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That the Sansha ships originally armored tanked?

Author Topic: What is special about CCP events?  (Read 1497 times)


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What is special about CCP events?
« on: 11 Nov 2012, 17:45 »

So, there was a Blood Raiders event. And there were Angel events. nearly every RPer who knew about it and could get to it was rushing towards it to get a piece of the action. And people were gushing on these forums, the IGS and other places/channels about the events too.

Why? Why are these events so special to our characters? Why are these events so special to us as players? Why do they get 10 times (if not more) the attention, publicity and involvement of a similar player-organized (pirate) event?

(P.S., I have my own thoughts/answers of course, but would like to ask the question as a springboard to the dicussion)

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Nov 2012, 18:03 »

I would suggest a dual answer:

First, the events are popular simply because they do not follow logical IC rules of how to plan/run a good operation - that is, the event actors engage in illogical and frankly sometimes silly behavior simply for the sake of having an event.

EXAMPLE 1: The last Guristas event, where the Guristas actors attempted to abscond with their stolen cargo themselves, instead of doing the logical thing and handing it off to an anonymous capsuleer for transport.

EXAMPLE 2: The concept of having the NPCs talking about critical operations in local channels in general; there is no reason these NPCs couldn't have their own private comms instead of using a public capsuleer network that will automatically notify everyone in system.

By the same token, however, this automatically generates more publicity and interest than a "logically run" event, as it gives us - the players - a chance to intercede. A successful raiding operation in EVE is as much about -NOT- attracting to much attention as it is about anything else; by abandoning this pretense of running things so that the primary objective is operation success and instead making the primary objective participation, CCP makes these events far more interesting to the individual RPer.

SECOND: It is my personal opinion that CCP is, frankly, the only entity in the game which has the right to spontaneously begin large-scale RP actions which will effect the course of history in New Eden on a celestial scale. This isn't to say that RPers shouldn't try to make RP events, but if we're all having our characters alter the course of history by making significant impacts on stated planets, stations, nations, etc. then we quickly run in to feasibility issues as well as conflicts as various RP groups do things that would play into conflict with each other, but refuse to accept the validity of other RP groups' counter-actions.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #2 on: 11 Nov 2012, 20:43 »

So, there was a Blood Raiders event. And there were Angel events. nearly every RPer who knew about it and could get to it was rushing towards it to get a piece of the action. And people were gushing on these forums, the IGS and other places/channels about the events too.

Why? Why are these events so special to our characters? Why are these events so special to us as players? Why do they get 10 times (if not more) the attention, publicity and involvement of a similar player-organized (pirate) event?

(P.S., I have my own thoughts/answers of course, but would like to ask the question as a springboard to the dicussion)

I didn't give a shit about any of them.

I might have if there was one decently sized, active, pro-Fed corporation anywhere that I were part of that wanted to [/RP]go there to kill every last one of the would-be-criminal, blooding-is-cool, angels-are-sparkly, narcissist, elitist, self-entitled little twats. them all.[/RP]

My toon would have loved it, and so would I.

Or perhaps it would blow, but I'd never know, unless I'd go there to find out. I imagine this is why everyone else showed up.

Oh, and kill-mails with bragging rights. EVERYONE showed up for kill-mails with bragging rights. The RP'ers just wanted that little extra we all RP for, and a CCP-run event is a sure-fire chance at that.

*Minor edit* Toned the flavor down a bit.
« Last Edit: 11 Nov 2012, 21:53 by BloodBird »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #3 on: 11 Nov 2012, 21:23 »

They are special because its where the rubber meets the road with regards to 'cannon' IC activity intersecting with NPCs.

I can write as many stories and have plots with my IC friends, and thats what most of us do 99% of the time, but opportunities for things that interact directly with factions is extremely limited.

When True Slaves show up on scene and call out a particular capsuleer or group 'hey thanks for helping us do our evil thing' its nice for loyalists to be acknowledged. 



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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #4 on: 12 Nov 2012, 03:07 »

Being acknowledged by CCP means you made it. You're famous, you're special, and you were in on the history that made EVE. People will forever remember you, like Achilles or Hercules.  It's not the same as being liked or appreciated by your fellow players, unless large numbers of people recognize you. Coincidentally, it's one of the biggest reasons I hate role playing in EVE: everyone is competing for attention and no one is working together to make good experiences happen. But that's just my opinion...

Ghost Hunter

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #5 on: 12 Nov 2012, 03:38 »

When the first events for the True Power came rolling around, my biggest desire was to do something for the faction I had vowed years of loyalty to. Whatever was asked I would do, or fail doing so. That is what motivated me as a player. A fantasy of finally flying with 'actual' Sansha and doing something for an organization that essentially was always a background feature.

