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Author Topic: EVE IC: What is your character good at? What are they terribad at?  (Read 3288 times)

Silas Vitalia

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As I'm also of the opinion RP is never a win or lose thing, let's talk about the goods and bads you strive to embed for your characters :)  Not 'good and bad' in a moral sense but what do you want them to excell and struggle with?  Give us 2 for each!


1. Conversation/Small Talk/Repartee - I've always tried to work really hard to keep her a good conversationalist (especially in real time) and able to turn a phrase with a quickness.  I think goes towards establishing character and background of someone with a socialite upbringing, were pithy or witty comments are some of the aristocrats de jure conversation technique.

2. Scheming - All the plotz all the timez.  Have been very lucky to "take advantage" of things other characters say or do to cause embarrassment or disgrace or nudge things in one or the other direction, along with constant long term scheming. 


1.  Intimacy - it's never been an RP interest for me but those emotional walls are high for her and keep others at measured distance. Really letting others in is a weakness and weaknesses are bad mmkay?

2. Admitting errors/mistakes - terribly difficult for those who feel themselves superior to emotionally deal with mistakes or losses.  Much more convenient for her to shift and assign blame to others.


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The Good:
1) Being a friend. If you're honest and genuine with Anslo's and have stuck with him through good and bad, you will not find a more loyal friend anywhere. He will burn skies and worlds and kill millions if that's what it takes to protect those he loves and considers family (and yes, he does love his friends, especially considering he has no real family).

2) SCIENCE! Anslo has had to become an expert in toxicology, parisitology, microbiology, and other sciences, for reasons. He is very good at it.

1) Tact. Anslo is blunt. He will always be blunt. Especially to those he doesn't give a damn about. If he says someone is annoying and he'll break their jaw if they don't shut up, he normally means it.

2) Anger issues. Come on, need I say more here?

Mitara Newelle

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1. Personal Faith - This is the pillar of Mit's being, I try to convey that all the good(and bad) that has happened to Mit she without question believes flows from the Divine.
2. Humanity/Normalism - Even though Mit is a capsuleer, a lot of them let the 'immortality' go to their head, she strives to maintain as normal life as possible(outside of killing thousands and thousands of people :-p)


1. Subtlety/Innuendo - Mit is terribad at picking up on this, especially being Amarr and that's one of 'their things', she is woefully oblivious to much and doesn't have the capacity to scheme much at all.

2. Ugly Duckling Self Image - Mit has always viewed herself as undesirable.  She is thicker/heavier than most and is aware she lacks the poise and grace attributed to her kind(both blood Ni-Kunni and adopted True-Amarr). This was more prominent early, since having wed she feels a bit better about it, but deep down she still feels this way.
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2015, 09:52 by Mitara Newelle »
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"


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IC Good

Multi-skilled:  Aelisha is a seasoned capsuleer approaching her first decade in the pod.  She is intimately familiar with social conventions, administrative practices, security and starship operation.  What she isn't specifically educated in, she has picked up over time.  As a result, she has a very wide base of operational knowledge and can adapt to changing needs very quickly. 

Open-minded:  As much as she rails against the Federation in many respects, she is a true child of that culture.  She is relatively accepting of other cultures, and able to remain tight-lipped about those elements she does disagree with if he situation demands it.  She takes great pleasure in tourism and history as hobby-pursuits, despite a lack of interest in cultivating those topics academically. 

IC Bad

Disinterested in Capsuleer Society: Aelisha spends the majority of her free time with several very close acquaintances, as far as capsuleers go.  She is not keen on the general mentality or isolation that seems to come part and parcel with the empyrean condition and tends to baseline habitually as an escape from those elements of her existence.  This leads to her having a minuscule capsuleer support base and a lack of willingness to talk through uniquely capsuleer issues - leaving her dwelling on topics that might otherwise be solved through an understanding chat with like-minded individuals. 

