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Author Topic: Politics of State  (Read 1170 times)


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Politics of State
« on: 20 May 2010, 11:00 »

I would like to better understand and better flesh out the dynamics of Caldari politics, especially with regards to the three major political blocs and the interactions of the megacorporations both among themselves and with foreign entities.  Almost anyone on these forums will be aware of the monolithic power blocs within the State: the patriots, practicals, and liberals.  While convenient for understanding that the State is not a unified entity and providing some basis for internal conflict storylines, these definitions just don't do it for me.

From my perspective, the State is really a confederation of eight nations jumbled together within the State's borders like a bowl of spaghetti and held together by marinara (CEP, CBT) and meaty little chunks (the CalNav and such).  In this analogy, the Guristas can be the garlic bread.  Each megacorp functions like a government in its own right with its own services, military, and billions of "employees" who are effectively citizens of one or more of these confederated nations.  The internal culture of the State strikes me as equally ripe soil for growing storylines as the culture and politics of the broader cluster.

Breaking down the policies that seem to have some variance between the Caldari megas and taking a look at where each of them stands might be a useful project.  Most of you, especially among the Caldari RPers, will know more about the history of the megas over the course of EVE's seven years and beforehand than will I.  I appeal to your insights.  I've defined eight spectra along which we could measure each mega's policies and culture.  They are:

globalization vs. autarky
   The mega's policy on self-sufficiency as a corporation and as part of the State in New Eden's multi-polar world.

exploitative vs. fair trade
   How the mega engages other megas as well as foreign entities in economic dealings.  This could also describe the internal culture of the mega as either cutthroat or compassionate (by Caldari corporate standards, that is).

core vs. frontier
   Where the mega hedges its bets, either toward the stable heart of the State or toward the less secure periphery and beyond.  This could also define the mega's willingness to take risks.

diversity vs. conformity
   To what degree individuals and groups are permitted to deviate from the accepted norms both within the mega's culture and in comparison to the State as a whole.  This also includes the treatment of foreign expatriates in the mega's territory.

progressivism vs. conservatism
   How the mega's culture deals with individuals and groups promoting internal change and those promoting caution or stability on controversial issues.

intervention vs. isolation
   To what extent the mega supports political/military involvement in the affairs of other megas and of governments outside the State.

meritocracy vs. plutocracy
   How powerful are the forces of either the Caldari ideal (and what that means within the mega's subcultures) or of the wealthy aristocracy within the mega's population.

union vs. confederation
   Where the mega stands with regards to the existence and nature of the State government.

To begin with I want to draw on the IC news, chrons, books, IGS reports, and the like that touch on these topics with regards to the megas.  If it's possible to outline a more detailed picture of the State's internal affairs in this way, it might become an invaluable launching pad for new RP ideas or at least a useful resource for new and old RPers alike.  What do you think?  If this seems like a worthwhile project, let me know.

Akikio L

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Re: Politics of State
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2010, 12:53 »

Yes, sounds good to me but I also see lots of work to do it. Personally I end up screaming at the screen and banging my head in the wall every time I try to make sense of the news archives... :P


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Re: Politics of State
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2010, 19:19 »

I think it would be somewhat possible to rank each mega on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 9 in regards to where they lie in each category.  Backing up those rankings with PF will be slightly more challenging due to the research required.