As to what attracts people to these events ... they are quite varied. I think a big reason, however, is that people believe CCP will not intentionally sabotage them. Most Sansha events I have been to were fairly even if not in favor of the attacking players. There are note worthy events were the Sansha NPCs by themselves absolutely crushed the players, and many tears followed. I think the idea that the event will be handed to them on a silver platter, and not be pitched through their gut by CCP, is a big thing.

Edit ; Cut out unnecessary paragraphs.
« Last Edit: 12 Nov 2012, 03:42 by Ghost Hunter »
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

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lallara zhuul

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #6 on: 12 Nov 2012, 04:00 »

RP NPCs has always been favourite targets for the players.

Reasons behind it probably vary from person to person, but I think the main reason is boredom.

EVE is fucking boring.

All static sandboxes are.

If somebody brings in a new toy, everybody wants to play with it, the same thing happens with the mad rush for the new ships at expansions, new modules, new content, partially it is about making ISK from those with this kind of behaviour, partially it is about the mind numbing, soul crushing boredom that is EVE.

Only thing that really helps with the boredom on daily basis is other people, but with the state of the RP community (and the EVE community in general) interaction with other people is not that preferable.

Which makes the RP NPCs 'safe' as well.

They won't bankrupt your corp for lols, they won't try to drive you to a loonie bin to 'win' EVE.

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #7 on: 12 Nov 2012, 04:10 »

Being acknowledged by CCP means you made it. You're famous, you're special, and you were in on the history that made EVE. People will forever remember you, like Achilles or Hercules.  It's not the same as being liked or appreciated by your fellow players, unless large numbers of people recognize you. Coincidentally, it's one of the biggest reasons I hate role playing in EVE: everyone is competing for attention and no one is working together to make good experiences happen. But that's just my opinion...
He, true. I am guilty of this myself.

Lallara, is right about the "new shiny" factor too. I still remember how people flocked to A'J when it started and claimed all kind of "lead" positions. When they later found out that they had to do actual work to be in those positions, and that it did not give them any special say in the project per default, they quietly drifted away again.
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  • Wetgraver
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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #8 on: 12 Nov 2012, 06:58 »

He, true. I am guilty of this myself.

Lallara, is right about the "new shiny" factor too. I still remember how people flocked to A'J when it started and claimed all kind of "lead" positions. When they later found out that they had to do actual work to be in those positions, and that it did not give them any special say in the project per default, they quietly drifted away again.

I still dutifully "maintain" the A'J Sleeper History comms channel.  But more on topic, you're absolutely right.  The vast majority of action within the A'J project amounted to what I can only call "jockeying for position."  People want to be involved, they want to have others go "Oh hey, did you know he/she did this/that?"

Personally speaking I got caught up in the thrill of it too.  I'll reiterate what has already been said, CCP events are the most direct, interactive, and engaging way to actually be involved in shaping official EVE lore.  Sure forum discussions, fiction writing, and role play with other players has a chance to be adopted by CCP and tied into something official, but the live events have a much higher chance, I think.  The prospect of getting some input in that, of having some say, of knowing your words or actions were used to guide a response and contribute to the lore is, well, a fool's hope and a fool's excitement.  (Feel free to replace "fool" with any of the following: nerd, dork, geek.)

Lyn Farel

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #9 on: 12 Nov 2012, 13:27 »

Being acknowledged by CCP means you made it. You're famous, you're special, and you were in on the history that made EVE. People will forever remember you, like Achilles or Hercules.  It's not the same as being liked or appreciated by your fellow players, unless large numbers of people recognize you. Coincidentally, it's one of the biggest reasons I hate role playing in EVE: everyone is competing for attention and no one is working together to make good experiences happen. But that's just my opinion...

I was going to say something like that.

RP NPCs has always been favourite targets for the players.

Reasons behind it probably vary from person to person, but I think the main reason is boredom.

EVE is fucking boring.

All static sandboxes are.

If somebody brings in a new toy, everybody wants to play with it, the same thing happens with the mad rush for the new ships at expansions, new modules, new content, partially it is about making ISK from those with this kind of behaviour, partially it is about the mind numbing, soul crushing boredom that is EVE.

Only thing that really helps with the boredom on daily basis is other people, but with the state of the RP community (and the EVE community in general) interaction with other people is not that preferable.

I think you might have hit the nail here.

Alain Colcer

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Re: What is special about CCP events?
« Reply #10 on: 12 Nov 2012, 14:13 »

They are special because its where the rubber meets the road with regards to 'cannon' IC activity intersecting with NPCs.

I can write as many stories and have plots with my IC friends, and thats what most of us do 99% of the time, but opportunities for things that interact directly with factions is extremely limited.

When True Slaves show up on scene and call out a particular capsuleer or group 'hey thanks for helping us do our evil thing' its nice for loyalists to be acknowledged.