Unwilling to be led: She outright refuses to be directed on matters that she has not specifically requested guidance on.  This has led to good advice being ignored more than once, simply due to the information being unsolicited and brought to her by a fellow capsuleer.  This is effectively an extended symptom of general capsuleer paranoia - she simply doesn't believe that other capsuleers have her best interests at heart at any point as they can easily endure any conventional response, up to an including termination of a clone.  When the people who might screw you can live through a hail of bullets and knives, it is probably best not to let them in at all, or to assume the dominant stance from the get go.

Jennifer Starfall

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Both these threads are great, Silas.

IC Good:
  • Loyal - to those she considers close, she will always try to support them. Sometimes, this does bring into conflict.
  • Wants to do good - she's done some bad, terrible things, and knows it. She really wants to be a better person.

IC Bad:
  • Self control - she wears her heart on her sleeve, and tends to react strongly to things.
  • Self hatred - she views herself as a being capable of doing monstrous things. She hates what she's done, can do, and condition she's in.
  • Relationships - intimacy actually frightens her, as she's afraid of the consequences.

Lyn Farel

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Well I could point back at the little essay I wrote on the character in the character forum, but let's try to summarize... It is rather hard to put into good or bad categories, since some of those traits are both, or just not really any...

The Good

When she feels more at ease with the few people she gets used to, Lyn can be very good natured. All in all, she lacks some of the traits that make humans whole : true anger, jealousy, to cite a few. In the most closed parts of her story, Lyn is a pure product of the modern form of the HyCon SoCT project, and so for the few individuals that actually know what HyCon is, they could read in her like in an open book because her affiliation to that project is written right into her face. With that in mind, the project erased all trace of some of those 'negative' feelings, which usually results in someone that can look to bear happily or sadly almost anything, without any negative emotional reaction.

Lyn is deeply analytic and has an almost obsessional love for knowledge (with a fetish for books), and literally devours anything close to that definition that gets into her hands. She is as close as it is to being a well of knowledge.

In her younger capsuleer days, she could be rather outposken in public (mostly on the IGS) due to a clear adherence to certain values, and so very loyal to her ideals. It would take an infinity of willpower to make her values flinch.

She can be very warm and supportive to her friends (as long as they share the same values), and actually shows her feelings when convinced to open herself (which is rather hard).

Unaware of that fact, she can be endearing to people, and it sometimes plays in her favor. People have a hard time seeing her as someone hostile, or that they would consider evil.

The Bad

Lyn personality is constructed like an onion : a multitude of layers after layers wrapped around a core, her true self, that she does not even show to herself and has shut tight somewhere in her unconscious. She can let glimpses of it show at times, but nothing more. And the more you get towards the upper layers, the more you will meet her artificial personality, manners, and falseness overall. Put more clearly, she formally looks half human, something of posthuman but not quite, and mostly she looks fake or transparent. She speaks like a book, acts like protocols tells her to and follows a rigid code of conduct and politeness to conceal anything else.

She is completely introverted and her youth has exacerbated that to a point where she convinced herself to be a total social misfit, which made her rightfully so in consequence. She is socially inept, but at the same time performs perfectly well in social showcase and formal parties (especially Amarrian ones). Convinced to be a misfit, and being kind of one, she doesn't try to get out of that role and actually finds a familiar comfort in it.

Her cartesian mind makes her think and act like a machine, sometimes pushing her to almost forget what emotions and empathy are for, dissociating the whole life into smaller and simpler equations to understand the world around her. It's close to the crazy scientist cliché.

While offering a strong public face for public positions, she actually is rather weak minded inside, and fragile. She tends to overplay rejection and can get sad for everything, or even depressive.

She also tends to be too trusting to people that managed to get into her friendship zone.

She is also a puppet of what ruled her whole life : her HyCon overlord.
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2015, 15:08 by Lyn Farel »

Samira Kernher

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1. Caregiver: One can say many things about Samira's slave upbringing, but one thing it has certainly left is a selfless nature. She was born and raised to serve and she finds fulfillment and comfort in placing others before herself. She needs to be needed. She is quick to offer aid and rarely complains about whatever work she is made to do; she strives to be a humanitarian and really does want to make the universe a better place. As long as she is helping people, whether on an individual level in simple manual labor or in directly tending to someone's personal suffering, or on a wider scale with rescuing and caring for victims of atrocity, she feels like her life has meaning, and so this drives her to always make herself available even when her own stress levels or income can scarcely afford for her to take on more work.

