as it is important that they find the experience enjoyable too. :)

But yeah that is why DT OOC is there for brainstorming and the like.


Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #44 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:34 »

I think the cyclones would result in Aria suggesting they visit another time.

Considerations that might go into this: hemisphere; latitude; climate; season; whimsy

BTW, to be clear: We ARE doing the action here on Backstage, yes? It lends itself to multiple-paragraph descriptions, when needed, and allows us to keep it up over a period of time despite various comings and goings. Given how long it takes to write an action vs. how long it takes to act, I'll get tired much faster than Aria will if I have to do it at a sitting through the Eve chat system, and my lonely first post (in 24 23 hours) is going to have gathered dust and cobwebs before I can come back to it.
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