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That in Norse mythology, the "Naglfar" was a ship built from the toenail and fingernail clippings of the dead?

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Author Topic: EVE OOC: What are you good at? What are you terribad at? Confession time.  (Read 4303 times)

Deitra Vess

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Lets see....

Ooc good:

When I started playing, up until I made Deitra thats all I did, mainly mined and station traded while writing papers for college (which I minored in business), and led a corp of rl friends who did alot of the production and hauling, though I did do a bit of it and feel competent doing so.

Fleet PVP:
My killboard speaks for how bad I suck in solo/duels, I'm not exactly the best at fleet PvP either but I think I'm getting there...

Ooc bad:

Unless I'm staring the person in the face I generally wont go out of my way to strike up conversations, unless its something that really peaks my interest (im one of those "I'd rather text than call" type of people)

Kinda expected since this is my first actual foray into trying to rp. Trying to do a relatively shy character, when generally I'm not a shy person is something I'm still kinda getting used to.


Lyn Farel

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I rewrote my post because the sheer lazyness that was included into it was pretty shameful to me.  :oops:


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Confirming Gaven is dangerous in small hull solo fighting.  Not even trolling, he's p. good.  I'd like to go 1v1 in AF hulls with him one day (and not blow the fight for RP reasons).

But I'm not subbed right now

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Gaven Lok ri

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Good luck ever finding Gaven in an AF. I almost exclusively stay in t1 hulls.

Samira Kernher

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But he will fight your AF with his t1. :D

Elmund Egivand

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Good luck ever finding Gaven in an AF. I almost exclusively stay in t1 hulls.

Best performance for cost. General is best.
Deep sea fish loves you forever

Ember Vykos

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Enthusiasm for this game.
Lore knowledge.

Solo PVP
Channel descriptions...especially for rooms. They look great in my head but it doesn't translate to type lol.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon


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1) Exploring - I can find the things. It is my thing.
2) Being nice - Honestly I try not to be mean without a damn good reason. There's enough of that.

1) PvPs - I lost an Astero to an interceptor because I panicked, forgot what it was and tried to run away instead of throwing drones at it.
2) Trade - I always think "I can make money from that" buy stuff, put a sell order up and then forget all about stuff
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2015, 09:08 by Halcyon »

Silas Vitalia

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I will split the topic for an "IC" what is your character good at / bad at

Mitara Newelle

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1. I get along with most everyone, IC friend and enemy alike.
2. I think I do well with most of the OOC aspects of running a small corp


1. I'm horribly out of practice in PvP, I was never all that great to begin with but now, man am I slooooow
2. Lacking follow through on some things I would like to do in game
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"

Ché Biko

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- RP: My lore knowledge is good, and I've never heard any complaints about my RP.
- Manual piloting: As far as I know, I'm the most veteran sub-warp racer with the most wins, and I was once part of a formation flight team.

- Attention spread/focus: When I am really focused on something, like a chat channel, I will lose "input" from other sources, like voice comms, yet I can also easily lose focus sometimes when I do become concious of "input" from another source.
- Getting stuff done: I am very skilled in the art of procrastination.*

* I'm gonna rephrase this so it's more suitable for the "Bad" section ("I am very skilled" part) sometime™.


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OOC Good:
1)   I try to be friendly, helpful, and contribute where I can.
2)   In terms of gameplay I can scan things down reasonably quickly now and with some efficiency. Also I'm no expert at EVE Lore but I try to inform myself.

OOC Baaaad:
1)   I’m slow and mostly paranoid in dealing with people.
2)   Hopeless at PvP is an understatement. So much so that it’s an effortless limitation I’ve had to incorporate it into my IC play to make it consistent to my character. :oops:
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2015, 20:08 by Zenariae »


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Solo PvP: Ever since my first kills solo in my meta-3/4 fit Rifter in 2007  with my one month old character, I was hooked on it. For me solo fighting in Eve has never been about the end results of killboard statistics and shiny mails (although they are gratifying) but because it's a form of PvP I find risky, exciting, and challenging. I enjoy the hunt, the baiting of a fight, the unpredictability of engagement, and the sense that you have no safety net except your own wits, knowledge of fits/tactics, and their effective execution. Now I'm not going to say I'm elite or pro at solo PvP with superb killboard stats, because I'm not, nor do I have much interest pursuing such. At most I'd say I'm competent or above average. I do it because my solo engagements tend to be the most memorable ones. The ones where I'm in slivers of hull left with my mods burnt out and my ship on fire having after having taken long odds and come out wondering how I got out of that fight alive at all with the killmails. I can remember so many of my solo fights, but only very few of the small gang/fleet enagements mostly because the latter doesn't provide much excitement for me anymore - it just feels a bit rote.