2. Principled: While it can occasionally be negative, Samira's principles ultimately serve to make her a better person. She is consistent, loyal, reliable, honorable, and usually trustworthy. Whatever problems she may have, and while she may occasionally fail, Samira's principles are the pillars that hold her up. She acts according to proper social mores, she upholds order and a higher purpose than herself, she condemns wrong even in friends, and she stands by her word. When she makes a promise, she will do everything in her power to keep that promise. The one time she met with Havohej in person to discuss recovering his slaves, she extended to him, and upheld, a promise of hospitality in spite of the fact that everything he is and everything he has done scares and angers her to her core. When she swore to hunt down Nauplius, she did precisely that, being the first person to take deliberate action and still being the one with the most kills against him. And when she learned about Pyre's dealings with Sansha she broke off contact with Pieter for many months out of principle; their friendship has never really recovered.

1. Cowardice: Samira's positive qualities would have the potential to make her a heroic individual. However, her lack of courage frequently taints her good deeds. She is afraid of embarrassment, she is afraid of harassment, she is afraid of dying, and she is afraid of rejection. She will fight for others, but she will not give her own life for theirs. She will valiantly uphold noble principles, until there is a chance that those principles will jeopardize her. She will be honest and open, except where it would expose her own personal problems. Under everything, Samira wants to protect herself, and she is desperately afraid of anything that threatens that self.

2. Self-hatred: The real damage inflicted by slavery. In spite of the above, she despises herself (It is, afterall, wrong to be selfish). She fulfills many forms of Internalized Categorism. She hates herself for being a Minmatar, and blames many of her negative qualities on that heritage. She hates herself for having been a slave, because slaves are slaves because they were sinful. She hates herself for being an addict, because only weak people become addicts. She hates herself for her temper, even though it is her withdrawal and burying everything inside that spawns it. She hates herself for her sexuality, because she strives towards an unrealistic expectation of "purity". And she hates her personality, because it has pushed away people and left her with few friends and partners. All of this internalized hate leads to a deeply depressed and neurotic character, with multitudes of emotions forced to boil beneath a mask of virtue she refuses to ever take off. It leads to terribly destructive behavior, from explosive rage and cruelty to deliberate self-harm and a permissive attitude towards abuse. Whatever good charity and service she does for others, she reserves none of it for herself.
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2015, 18:13 by Samira Kernher »

Ché Biko

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- Making the universe a nicer place.
- Thinking outside of the box.

- Maintaining an unblemished image more useful to his goals.
- Resisting (indulging in) vices/temptations, especially when stressed/sad.


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IC Good
1)   Zena has a warm heart, is open-minded, creative, naturally curious about the universe, its people, flora/fauna and culture.
2)   I try to provide a lot of detail in her mannerisms/gestures to convey a (sur)realism or a cinematic feel to her RP.

IC Bad
1)   Zena is very unfocused, confused easily, politically naïve, insecure, clumsy. She has a lot of flaws on account of a very sheltered upbringing.
2)   She dismisses or invalidates the brighter sides of her personality.

Elmund Egivand

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1. Diversifying ways of making Isk that doesn't take too much time away from privateering activities.
2. Listening to his crew.
3. Annoying other capsuleers with constant probing.
4. Accumulating scraps and other crap.
5. Values his crew and support staff.


1. Difficulty in keeping up in conversations with multiple participants.
2. Can't lay off that coffee.
3. Procrastinates on projects.
4. Forms emotional attachments with his ships, especially his Breacher (enough so that he actually had the AI programmed to transfer via quantum entanglement communications out of the ship and into the hangar manually or upon destruction, and the entire ship architecture modified so that the AI core is located in the most hardened deck of the ship where it will have the time to complete transfer upon destruction, all so he can claim he never really have lost the ship).
5. Can't comprehend solutions to mundane problems that doesn't involve hitting with a spanner or sticking with duct tape.
6. Can't get rid of all his crap.
7. Gets bored very easily, especially after a period of inactivity.
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Aedre Lafisques

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Let's see-  In broad strokes,

1. Mildness: Aedre tends to be genuine. He has a tendency to be decent, moderate and open.
2. Friendly: He tends to be easy going, and can open up fairly easily.
3. Contemplative: Aedre values knowledge and understanding, and will usually think before he speaks - unless he starts to feel socially pressured to be more blithe than he believes is wise.

1. Mildness: Aedre can be very slow to take sides or form an opinion. He sometimes over compensates for this with rash behavior that would otherwise seem out of place.
2. Underperformer: Starting with a level of social grace that was sub-par for Caillian society, and especially his family, Aedre's suffered from several stints with being less good than expected at things which has affected several aspects of his personality. Becoming a Capsuleer mitigated this for a time, but eventually just became a new measure of the same shortcomings.
3. Fearfulness: 1+2 have combined to create a sort of fearful aura, and he is also easily intimidated by especially rough-hewn Capsuleers.

I tried to keep it to two, but needed three. I could probably expand both, but I think those are the things immediately relevant. As such, I expect these to change, for the better or worse~!
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Louella Dougans

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Saying amusing things

Being the acceptable face of Amarr religion


Persuading people

Being taken seriously


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IC Good:

Willing to do what must be done, without whinging about it.
Does not throw away principles, allegiance and values because it's inconvenient. (May very well be unique in that on Minside, it seems)
Honest. Lying simply doesn't occur to her. Can of course be mistaken and thus utter untruths, but not intentionally.
That said, not going to shy away from underhanded tactics, dirty fighting or using whatever she has to in order to achieve a goal.

IC Bad:

Trust, currently at negative several hundred and accelerating.
Intimacy, see above.
Happiness, too much loss. Too many attempts at reaching out and getting bitten.
Isolated and no way out of it.
Compromise, bad at it.
Addict, severe. One drink is never enough. One booster is never enough. Sex, enjoyable food, coffee, nicotine, whatever. Abstinence or abuse are the only two options.
Honest. Gives up advantages for principle.

Rin Valador

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Well I guess for how long I have stalked these forums it is time I gave at least one reply.

1. Rin is an optimist. Not many things can put her in a bad mood for long.
2. Loyalty to family is her highest priority. Kinda why she is in Dark Horizons in Wspace and not still fighting in PAUX. She can be very accepting of others too, adding many people to what she calls her "extended family"

1. Rin is not well versed with higher education. Most of her life was spent basically as a farm girl on Zoohen V and if not for extraordinary circumstances would still be living that simple life. This means she has a real hard time with conversations about philosophy and science and tends to keep to herself in capsuleer social gatherings because of it.
2. "Warning, scatterbrained!" Her optimism probably stems from this.
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Thal Vadam

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1. Warfare. Being an immortal soldier, Thal knows nearly all aspects of warfare to some degree from overarching campaign stratagy, to hand to hand combat. He is considered a master at melee combat and is feared on the battlefield for his skill with Nova-swords.

2. Consulting. Thal is a very polite and kind individual, and possesses the ability to comfort others. He usually can reed people well and is always willing to listen to the problems of others.

3. Standing for what is right. Thal has a clear sense of right and wrong, and would give his mortal life for achiving a greater good for the Empire, or for those he cares about.


1. PTSD. The thousands upon thousands of death's Thal has experienced truly get to him. His dreams are haunted by the particularly gruesome ones, and be often awakes in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

2. Battle lust. Thal has a love of combat, and sometimes it goes to far. During sparring matches he's fine...but after prolonged battle, his subordinates leave him alone, as he is prone to anger still hyped on adrenaline.

3. Relationships. Thal has lost a lot of people, and often blames himself. He is afraid (but not against) intimate relationships, as he doesn't want people hurt on his account.
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