Identity Creation/Branding/Organization: I enjoy the creation fictional identities not only for characters, but also for an organization or group of players that provides a sense of identity, a vision, a brand people can buy into and that others - roleplayer or not - can participate, collaborate and make it their own. I had a lot of fun back in the day presenting the concept of the Villore Accords MDP to the QCATS and SOTF when Calmil had taken all the systems and a lot of people were saying the FDU had "lost" only for a small cadre of relatively unknown corporations working together to turn Nennamaila into a fortress the Caldari still have never taken and become some real effective killers two years later. I had just as much fun recently with Pyre Falcon in trying to take a lot of the gameplay, culture, and small gang pvp focus that worked with the Villore Accords project except brand it under a Kaalakiota corporate mercenary identity.

I find such content creation projects engaging. Especially when the brand or idea created creates cause for involvement and collaboration with others, emergent in-game content, and the simple satisfaction of having provided an effective framework for others to grow in their ability and confidence to the point I feel I am no longer required. Then I can just close my briefcase, put on my coat, and turn off the lights before closing the door and walking out into the night and obscurity again.


Eve Online Roleplay: Two years ago, I decided to pursue a wider engagement with Eve roleplayers to see what it offered and what it was like given previously I had tended to prefer lurking on the fringes in my metaphorical mountain hermitage.

My experiences have shown me that quite frankly, I am terrible at the style of roleplay in Eve. Having come from a background in roleplay in text-based MUD's, forums, and play by mail, I'd my RP style of simply seeing my characters as just a collection of fictional tropes, themes, and archetypes that I execute in the setting does not mesh well with the prevalent style in Eve which I view as something more akin to method acting or as Author Insertion.

This difference in style and perspective I think leads to a lot of misunderstandings, especially given that one of my more public characters is I will admit written as a woman who can be confrontational and aggressive as well as being well equipped to deploy the vitriol and acerbic rhetoric given their background experience as a corporate lawyer. However, I now recognize that in truth my frustrations were due to having rustled my own jimmies with my own unrealistic, and frankly arbitrary expectations of others in the community.

In having now re-adjusted my expectations of roleplay in Eve Online whilst additionally feeling I am now able to return to my aforementioned metaphorical mountain hermitage (Except with more Iron Curtain) my jimmes have returned to their usual and natural unrustled state. I accept now that if people want to immerse themselves as their own character in Eve that's cool, and simply their own legitimate style of roleplay that I am terrible at.

Online Leadership:  I am terrible at it mostly because when the initial impetus of energy and ambition fades I can end up in a situation where lack of interest and motivation leads to poor management which in turn leads to further lack of interest and motivation. This creates a frustrating scenario where whilst I'm aware of what might need to be done I've become too enervated to actually make plans let alone implement them. The lack of my own motivation to do anything then naturally leads to a lack of motivation, buy-in, and participation among others thus exacerbating an already unfun situation for all involved.

In addition, I have a terrible habit of not delegating tasks, micromanagement, not providing a clear portfolio, and essentially doing everything I know I should not be doing when in a position of online leadership due to past experiences elsewhere and the latent mistrust it caused.


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IIRC, I'm awesome at everything.

Aedre Lafisques

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I'm pretty easygoing, and I want to learn. Generally cooperative.

I've become fairly competent at fleeting in small gang.

I will listen obediently to any FC, even if I don't like it. It's not up to me to take initiative in fleets, and nothing says I have to fleet with FC again, so I'd rather quietly take the later than start something during an already difficult Op. If I did not have the initiative to run a fleet myself, during an op is not the time to take it. In a place of authority, I demand similar obedience, and the exchange is accountability. FC sinks or swims with the success of the Op.

I'd like to think I've picked up some skillpoints in RP over the years. RPing in EvE is a little different, so I apologize for any strange quirks. I really enjoy character writing, so I hope my passion for it is something people can also get something out of.

Fairly decent small gang SP; Frigate/Drone/Cruiser

Fitting and theorycrafting. I try to care and I have learned how not to shit fit for the most part. I try to listen to more complex run downs, but it goes in quite reluctantly.

Dealing with the market.

Solo 1v1. I react too slowly, in cheap attrition fits.

Second-guessing poses. I tend to edit poses, am sometimes slow.

"Open posing" That time when you have to start a scene, but can't think of anything to start with. I will respond to basically any open pose I see, but I'm useless at 'starting'.
Hangout Channel: Gallente Lounge
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